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Canada... Where?

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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langeweile said:
While in truth, the majority of Canadians don't know shit about the USA.


I completely agree with this statement, as a matter of interest. Even the most intelligent Canadian posters have made posts on this Board which demonstrate a shocking ignorance of American history, politics, the way our system works etc. I have let these posts pass without criticism, because outside of the context of this thread, it really serves no purpose.

I have met several SPs in Montreal who had never been to the USA and were about to embark on their first trip. The questions they asked me shocked me on many levels and sent the message to me that they have had things foisted upon them by the Canadian media which are simply not true. Thus I take many of these anti-American posts with a grain of salt and move on.
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EagerBeaver said:

I completely agree with this statement, as a matter of interest. Even the most intelligent Canadian posters have made posts on this Board which demonstrate a shocking ignorance of American history, politics, the way our system works etc. I have let these posts pass without criticism, because outside of the context of this thread, it really serves no purpose.

I have met several SPs in Montreal who had never been to the USA and were about to embark on their first trip. The questions they asked me shocked me on many levels and sent the message to me that they have had things foisted upon them by the Canadian media which are simply not true. Thus I take many of these anti-American posts with a grain of salt and move on.

I usually try not to let it bother me. After living up here for the past three years, my skin has gotten a lot thicker.
Unfortunately ever so often somebody still manages to get my skin crawling. Like I have mentioned I have lived in Europe, USA and Canada (I was born in Germany, but call the USA my home now) and it just makes me mad, how narrow minded some people are.
Thank God, there is good people everywhere, usually those are enough to make me forget the idiots.
Happy New Year.


Total Archbushman
Aug 16, 2003
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I don’t think there's any "anti-American" sentiments expressed in this thread. Posters have mostly explained how Americans are PERCEIVED, there's a difference. Likewise, American posters have explained how Canadians are PERCEIVED in the US.

I like to think that neither of our media system accurately depicts the other country's culture. Perhaps Canadians lack knowledge of American culture but Americans also lack knowledge of Canadian culture.

It's a Venus vs. Mars relationship and to continue this debate is to prove that Einstein was right when he said "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Arguing never makes the other guy understand your point of view, that’s what I learned in my one year in law school. Let's accept it and move on to more enlightening discussions...


New Member
Dec 17, 2004
Hmm... I apologize if I have offended anyone.

The fact is that I am not accusing anyone here. My comments were not about me disliking americans. As Facemaster said, I was trying to explain how americans are perceived abroad, and to support my statements by saying that I have, in fact, personally witnessed said behaviour which seems to rub non-americans the wrong way. Take it for what it's worth.

As an example, in a recent (well, 2 years ago about) trip to france, I have witnessed an american who got offended and became really loud and abusive because nobody in the small bistro's staff spoke good english. He demanded his menu to be presented in English, and to be served in English. I have witnessed another one telling a Frenchmen that unless France sided with the US on Iraq, that they'd risk being antagonized by the US and "suffer the consequences" and that for this reason alone they should side with the US. While eating a sandwich on a park bench, I overheard a tourist coming back from the Louvre telling his buddy that he couldn't understand why they had kept so many similar paintings of Christ. But, this just off the top of my head, and the list goes on.

Sure, this sort of nonsense happens with people from other countries, too. But the conclusion that I have come to, speaking with colleagues, business partners, tourists and locals, is that it observably happens more frequently with americans. I'm not just making it up. I'm just reporting on what I've seen, and when I've discussed this with others, what's been said to me.

Some may be offended by the statement that people in other countries don't like americans. Hey, it's not my fault. That's like Bobby getting upset at Tim because Tim says that Joe doesn't like him very much. The fact is that many foreigners don't like americans, for whatever reasons, and that's that. They have their reasons for disliking them. These reasons may be legit, or they may be a skewed perception of reality.

On this point, Langeweile's been very quick to defend Americans by pointing out that foreigners "don't get what America is all About". Well, that is certainly a totally valid point, but upon closer scrutiny that point actually makes my case: while I don't doubt that there exists a possibility that the rest of the world has you figured out all wrong, then you have to admit that if this is true then there's a definite problem in the way Americans promote their culture to the rest of the world...

...Which actually brings us back to the main issue, that for some reason, be it through personal behaviour or media exposure, Americans seem too rub non-americans the wrong way.

On a side note, have you ever considered that there might be some legitimacy to the worldwide (or Eropean, canadian, whatever) anti-american feeling? For the sake of argument, could it be possible that Americans exhibit more arrogance towards the rest of the world than the other way around, and that the "The High & Mighty Euro Arrogance" (for example) is simply a response to this?

