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Blowing Larger Loads


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Lilly Lombard said:
So why according so much importance to the size of your load?

Silly girl, you obviously haven't been reading your daily spam. Men are obsessed about the length and girth of their penis, the size of their balls, the amount of semen they produce, the distance it shoots, and the frequency & tensile strength of their erections.

I have taken every pill under the sun and my penis now drags half a kilometer behind me, is the circumference of an elephant's back leg (African Grey Elephant), I shoot a gallon at a time, can get it up 27 times in the course of an hour when demanded to do so, and when I jizz, it blocks out the sun temporarily. I need a wheelbarrow for my nutsack. Normally, I rent myself out to drill for oil.

Apart from that, the economy is also on men's minds. And hockey.


Dec 12, 2008
jackd1959 said:
Does this really work??? :p if so, thanks for the advice!!! :D :D

I've been told it makes a difference by providers who have been nice enough to CIM my load. Let's see whether the girls can back me up on this...


Jun 25, 2003
Montreal, South Shore
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Load size vs taste

YouVantOption said:
Silly girl, you obviously haven't been reading your daily spam. Men are obsessed about the length and girth of their penis, the size of their balls, the amount of semen they produce, the distance it shoots, and the frequency & tensile strength of their erections.

Apart from that, the economy is also on men's minds. And hockey.
You are right, the size of the load is a male ego concern; wanting to improve the taste of the semen is a way to show concern about the female partner. :)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
old_beginner said:
wanting to improve the taste of the semen is a way to show concern about the female partner. :)

Which is why i might ask a willing partner if she prefers Coca-Cola over Pepsi prior to inquiring about CIM. ;)

wtf is going on?

New Member
Dec 31, 2008
cynical city
wtf is going on?

Doc Holliday said:
Which is why i might ask a willing partner if she prefers Coca-Cola over Pepsi prior to inquiring about CIM. ;)

It is great to see that we are all gentlemen and we go out of our way to make the cim experience as pleasurable as possible for our favorite sp's:)


Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Ben Dover said:
This has been proven to work very well.

I don't know if it's been proven, but some people say it does make a difference (I personaly couldn't care less...). But if you guys are to experience stuff to make your load bigger, at the same time do something that is suppose to work and make a difference : eat pineapples. ;) Also, stop eating curry and garlic.
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Dec 12, 2008
The linked discussion also mentioned that Heineken can make it taste better. Anyone heard of that before?


Aug 7, 2005
Somewhere Between Montreal & NYC
It's not the Quantity it's the Quality

Maria Divina said:

and please, pardon me my curiosity, but I really want to know...

May I ask you a question that definitively only you can answer to me...???

Is the quantity of the "load" make a real big difference about the quality of your orgasm?? or, the significant change is just as I did myself watch about mine: it is just a question of the duration, just to make the orgasm more longuer???

Lilly Lombard said:

So why according so much importance to the size of your load? Really? :confused: As a woman, some days, I can hardly lubricate, some days I get wet, some days I squirt a small amount of fluid and then there are days where I can get the mattress soaking wet... it's not bothering me! I'm not always looking to improve that. It's the way a human body works and I accept it!

I know some men have that fantasy of seeing their loads all over a girl's body but besides that, the amount of sement you are squirting should be irrelevant. It is proven that some men have orgasms without even ejaculating and some men ejaculate without having orgasms. If it's the strong orgasm feeling you are looking for, why not just get a prostate massage? :)

Anyway, good luck!

Release of histamines from body stores is a requirement for achieving orgasm. Often, men and women who cannot reach orgasm respond to Niacin (Vitamin B3), which causes release of these histamines. Histamine release during sexual excitation is what causes the sex flush: blushing in the face neck, shoulders, chest, etc. The histamine released by niacin results in this same flushing effect, whether there is sexual excitation or not.

I take Niacin about 15-30 minutes before engaging in sex to enhance the natural flush in preparation for orgasm. The niacin-caused histamine release also causes the mucous membranes of the mouth and sexual organs to secrete mucus, which enhances the natural mucus formation in response to sexual activity. Since vitamin B-6 is required to turn the amino acid histidine into histamine, taking B-6 and eating foods high in histidine (meats and cheeses) may also be beneficial.

So my scenario with an a beautiful SP goes like this:

I drink pineapple juice the entire day before.
I usually book for 2 hours. I enjoy the conversational foreplay while listening to music together.
I have assorted finger foods, which includes meats and cheeses. I get my B-6 and so does she.
I have a good Red and White wine to enhance the mood.
I usually start partaking in the Oral activities for a good 15-20 minutes.
When there’s a break in the Oral activities and it’s time for the condom, that’s when I pop 500 milligrams of Niacin.

