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Boards Discussion

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Nov 15, 2005
Fat Happy Buddha said:
......... In the chatroom on Monday, Shijak and Begbie were joking about a "stripper of the month award". Wouldn't that be nice if it could be pulled off?
And if the winner does something unbecoming of a stripper, does she get stripped of her title ? :)

....sorry, could not help myself :)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ziggy Montana said:
Son intervention était d'une agressivité qui dépassait tout ce qu'il a pu nous montrer dans le passé: il a effacé le fil et, dans le même processus, en a profité pour me bannir sans évoquer de raison, sans doute parce que j'ai défié son autorité en soulignant l'hypocrisie du geste.

Une ou deux blagues passent mais les attaques (vraiment cheap) envers Helene ayant gradué au niveau de la culture du forum bleu, ont produit un effet rébarbatif assez puissant pour que je m'en éloigne, malgré des qualités que j'ai toujours reconnues à ce forum.

On aura beau avoir la carapace solide et savoir se détacher des forums, il y a tout de même des limites à se faire humilier.

J'ignorait que tu avais ete recemment bannis du site bleu. Bref, j'ai pris la decision de ne jamais plus y retourner, meme pas pour verifier ce qui ait ete dit. J'ai en plus informe mes copains que je ne suis absolument pas interesse a savoir ce qui ce passe la-bas et ca inclu ce qu'ils disent de moi. Ils peuvent dire que j'ai un queue de 14 pouces et que j'y ai perdu ma chemise si ils le veulent. Ils peuvent dire que j'ai ete marrie 4 fois et que j'ai 8 enfants. Je m'en fiche carremet et j'ai quitte car j'etais tanne de jouer le singe dans cette atmosphere de zoo infernale.

Les gens peuvent penser et dire ce qu'ils voudront de toi, Ziggy. Ce qui demeure est le fait que tu es un collaborateur souvent brillant et que tu es un des rares que je peux avouer qui connait pas mal la 'game'. J'ai juste a me rappeller de ta revue ecrit sous la langue de Moliere a propos de tous les filles que tu aient vu l'an dernier et j'admet que ca frolait le genie. Rare est-ce qu'une revue sur ces tableaux m'est tant inspiree et si jamais un jours je decide de recommencer a ecrire des revues, je me servirai d'elle comme modele. Un peu comme les Beatles s'ayant servi de l'album "Pet Sounds" des Beach Boys lorsqu'ils ont fait l'excellent "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."

En parlant d'Helene, j'ignorais dans le temps les mechantes choses ecrites a son sujet. Pour etre franc, je ne visitais plus les tableaux trop souvents lorsque c'etait arrive. Elle m'en parlait et je lui disait d'ignorer toutes les conneries ecrites a son sujet par une bande de cons. Si eux ils n'avaient aucune classe, que c'etait pas a elle de se rabaisser et jouer leur jeux d'enfants. C'est eux qui paraissent le pire dans le fond et la pire chose qu'on peut faire contre nous-memes c'est de tomber dans le piege et jouer leur jeux. Une chose est certaine: cette jeune dame a bien plus de classe que cette bande d'ecerveles qui ont une vie tellement platte et contre-productive qu'ils n'ont vraiment rien de bon a faire que de rire, harceller et de se moquer des autres et de partir toutes sortes de rumeurs a propos des gens sans defenses ou de gens qui ont longtemps laches la serviette. C'est ca qu'on appelle etre une bande de jaunes.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Ben merci, c'est trop gentil. Je te retourne sincèrement les mêmes compliments: tes compte-rendus ont toujours été lus avec intérêt et agrément; toujours très bien écrits, chargés d'érotisme mais respectueux néanmoins. Ils ont été plus d'une fois à l'origine de mes propres rencontres ("ben si Doc le dit, c'est que ça doit être vrai!")

Helene. Je pense que tu n'es pas sans savoir que la demoiselle a du tempérament et qu'elle ne s'en laisse pas imposer. Mais il vient un moment, ou' les imbécilités répétées de deux individus qui font chacun deux fois l'âge d'Helene (des gars que je respectais à une époque), jouent sur le moral. Qui est prompt à la risposte finit toujours par s'écoeurer, pas seulement des attaques ciblées, mais de tout.
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2-2 in bans... loser...
Ziggy Montana said:
Blue, it's over... No further comment.

Ziggy Montana said:
OK, now this is really my final comment about the other board.