Finally, if someone comes in my country and says that he's here to "fuck my women and piss in my streets", I'll say "Screw you". Does that make me arrogant? Maybe. Perhaps I should say "Thank you" but somehow that doesn't feel quite right.


PS: as is usual in this kind of discussion, people (doesn't matter which side) are rarely willing to accept their own shortcomings or the ones of their culture's & way of life. The natural response to someone telling you you're wrong is to spring into a defensive action, heating up the discussion, rather than to consider that they may have a valid point and reconsider your point of view.

There would be a lot more peace in this world if we were more willing to properly (and intellectually honestly) consider all aspects of an opinion.
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Aug 2, 2004
Like_a_virgin said:
Finally, if someone comes in my country and says that he's here to "fuck my women and piss in my streets", I'll say "Screw you". Does that make me arrogant? Maybe. Perhaps I should say "Thank you" but somehow that doesn't feel quite right.

Dude, your welcome...

So, speaking of pissing in the streets, did I ever tell you chaps about my last trip to India, two weeks in Delhi, Madras and Bangalore... not much night life, though the pro SPs are unreal, you can score an actual bollywood movie star for $100C for the entire night, the "modeling agency" seems to pimp them for any purpose what so ever... pretty freaky.

Then there is the "average girl" ... not too bad though can be rather unkept, the risk here is in trying to get rid of her when you are done, no shit; there is an implication that you have "bought" her and as yours (white ghost guy) she has become spoiled goods... the cost of selling her back to her family can be more than the what you paid upfront.... a real wake up for you guys who complain about clock watchers, beware abroad... does this make me an ugly American? :eek: .............bla bla bla, ok, now i am just fucking bored, off ot start a new topic.
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While living in Quebec I took a weekend trip to Vermont. A lady from Quebec was standing in line of a Walmart complaining to the cashier that she didn't speak any french?? Does that make all people from Quebec stupid and narrow minded? Don't think so.
My business partners wife asked me, why nobody in the USA has any health insurance? HUH.
Most Canadians believe that the POTUS is the most powerful man in the USA. Did you know that your prime minister has more "real" power than the POTUS.

You are wrong on your assesment while the world things we are arrogant. I suggest you read some history and you will find out that the Euros have a tradition of USA bashing.
Europeans believe that Americans are a bunch of rednecks and second class citizens. The very term "American" was coined by the Brits and was used a a derogatery term. Look it up.
The reason why some Americans come across as a little arrogant is due to the fact that Americans are being taught from a young age on, to be self sufficent. No decent American will ever look to his goverment for a solution to a problem. Healthcare is a prime example.
This kind of independent thinking will give most Americans a certain "swagger" and a proud feeling of accomplishment. It took me almost 5 years to get it.

Eiropeans that are used to their goverment managing all their affairs, are different in their whle approach to live. Community over individuality is the keyword here.

As you can see this has nothing to do with "figured all wrong" it has everything to do with approach to live.

" PS: as is usual in this kind of discussion, people (doesn't matter which side) are rarely willing to accept their own shortcomings or the ones of their culture's & way of life. The natural response to someone telling you you're wrong is to spring into a defensive action, heating up the discussion, rather than to consider that they may have a valid point and reconsider your point of view.
There would be a lot more peace in this world if we were more willing to properly (and intellectually honestly) consider all aspects of an opinion."

This is a great quote....................I hope you live by it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There are a lot of good points in Langeweile's post above. I don't doubt perceptions exist such as described by LAV, but the reasons for those perceptions have much to do with what Langeweile says. It all goes back to ignorance of culture and history on both sides. I think we should probably move on............
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Apr 6, 2004
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Its attitudes and comments like those of California that fuels people perception of Americans being arrogant and the "we are better then the world" attitude.....its like most perceptions, a few rotton apples sets a bad impression for the whole.....but to say Canadians know nothing about the US and give the impresstion that the US knows about Canada is going a bit far. Talk to most people in the US, especially the southern states and they have no idea what Canada is like....they think we live in igloos and eat whale blubber. The northern states have a better grasp on how Canada is, but even some of them are pretty naive and only know Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver and thats it. I once talk on a chat line with a woman from Montana who asked me 'Isn't there a big mall with a water park in Canada'....I assumed she meant the Edmonton mall but I live in New Brunswick which borders Maine which is quite the distance from Alberta.
This kind ignorance exists on both sides of the border and fascmaster is right..this will go on forever never getting any where.
Personally, I love going to the States for a vacation and very seldom ever have any problems.

just my 2 cents



Aug 2, 2004

acco34 said:
Its attitudes and comments like those of California that fuels people perception of Americans being arrogant and the "we are better then the world"

The Irony here is that I am a Canadian ExPat having grown up in BC, educated in TO and the UK.... Moved to California in 1988, became a citizen in 1991 and never looked back.