Then I’ll go at it as long as I can until I feel my skin flush red, itch and get hot (see caution below). That’s when it’s time to release; and where I release depends upon her. What ever she is cool with. Some have thanked me for drinking the pineapple juice.;)

Let me tell you something…it works. I may not blow bigger loads but my orgasms are intense and enhanced and they last longer. And when I come down from my Niacin enhanced orgasm, I am so very relaxed and fulfilled. That’s when I really enjoy the after-play with her, which is another reason I usually book for 2 hours.

CAUTION: Niacin has some uncomfortable, although not dangerous, side effects. It causes the skin to flush red, itch, and feel hot. This may last 10-20 minutes. These effects are caused by dilation (widening) of blood vessels and by the release of histamine. These side effects are not harmful. They can be reduced by taking niacin on a full stomach and by starting with very small doses, building up the dose slowly. DO NOT take 500 mg to start. Take 50-100. I like the rush of the hot flush, especially when I time it with my orgasm. What a feeling.

Good Luck



Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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They say lots of water works.
They say lots of Vitamin C also works.

They also say oysters work, and I can confess to it...

Of course, the basics like good sleep patterns, diet and good health are also a must!


Jul 22, 2004
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I’ve been having issues as of late with my ability to release an adequate load of semen. I see only providers and I prefer to finish using that method, preferably finishing on the providers face or breasts.

Lately, I’ve been examining discussions on methods to increase load size. Does anyone have any pointers?:

Aneros + Kegel training

The best kept secrets in the industry


Mar 3, 2006
So why according so much importance to the size of your load? Really? :confused:

It actually does feel better.

Hard to understand for a woman probably but a guy can feel it moving form the base all the way out the end. It feels incredible when there's more of it and it's thicker.

It's just a delicious tickling sensation.

All I can say is "Wow" ... no other way to describe it. ;)


New Member
Jun 9, 2008
Here's my experience dealing with this:

Aminos like Arginine and Lysine help give you rock hard erections but do nothing for sperm volume.

Vitamin E definitely helps. I've read you can safely take up to ,1200 mg per day. There are some issues in overdoing it. It thins the blood and can result in easy bleeding in some people. There are different grades of Vitamin E too that can effect quality.

Zinc does nothing for volume but I understand is good for sperm cell motility and prostate health.

Selenium is like ZInc. I think there's good reason to not overdue trace minerals like zinc and selenium and to get most of that from food.

Ginseng. I have tried it for general vitality but never noticed any effect on sperm volume.

Raw garlic is supposed to increase sperm count. Also a natural antibiotic and antiviral. But who's going to want to get close enough after you've eaten this?

Drinking lots of water helps. I've read also that eating strawberries and drinking pineapple juice improves flavor of the sperm and that dairy products and meat products have the opposite effect.

A good diet and of course not coming for a day or two help too.

Ayurvedic medicine supposedly has some solutions but I have no experience with those.
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New Member
Jun 20, 2007
Pineapple for taste, celery for volume...

Someone once told me to eat celery regularly for a few days before calling on your favourite sp. I kid you not, I notice a big increase in the size of the load released. 2 or 3 stalks of celery a day for 3 or 4 days, and don't pull your dick for the same time, and you'll do just fine..

Leopold Stotch

New Member
Aug 12, 2005
Someone once told me to eat celery regularly for a few days before calling on your favourite sp. I kid you not, I notice a big increase in the size of the load released. 2 or 3 stalks of celery a day for 3 or 4 days, and don't pull your dick for the same time, and you'll do just fine..

I'm thinking not pulling on your dick for 4 days is what gives you larger loads, not the celery.:D


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
It is funny to see all the recipes, medications, and magic formulas. This is so typical of our society where we think that a simple pill will do miracles.

Here is what I found over all those years.

Larger loads must first be defined: they can mean heavy and tick loads, or a big number of shots of clearer cum, or a mixture of both.

For heavy and tick loads, the trick is to not cum for at least a week. Longer than that seems to provide no big improvements.

For numerous shots, you need to bring yourself to the edge of coming, and stay on that edge for the longest time possible (over 30 minutes). This will usually produce many shots (10-15). But the longer you stay on that edge, the clearer the cum. And no need to wait a week between events. It can work even daily if you have the time and patience to follow the pattern.

If you do both, you get many shots of thicker cum.

To answer Maria Divina who asked if the load increases the quality of orgasm, I must say that it sure does. Actually, the best orgasm is the one using the method #2: stay on the edge for the longest time. But this method has these facts:

- it is easy to do when masturbating (your in full control, all you need is good will)

- it is difficult to achieve with penetration with partner: when you reach that edge, you must slow down the pace for a while, and you have to be very careful not to let go. Very difficult as excitement is at its peek.

- when pushed to the limit and stopping, it can lead to letting go many "drops" (overflow) that look like you are coming while it is not actually "it" yet. It may look like multiple come shots!

Hm... Too many details here?

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