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Britney Spears – Shaved Head

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Her trailer trash attitude and lack of intelligence was much more fun when she was hot... Now it's just depressing...



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Reports say that she has re-entered re-hab. Let's see how it lasts this time...


Mar 3, 2006
Did you ever watch a movie ....

...and a 1/2 hour or 45 minutes into it, you already know how the story is going to end?

This woman/girl is well on her way to being the next Anna Nicole Smith.

What amazes me is that people will still be surprised when it happens.

And somehow the whole blond, Marilyn-esque wig thing just makes it that much creepier.

If someone spends their whole life developing who & what they are on the outside, but never growing inside, then what do they have to stand on?

If a girl is taught from a young age that beauty & looks & image are everything, what does she have left when she's not a cute, little girl anymore?

It's scary for someone her age to realize that no one really knows her.

Think how scary it is to realize that you don't even know yourself.

Just like a suicide attempt is said to be a cry for help, such a delibrate and bizarre act of self-mutilation is not something to take lightly.

"It's just hair! What's the bid deal?"

If you spent your whole life making a living at being a 'Barbie-Doll' , then cutting your hair off ain't that far off from slashing your own wrists. If anything it's career suicide. Social suicide. (OMG - no more invites to Paris' private parties)

But maybe that's what she wants. Maybe that's what she needs. It's really just a way of saying "stop looking at just what's on the outside".

I know some friends who have survived situations in ther life where they reached "the bottom" at some point. One of them said that once you hit the the bottom, life is great - because everwhere you go after that is up. In that respect, let's hope that she really has hit bottom.

P.S. - as an aside to this post, I'm just wondering if anyone has seen any news stories about late-night talk show host Craig Ferguson regarding this whole Britney media circus / traffic-accident report.

The guy makes his living at comedy and he's absolutely hysterical.

But he has made an announcement that, after seeing the photos of this girls' haircutting escapade, he will not make any jokes about her behaviour on his show. Both out of respect for her privacy, and sympathy for the situation she's in since he, himself, had his own personal struggles with substance abuse.

Huh! Now ain't that something?!?

Can it be that the entertainment & media industry has finally realized that it's reached it's own personal "low point" and that there's no way to go but up? Just something to think about. If anything it would be a bright light at the end of a long tunnel.

I guess I just have a knack for finding silver linings in all dark clouds ;)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Esco! said:
And I'm sure you were an angel in your teens and 20's, right Techman??? :p

Hello Esco,

Despite recognition of our own personal quirks and flaws it can be tough to be understanding of someone like Brittney Spears who has at least every material comfort and security anyone could dream for themselves.


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Esco! said:
And I'm sure you were an angel in your teens and 20's, right Techman??? :p

No, I wasn't. But I wasn't the mother of two young children, divorced twice before the age of 26, and the role model of many thousands of young girls either. If these people want the success they have, they have to realize that there is a certain amount of responsibility that comes with it. They do everything to attract the papparazzi and get their face in the news, and then they bitch about it after and blame the press for their problems. She's not a child, she's supposed to be a grown woman. Not my fault if she can't handle growing up.

Look at Christina Aguilera for example...when a young girl told her that she found Christina's piercings 'scary', she took it to heart and had them all removed. She realized the effect she has on her young fans and takes it seriously.

EDIT: Trailer trash update... from MSN...

In a stunning case of instant rehabilitation, Britney is out of rehab - less than 24 hours after entering for a second time.

'Entertainment Tonight' just reported that the starlet has left Promises in Malibu, but details as to her next move haven't been revealed.

Stay tuned!

Not and out of two rehab centers in less than a week! Must be some kind of record!
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

No, she's just self-centered, spoiled, and a terrible mother to two very unfortunate children. She may not be 'bad' in the same way as Harding or Homolka but if she doesn't straighten herself out she will destroy the lives of her innocent kids, and that certainly doesn't make her 'good'. If someone makes the decision to have children the least she can do is care for them. Especially considering the upstanding individual she chose to be their father and the fact that she has the means to give them a very good upbringing. All I see right now is another Anna-Nicole Smith in the making. A sad situation for the children but I have no pity for Britney herself. I just hope she doesn't decide to have any more children.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
The trouble is....

Hello all,

The trouble here is this "lady" went straight from being a teenager, with all the "I know more than anyone else" character traits so common with that age, to being a pop superstar having no real reason or need to shift into true adulthood and all the humbling responsibilities that come out of being forced to deal with the real world. She got access to the world of "I can have it all" too young. Unfortunately, something in her personality, those around her, or the overwhelming spotlight of celebrity blocked any opportunity for her to be a more reality aware and mature person. Sound famliliar...who can say...Michael Jackson...and many others. Well, I am not saying she is totally lost, but she does need to get in much more touch with the realities on this planet in this dimension. However, it's not all of her fault. Others around her, from sycophants, to tabloids, to fans helped create this brand of Brittney Spears. Some others should also take a shameful bow for who she is now.




