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Britney Spears – Shaved Head


New Member
Mar 18, 2006


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
Slippery_When_Oiled said:
And it's not just a rehab center ... the place is called Promises Residential Treatment Center and it sounds like a high-end resort. The cost for the 30-day treatment is US$48,000 (that's US$1,600 per day).

News Report:

Rehab Center's Website:

I've never been addicted to anything that bad, nor am I a psychologist, but to me it only sounds like a resort. Is it not just another 'vacation' to escape from the pressures of reality?

Besides even if they were to have some sort of group AA meetings "Hi, my name is Britney. I am a [insert addiction/stupid behavior here]." How helpful would it be to anyone to have Spears in that group? Would her fame not follow her there and people (yes, probably other stars) would be more interested in gossip then actually going through therapy?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The reason she checked in to rehab again is that Federline gave her no choice. It was either that or he went ahead with the emergency hearing and would have taken the kids away. It seems the deal is that she completes the full stay or he goes to court. Considering all the people who've figured this guy to be a real piece of crap, including myself, it was a very good thing to do. He could have just let things spin more out of control and he would have ended up with custody and a fat support cheque every month. Instead he decided to force her into getting some help. He's more of a man than I gave him credit for. Now the only question is if she can really stick it out. I wish her luck.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
This bald-headed look of hers reminded me of a friend of mine & brought back some great memories of hobbying in Mtl during my heyday. And the more that i see Britney with that look, the more i'm getting kind of turned on by her....and that's when i realized that i've never had sex with a bald-headed woman ever!!

Anyone know of a bald-headed escort in Mtl? If so, i just might be tempted into making a trip to Mtl and get back to hobbying temporarily. There are still a few items that haven't been crossed out on my 'hobbying' list, and seeing a bald-headed sp (along with an asian sp) is among them.
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