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bob crane??


Apr 20, 2003
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Seems that all of bob's posts and threads are gone.
and that he has moved and taken all his reviews and comments with him.
Say it ain't so bob, you leaving us with nothing to remember you by?

We are also losing alot of complete threads which he had started.

Anyone have copies of his reviews?

Moderator is there no way to keep the threads he had started, and eliminate his postings?


Mod 2

Bob is no longer a member of this board.

By deleting his user account, all of his posts disappeared as well.

Please do not ask me for the reasons behind his departure or deletion, as I just noticed just like you. I can however tell you that his MERB account does not exist anymore, which indicates interaction with a MERB administrator (most probably at Bob's request).

Hope this answers your question.



New Member
Aug 16, 2003
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Bob Crane wrote he was leaving Mtl.


New Member
Aug 2, 2003
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Re: What happened?

Originally posted by jimmy_the_gent
What happened to bob?
I guess some people were on holiday at the time. In a message posted on July 26th, 2004, in a thread now deleted, Bob Crane wrote:

The reign of crane will soon be over.

Although it hardly ranks up there with the retirement of
Gehrig or the assasination of Lincoln, I just wanted to let
all you lads and ladies know that it is now about as definite
as a bad attitude in a Russian salon: Mr. bobcat cornelius
crane will be leaving Montreal in the very near future.

It's been a fun ride all these many, many months. I will enjoy
stopping by from time-to-time to say hello, but my days as a
reviewer are severely numbered. Perhaps I can squeeze out a
couple more write-ups before the boxes are sealed and stuffed
in the trunk, the map unfolded and the wood panelled,
backfiring station wagon revved and ready to roll, but anyone
who has moved long-distance knows that it takes a bite out of
the budget.

Until next time, I wish everyone plenty of sane and safe and
satisfying hobby experiences.

bob "not dead yet, but left to linger a while longer on life
support" crane


Apr 20, 2003
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Eager I will explain.
Besides being a gifted writer, Bob crane was also a prolific review poster and thread starter.
ALL of the threads he started, including those that you and I contributed to are gone as well.
As well the mega threads he started are gone too.
Some of us do find this disconcerting as now when we go to the archives or do a search on someone/ somewhere there is nothing.
a tremendous amount of information is lost.
It is his option to delete his reviews and posts, I just wish that the threads he had started were still here, even without his reviews.

just my opinion

Mod 2

Unfortunately no. If you ask Fred to delete your account (something I can not do), ALL of your posts will go away with it. If you want to leave some posts behind, you will have to manually delete them (unless Fred has a different solution, with the tools he has at his disposal), and leave your account active.



Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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This is a good reason not to post reviews all under one 'LUXURE' or 'SatinDreams'. The person who started that thread has only to choose to hit 'edit' and then delete the entire thread of 200 or so posts.

Its much better to search for a name and have to go thru 50 seperate least they are there for you to look thru....

Retiring a name? Why? If you choose to leave the board, why go thru the bother of requesting your handle to be retired? Unless its some personal reason.....canceling your handle to cut that emotional link..... 'my shrink told me to do this' isnt an excuse. Just turn off the computer.
Last edited:

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Originally posted by breadman
This is a good reason not to post reviews all under one 'LUXURE' or 'SatinDreams'. The person who started that thread has only to choose to hit 'edit' and then delete the entire thread of 200 or so posts.

This is the exact reason why I usually post reviews under a new thread rather than into a megathread that may be gone in a flash.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
But some peoples loves to flame when a post is done about somebody who already have a megathread...

I am for the new post, unless it's a review of somebody reviewed in the last few days and that previous review is still visible on the first page. It's easier to follow, you are not stuck seeing stuff that is too old to be relevant and there are less chances to end-up in a thread that deviated from the original goal of the title... Like this one!
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