Did you ever watch a movie ....
...and a 1/2 hour or 45 minutes into it, you already know how the story is going to end?
This woman/girl is well on her way to being the next Anna Nicole Smith.
What amazes me is that people will still be surprised when it happens.
And somehow the whole blond, Marilyn-esque wig thing just makes it that much creepier.
If someone spends their whole life developing who & what they are on the outside, but never growing inside, then what do they have to stand on?
If a girl is taught from a young age that beauty & looks & image are everything, what does she have left when she's not a cute, little girl anymore?
It's scary for someone her age to realize that no one really knows her.
Think how scary it is to realize that you don't even know yourself.
Just like a suicide attempt is said to be a cry for help, such a delibrate and bizarre act of self-mutilation is not something to take lightly.
"It's just hair! What's the bid deal?"
If you spent your whole life making a living at being a 'Barbie-Doll' , then cutting your hair off ain't that far off from slashing your own wrists. If anything it's career suicide. Social suicide. (OMG - no more invites to Paris' private parties)
But maybe that's what she wants. Maybe that's what she needs. It's really just a way of saying "stop looking at just what's on the outside".
I know some friends who have survived situations in ther life where they reached "the bottom" at some point. One of them said that once you hit the the bottom, life is great - because everwhere you go after that is up. In that respect, let's hope that she really has hit bottom.
P.S. - as an aside to this post, I'm just wondering if anyone has seen any news stories about late-night talk show host Craig Ferguson regarding this whole Britney media circus / traffic-accident report.
The guy makes his living at comedy and he's absolutely hysterical.
But he has made an announcement that, after seeing the photos of this girls' haircutting escapade, he will not make any jokes about her behaviour on his show. Both out of respect for her privacy, and sympathy for the situation she's in since he, himself, had his own personal struggles with substance abuse.
Huh! Now ain't that something?!?
Can it be that the entertainment & media industry has finally realized that it's reached it's own personal "low point" and that there's no way to go but up? Just something to think about. If anything it would be a bright light at the end of a long tunnel.
I guess I just have a knack for finding silver linings in all dark clouds