Ziggy Montana said:
My own request to have my handle changed to "Guest", as in the recent case of another member, was ignored and rapidly followed by my ban for, quote unquote, "no reason". Reminds me of the boss preempting his employee's resignation by firing him but I'm aware that the reality might be better represented by the model of an advertiser pressing the chief editor to fire his columnist.

Ziggy Montana said:
J'ai été banni du forum bleu, les deux seules fois ou' j'ai sorti l'histoire qui a fait la récente manchette. ...blah blah blah...

Now I'm sure mod7 (aka Ziggy) will delete this post as usual even if it is not mean as a one-liner, confrontational, bait, etc...

I'm just curious as to what point you will actually take your statements seriously about no more talk of the blue board? You seem to have an obsession about it and as usual you don't back up your talk with any action.

Just questioning it....


2-2 in bans... loser...
Ziggy Montana said:
J'ai été banni du forum bleu, les deux seules fois ou' j'ai sorti l'histoire qui a fait la récente manchette. Bien que, les deux fois, j'aie fait des pieds et des mains pour bien faire comprendre mon véritable propos (pas autant la magouille que j'ai décrite que les dommages collatéraux occasionnés par la dite magouille), on aura jamais manqué, du côté de l'administration et des quelques vassaux peuplant ce forum, de m'imputer le rôle du fouteur de merde. Soit.

Actually you got banned back in February 2007 for shilling, causing crap (on both boards at that time may I add) and trying to hack into another user's account. Then you claimed that it was Tom that used one of your duplicate handles that did a 3rd shill (or something like that).

People can also check the suspensions thread here to see that in Aug 2006 and then again in Nov 2006 you were banned here (and you seemed to relish the second one on the other board by using "Yes again" as your custom user title).

If you're gonna make claims, make the right ones instead of using selective memory.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
hornyanglo66 said:
Actually you got banned back in February 2007 for shilling, causing crap (on both boards at that time may I add) and trying to hack into another user's account. Then you claimed that it was Tom that used one of your duplicate handles that did a 3rd shill (or something like that).

People can also check the suspensions thread here to see that in Aug 2006 and then again in Nov 2006 you were banned here (and you seemed to relish the second one on the other board by using "Yes again" as your custom user title).

If you're gonna make claims, make the right ones instead of using selective memory.
It seems Mr. Ziggy has at least one poster obsessed with his actions. Mr. HornyAnglo has nothing else going on in his life? Or has he none? Mr. Ziggy shilling? We are quite amused.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Fat Happy Buddha said:
Finally, I like the idea of a "best escort review" section. It encourages quality reviews and rewards members who pay extra attention to quality.
I don't believe anyone has ever said anything about the other board's not having some interesting features. The review of the month thread, for one, is certainly something I would like to see here, for the reasons you gave.

Other likeable features:
- Avatar: personalizes every member instead of all looking like Mao's children. :p
- Board Stats: don't ask why but I have fun reading those...
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Why You Were Banned

Ziggy Montana said:
My own request to have my handle changed to "Guest", as in the recent case of another member, was ignored and rapidly followed by my ban for, quote unquote, "no reason". Reminds me of the boss preempting his employee's resignation by firing him but I'm aware that the reality might be better represented by the model of an advertiser pressing the chief editor to fire his columnist.

ZM the reason why you were banned is rather obvious to anyone with street sense.

In the thread in question re-read the first five pages within the context of the rest of the thread and you crossed the line. If you haven't figured out how certain of your posts may have been perceived or the implied tinge then I am not going to explain it to you on a public board. Sometimes you get to cute with words and in this case it may have worked against you.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
eastender said:
ZM the reason why you were banned is rather obvious to anyone with street sense.

In the thread in question re-read the first five pages within the context of the rest of the thread and you crossed the line. If you haven't figured out how certain of your posts may have been perceived or the implied tinge then I am not going to explain it to you on a public board. Sometimes you get to cute with words and in this case it may have worked against you.
Sorry, pal, you couldn't possibly be more wrong. If his "infraction" occurred in the first five pages, please explain how the thread managed to survive for 13 more? You, Eastender, have a remarkable skill for believing what you want to believe, evidence to the contrary.

The thread was removed in the immediate aftermath of that board's being called out by Doc Holliday, EagerBeaver and more, all of the aforementioned choosing to leave that board for good for reasons already given. The administrator, embarrassed and looking for cover, had a brain hemmorhoid, removed the thread. Ziggy questioned the removal, asked to have his handle and posts removed, the administrator banned.

