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Boobs versus butts


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Probably cause there are more blacks in US. And blacks are known to LOVE ass far more than boobs.


New Member
Nov 30, 2010
Just looking at where in the world those two are liked better, it's easy to say that people prefer butts in countries where those are more common. African and latina women have usually bigger butts than most white women found in Canada. And since there are a lot of them both in the US, combined with what man77777 pointed out, black men usually like big butts, (as the song seem to indicate :p), it seems obvious.

Also, note that the more north you're headed, the more men prefer boobs. This would also seem to correlate with this theory, as there are a lot more latina in southern US. That, and there are more beaches. This might help entertain the fantasy. :) And yes, there are also boobs on beaches, but since there are not a lot of big all year-long beaches here, we don't see much butts in our everyday lives, except for a few months in the summer and even then, boobs are showing a lot more than butts in everyday clothes.

And yes, I would think that what people like in real life, that's also what they are looking for online. Although I am a big boobs lover myself, I tend to navigate more on the butts side these days. I guess your preferences might change.

Anyways, that's my theory :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am not Black but I love women with big ass and small boobs. Never been a fan of big boobs. Maybe that is why I love Black and Latina women. Lol


Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
One thing that struck me is that rich, developed countries overwhelmingly seem to prefer boobs. The big exception to this being the USA...
While third-world or less-developed countries generally go for butts. India and Southeast Asia being the exceptions.

Very different cultures, same preference. Weird. :noidea:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
developed countries overwhelmingly seem to prefer boobs. The big exception to this being the USA...
India and Southeast Asia being the exceptions.

Very different cultures, same preference. Weird. :noidea:

It is simpler then that. People who prefer White girls tend to prefer boobs to ass and people to Black girls tend to prefer ass. Please note that the US has a much higher number of Blacks then any other developed country. Go to the northeastern seaboard there are many many Blacks. I saw many stripclubs catered to ghetto Black girls with big ass. In Canada it is common for White sex workers to get boob implants in the US it is common for sex workers there to get ass implants. As for India men there are into White girls usually which explains why they are the exception.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
The best boobs/butt proportion I met was Leah (Nadya). If you guys lookin' for an incredible body, she's the one..


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Interesting geographical differences in the porn preference of boobs versus butts.


Hmmm, it looks like I agree with my ancestors instead of my countrymen. When I think about this question it seems like it's very difficult to choose. I like both just about as much. But then when I think about what grabs my attention the fastest it's not hard at all and it's definitely boobs. It doesn't matter too much what size they are, though bigger does make it hotter, but really I love small to large as long as the have that swelling ripe fruit about to fall off the branch form...plums, peaches, pumpkins...whatever. :eyebrows: Perfect Ripe. Astonishing.

BTW - EYES! You don't need very special boobs or butts when she has gorgeous magic eyes...and smile. WHEW!!!




Jan 18, 2014
I'm from Canada and I'd always liked boobs more than butts but I had begun liking butts not too long ago (after fucking this tall white chick with an awesome ass...4 hours straight and she was lovin it) and since my recent encounter with the curvy Amanda Roy and doing Grk for the first time I am beginning to like butts even more...but that doesn't cancel out my love for titties either. Yum yum yum.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
I'm from Canada and I'd always liked boobs more than butts but I had begun liking butts not too long ago (after fucking this tall white chick with an awesome ass...4 hours straight and she was lovin it) and since my recent encounter with the curvy Amanda Roy and doing Grk for the first time I am beginning to like butts even more...but that doesn't cancel out my love for titties either. Yum yum yum.

J'arrive a la demi décennie et je suis toujours attirer par une fille qui a des gros seins naturels et un petit cul de course... En autant que la fille est assez mince. Malheureusement avec l'âge, la plus part des femmes semblent prendre de l'expansion a la hauteur du bassin... Une chance que nous avons des belles escortes ainsi que des adorables danseuses.:thumb:

Je n'ai jamais fait le Greek et j'en ai aucunement l'intention ni intérêts même si j'ai déjà eu plusieurs offres mais, je ne me lasse pas de caresser et de flatter de beau gros seins ainsi que de planter mon visage dans une belle paire pour m'en délecter. :eek:

Suis-je normal ?



Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
i do enjoy a good set of breasts but i prefer the round firm booty with the neverending legs. a great butt takes dedication to achieve while a set of big boobs is mostly through genetics. a dedicated girl is quite attractive


Jan 18, 2014
J'arrive a la demi décennie et je suis toujours attirer par une fille qui a des gros seins naturels et un petit cul de course... En autant que la fille est assez mince. Malheureusement avec l'âge, la plus part des femmes semblent prendre de l'expansion a la hauteur du bassin... Une chance que nous avons des belles escortes ainsi que des adorables danseuses.:thumb:

Je n'ai jamais fait le Greek et j'en ai aucunement l'intention ni intérêts même si j'ai déjà eu plusieurs offres mais, je ne me lasse pas de caresser et de flatter de beau gros seins ainsi que de planter mon visage dans une belle paire pour m'en délecter. :eek:

Suis-je normal ?


Tout a fait normale. Pour moi je pense que c'tait a cause aussi du fait que je commencait de voir la pornographie, bcp de ass-fucking puis je trouve au moins dans les videos (qui ne traduit necessairement pas dans la realiter) que quand les femmes aiments ca dans le cul (lol) ca l'air qu'elles adorent tellement cela. The moaning and that pleasure you feel she feels is sensational.

J'ai toujours aimer les seins et je crois que les gouts changent avec le temps (pour moi en tout cas). Avant, j'ai jamais aimer le cul, je savais meme pas pourquoi quelques hommes ont dit "check son cul" etc mais peut-etre avec le temps, et le conditionnement par internet, et aussi ceux qu'on a entendu des autres, je l'apprecie de plus en plus.


Oct 26, 2011
If I was asked 5 years ago I would have said breasts, but now I am somewhat conflicted about the question and my answer changes daily between the two.
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