New Member
Jul 26, 2005
She's guilty of stupidity but not much else. Any potential harm she causes her own children will because she is stupid, confused and immature - not because she is evil as was the case with Homolka's involvement in the cases involving her own sister and other young girls. Unluckily for Brit, her every move is caught on 109 cameras whereas Karla's far worse sins were not public until after the fact. While I have no respect for Brit, I also harbor her no ill will whereas I do think Karla deserves anything bad that happens to her. It seems strange that a reasonably bright guy like Techman appears to have more sympathy for Karla than for Brit, as expressed in comparing his entries in this thread and the Homolka one. By the way, it's a sad commentary that a non-story like Brit's slide gets so much attention everywhere including here.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
No evidence? Driving with her kid sitting on her lap, almost dropping her kid because she didn't want to spill the drink that was in her other hand, spending more time running around with Paris Hilton than with her kids, being seen numerous times out partying in bars instead of home with her kids...not to mention the numerous interviews given by people, including former nannies, that she spends little time with her children. In and out of two rehab centers in less than a week, spending less than 24 hours in each and shaving her head bald in between visits. Yup, there's no evidence at all. Sounds like she's a very stable person and a great mother.:rolleyes:

As far as comparing Homolka to Spears, there is no comparison. One is a convicted criminal who served her time and wants to be left alone and the other is a pop star who has courted the attention from the press her entire life. I have no pity for Homolka, I just think she should be left alone. If Spears decided to raise her children and live a normal life I would also say leave her alone. Other famous stars eeem to be able to raise a family with out the drama the Britney creates. But she chooses to publicly make an ass out of herself and apparently neglect her children and leave them for others to care for. No pity for her.

And I agree with Korbel that others should also share some of the blame. But she is the mother of her children and the responsibility is hers. If she can't take it, the kids should be with their father. I don't think he could do a worse job.
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
I agree with JC, she's guilty of stupidity and probably, lack of maturity. These kids are probably surrounded by a bunch of nannys and such so, their safety probably isn't at risk this much.
But if a custody battle start, this will only push Brit deeper in despair. Shure, dad want to do best for the kids but asking full custody isn't the way to go. Maybe he could ask partial custody on the ground where Brit goes to a full detox and stay the full time (she bailed from Malibu yesterday) and after detox, she gets followed by psychiatrist. Whn she's better, she can have the kids back.
But we have to think $$$$$$ also. KF want support money for the kids and spousal support. What better way than pushing her over the line and getting full custody?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Apparently, according to the usual 'insiders', she shaved her head because Federline told her that family services would have her hair tested for traces of drugs. This seems to have triggered the current round of panicked behaviour. Now Federline is going to try for custody of the kids in an emergency hearing. Was this a calculated plot on his part or did she just flip out when threatened with the possibility?

EDIT: Breaking news....Britney back in rehab and Federline's emergency hearing has been cancelled. Maybe the third time will be the charm?
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Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Techman -- just goes to show what a moron she is. They don't need to test a hair from her head to know she's been using... They can test any hair on her entire body. I guess it's time for the full body wax :) better remember to wax the insides of her nose and ears too... what a dumbass. I feel sorry for her -- but not that sorry.

I do however agree with Craig Ferguson. I think he and other talk show host would be doing everyone (including her) a favor by pretending she doesn't exist.



New Member
Jul 28, 2005
britney the trend setter

She has been an influential trendsetter. Remember it was she who got everyone to wear low cut jeans to expose the belly button.

Now after this escapade, don't be surprised to see fashion conscience young girls sporting bald heads with kiss tattoos.

get with it babies


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Off topic or not but, in Canada, Québec even more, stars are allowed to live their life in private, without being bothered by papparazi or crasy fans. This is something that even big international stars noticed, to the point of some going shopping without body guards and not getting annoyed beside lots of smile, peoples waving, pointing, saying hello and a few autograph request. Stars also say Canadians are less agressive with them, in the sense of not jumping all over them. Who's this celebrity couple who bought some land in Tremblant? Why there and not let's say Colorado? Lots of snow for skying there too!

Where I'm going with this is, it must be very difficult not being able to lift a finger without the entire word knowing about it. This is what it is in the states for those stars. At what point do you flip-out and figures "Ok, you want some sensationnal stuff? Here you go!"

How much responsibility does media have for these stars flipping-out? Should there be privacy laws allowing to live in peace? Medias put them on a pedestal and then throw them down even faster, as soon as an occasion present itself.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The thing is that when these 'tartlets' are busy working their way up the ladder, they'll do anything to attract the papparazi's attention. Then when they've made it big, it's 'stop bothering me...leave me alone!' Well they can't have it both ways. She's made a mess of her life all by herself. She could have moved out of the public eye after having her first baby, in fact her family urged her to do so. But she refused because she couldn't stay away from the limelight. She made her choice and now she's reaping the results. There are many other stars, some more and some less famous than her, who don't seem to have these problems. Maybe she should turn to scientology and have Tom Cruise and John Travolta look out for her.
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