Two and two. Simple logic. But if you really, really want to believe otherwise, help yourself.
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
J'aimais bien l'idee de la 'revue du mois' au debut, m'en fiche ces temps-ci. J'en ai perdu le gout lorsque j'ai appris l'automne dernier qu'on ne pouvait remporter l'honneur qu'une seule fois. Mais au moins, c'etait une idee qui avait de l'originalite.
EB a gagné le titre a quelques reprises, indiquant que cette politique a dû changer en cours de route.

p.s. For the record, my ban occured seconds after I posted in the No More Robeline thread.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
Ziggy, si jamais je commence a agir de la sorte....s'il te plait, donne moi une bonne giffle et rapelle moi que je suis un adulte responsable qui approche la cinquantaine et que je devais y en agir ainsi. :D
Je doute que j'aie à le faire dans ton cas. Je l'ai fait cependant une fois, lors du "Eggsgate" alors que d'autres morons se sont mis à célébrer joyeusement l'humiliation faite, par l'un de leurs pairs, à une prostituée de rue. Le geste n'avait rien de bien grave quoique je me sentais le besoin d'intervenir pour montrer que ce genre d'acte n'aura pas licence de droit. Bien entendu, j'ai soulevé l'ire des aficionados de la rue et celle aussi de l'administrateur qui m'ont pris à parti (il leur fallait bien un handicap :D ). Je suis reconnaisant de l'apui que j'ai reçu alors de GG, Regnad, Anik et Roland, qui n'ont pas eu peur de se mouiller.


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
One thing I never understood is why the boards aren't even mentioned by name on the competing board... why the taboo?

Mod 7

Retired Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
It's interesting to see how short a period of time it takes before a thread degenerates. Unattended no more than 5 hours.

Hornyanglo66, eastender, Doc Holliday and Ziggy. Some of your post have been removed. Please consider this as a first warning before suspensions are issued. I had left this thread open to discuss about the pros and cons of the different Montreal boards, not to start bashing MERC or MERB.

If anyone of you (in general) is not happy with one of the board, just stop using it. Constructive criticism is acceptable and welcome. Constant whining and bitching is not.

Please behave like you're all supposed to be: ADULTS.

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Mod 7

Retired Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
hornyanglo66 said:
Now I'm sure mod7 (aka Ziggy) will delete this post as usual even if it is not mean as a one-liner, confrontational, bait, etc...
Ziggy Montana said:
Even more amused that he believes I'm Mod 7 whereas everyone knows I'm actually Mod 5.

You should all stop assuming and just let us do our job, whoever we are. Our identity shouldn't make a difference, our actions do.

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Mod 7 said:
Hornyanglo66, eastender, Doc Holliday and Ziggy. Some of your post have been removed. Please consider this as a first warning before suspensions are issued. I had left this thread open to discuss about the pros and cons of the different Montreal boards, not to start bashing MERC or MERB.

If anyone of you (in general) is not happy with one of the board, just stop using it. Constructive criticism is acceptable and welcome. Constant whining and bitching is not.

So why did you start this thread in my name! in the first place? I thought the name of this thread which you started was boards discussion ? Arent' whining & bitching elements usually present in a discussion? Especially considering that the name of the thread which you selected was "boards discussion". Did you expect that people would rise up & suddenly start praising the boards without criticizing & whining about them? If you don't want any "whining & bitching" in the thread, you might as well just get rid of it.

p.s. You're right in regards to the mods. None of us should give a shit who the mods are and let the mods do their jobs. It's totally irrelevant who the mods are if they're doing their jobs properly & not letting it get to their heads.
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Mod 7

Retired Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
So why the hell did you start this thread in my name! in the first place?
Doc, please take a look at this post of mine, explaining how this thread was started:

Mod 7 said:
The posts above were in the FKS thread.

Please note: This discussion won`t be allowed to stay open nor stay around very long. There is no place for this here.


Doc Holliday said:
I thought the name of this thread which you started was boards discussion ?

Yes, "Boards discussion". That excludes whining, bitching, bashing, etc.

As I wrote to someone already (not in the exact same words), other board administrators would have happily allowed a thread bashing MERB to go on forever. Not here. When the thread starts bitching at individuals, be it Helene, Tom, other posters of MERC and what not, it`s very close to crossing the line.

We want the board to be interesting to read in a positive way, not be like what the robeline thread had become on the blue board, or some tabloids people read to get the latest sensationalist story about artists, politicians and other famous people. See what I mean?

In retrospect, I may have let this thread stand up too long already.

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