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California courts may consider legalizing prostitution


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
here is a plan
I don't want any pimps involved, either legal or illegal

My model has always been women being able to work on their own without a pimp taking half their money right off the bat. For those who have not been around that long or do not read my post, my idea would be to have Hotels/motels set up where women could run their own business. They would still have to be licensed and would still have to have medical checkups. Brothel owners would no longer have their hands on the women's money earned. The brothel motel/hotel owners would make their money from renting the rooms to the women. The hotel/motel owner would be responsible for checking the women's license before renting the room and security at the hotel/motel.* The license issued to the woman would allow her to work at any brothel hotel/motel in the county without the need to get a new license. Their would be several of these motels available within the red light* zone so you wouldn't have owners gouging the women. The owners would be competing to rent the rooms.* Also, a hotel/motel owner would not be allowed to own more then one hotel/motel to avoid* the monopoly.* *Brothel motel/hotel owners could also have bars for extra income and even restaurants along with gambling in separate* parts of the hotel/motel.*


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
That reinforces my point by regulating your taking the ''criminality'' aspect out of it regulating and licensing means that illicit trafficking will cease it will provide the ladies with a safe working environment there are no screening for safety done by indies they may select a certain type of clientele but seriously do you think indies ask the clients for their id's keeping it this way will make the john always vulnerable and at mercy from LE and
sp's too at the mercy of violent scuzpits regulation will also add an influx of customers and ladies who were afraid to engage in this business. it makes sense.


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
The Elko, nevada model is fine there are located in a ''red light district'' area those places are not motels/hotels per say there regulated establishments with a bar, cigar lounge, georgous young woman, no lineups very nice

amneties as well.


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
ok so tell me what other checks are done by indies to customers and vice-versa?


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
Can you confirm with certainty that the high end indies in the US or elsewhere are conducted to routine medical checks i mean there are no published statistics where one can refer.


New Member
May 2, 2012
It exist now and is tolerated, especially in the SF area. If it is decriminalized then the trend may spread across the country.


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
''We are marginalized people because of our activities and we don't have any rights because we are not and we will never be recognized as "legit workers".
So we have to take care of everything because we have no insurance, no retirement pension, like any other self worker''

It'll be exciting to see how this goes. Historically, most propositions would have already been shut down, so it's worth talking about that we made it to this point. Realistically, I unfortunately don't see this happening and passing anytime soon.

That being said- if this should come to pass, it'll be interesting to see how legalization is actually proposed. Brothels, true-indie style, agencies, etc.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I agree with Patron. If it becomes regulated by the government also say goodbye to GFE. The government will impose safety measures like no more fluid exchanges everything done protected so forget about BBBJ, DATY, and even DFK.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
California has passed a new law. A somewhat very miniature version of the Nordic Model, sort of.

That doesn't seem an accurate description at all from what the article says. (And the text of SB-233 doesn't read that way either.) It's a straight up immunity from arrest only if they have come in to report a different crime (one of the specified ones). Prostitution still totally illegal.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
"That is why I said “sort of”."

--I really don't see the parallel. The Nordic Model is embedded in a whole theory of sex work. The idea of immunity for one set of crimes to deal with another is from something else entirely. It is more akin to the sanctuary city model, where no one is going to be pursued for immigration status if they are reporting a crime. (I don't know how often such rules are laid out in formal law, though.)

Everything depends on how police and prosecuters interpret the law. That's true of basically any law. You could try reading the text of the law and deciding for yourself how open to abuse it is. I'm not sure why you think this law will result in lots of SPs trying to get their johns arrested as traffickers. The law as written literally says that if the person is reporting one of a set of specific crimes, the evidence that they engaged in prostitution around the time of that crime can't be used in prosecuting them for prostitution. So if they come in and say they are being stalked by an obsessive John, the fact that the cops now know she had ads up for prostitution from around that time can't be used in court to make a case against her for prostitution. It is totally unclear how much the cops get to save that info and look for a way to arrest her later.

If the Alaska law can be used to say people trafficked themselves, then I suppose the California one can to. Both laws explicitly state that the crime involves doing something to "another person" but if that didn't stop Alaska it won't necessarily stop California.


Feb 6, 2004
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The only reason to legalize is "to collect taxes". .. and there are many aspects to "what" is being legalized as well. Is it brothels, or advertising or what else?.

USA is not Europe.And as many on this board pointed out to me ... if society is prude ... ANY sort pf legalized prostitution will be a huge failure.

But I am for it, .. at least it will protect the client (which Nordic laws don't). California is probably the only place in the USA where it can be legalized based on the "entertainment culture" of southern California (where I lived 30 years ago for a few years). Not too sure about whether it can be implemented in northern California.
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