Happy New Year to all...

- cali


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Mmm... Canadians don't know shit about the USA... Are you serious?? How could we NOT know? USA floods TV with their way of living, with their music, their everything! Americans don't know about Canada because they don't care, Canadians know about USA because they have no choice!

The USA presents a vision of themself to the world via the medias and now some are saying that this vision is not what the reality is? Who's fault is it if we believe it is reality? Who's trying to stuff our brains with this vision? Now, those feeding us that vision can't blame us to believe part of it!

Knowing how the political system of a country works or what's the capital is useless. This is not what defines a country. What defines a country are the peoples living in it and the image they show to the world. What I've seen from places I went is that lots of peoples from outside the USA see Americans as arrogant and sometimes plain annoying. Saying that most Americans have no clue about what's going on in Canada only proves what the peoples I met are saying: Americans only cares about themself so, why would they give a damn about Canada? For that, Americans sometimes don't even know about themself: During the Gulf war and now these days with Irak and Afganistan, if Americans want to get accurate unbiased info about what's happening, they have to listen to newsfeeds from other countries because even the mighty CNN only show the American side of the medal, even if journalist are supposed to be impartial.
metoo4 said:
Mmm... Canadians don't know shit about the USA... Are you serious?? How could we NOT know? USA floods TV with their way of living, with their music, their everything! Americans don't know about Canada because they don't care, Canadians know about USA because they have no choice!

The USA presents a vision of themself to the world via the medias and now some are saying that this vision is not what the reality is? Who's fault is it if we believe it is reality? Who's trying to stuff our brains with this vision? Now, those feeding us that vision can't blame us to believe part of it!

Knowing how the political system of a country works or what's the capital is useless. This is not what defines a country. What defines a country are the peoples living in it and the image they show to the world. What I've seen from places I went is that lots of peoples from outside the USA see Americans as arrogant and sometimes plain annoying. Saying that most Americans have no clue about what's going on in Canada only proves what the peoples I met are saying: Americans only cares about themself so, why would they give a damn about Canada? For that, Americans sometimes don't even know about themself: During the Gulf war and now these days with Irak and Afganistan, if Americans want to get accurate unbiased info about what's happening, they have to listen to newsfeeds from other countries because even the mighty CNN only show the American side of the medal, even if journalist are supposed to be impartial.

A nation defined by TV? Ouch!... It is hopeless...I give up. Keep watching TV and define and believe everything that is on there...GOOD LUCK and Happy New Year.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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metoo4 said:
if Americans want to get accurate unbiased info about what's happening, they have to listen to newsfeeds from other countries because even the mighty CNN only show the American side of the medal, even if journalist are supposed to be impartial.


You can keep on believing whatever it is you want to believe, and you can believe that the world is flat for all that I care, but I can tell you that I read the CBC News every day and some of the things it publishes specifically about the USA is independently, objectively verifiable bullshit (that means that I am aware of proof that what you read about the USA in the Canadian media is bullshit). So your presumption that the American media is biased, whereas the medias of other countries are not, is quite rebuttable, if not downright fallacious.

Let's not forget that the CBC News ran numerous articles claiming that an American, Alexander Graham Bell, should be considered one of the greatest Canadians, without bothering to mention that Bell was a US citizen who had that status inscribed on his tombstone so there would no mistaking his citizenry. I hope that CBC News does not start claiming the Wright Brothers and Thomas Edison and Neil Armstrong were actually secret Canadians.......

Maybe we should also bookmark Al Jazeera's website and accept their bullshit and distorted reporting as truth while we are at it.
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
I don't imply that media from other countries are not biased, they are, Canadian media included. Anybody who want to make a valid opinion about any subject MUST get info from as many sources as possible. What I ment was many Americans don't know anything about Canada because they choose to ignore any information source that's not American. And I totally agree some Canadians do the same by only listening to Canadian sources.

In the USA, how many Canadian TV channels do they get on satellite or cable? Probably not many. In Canada, it's over 60% of our avaliable channels who is American. Even on Canadian TV we get American programming. True, We don't have a gun put to our head to swallow all of this but we swim in it, wether we want it or not. When you're swimming in something from birth to death, it's pretty hard not to swallow some of it. It's kind of the "McDonalds effect": the more you get of it, the more you want it, doesn't mean it's good for you and doesn't mean you realize how much you're affected by it.

A nation is not defined by TV. That would be absurd! Just imagine these cartoons where extraterrestrials make plans for invading earth and, after watching our TV channels, decide there's no intelligent life forms here... They would be close to reality at some point...
Wether we want it or not, TV have a huge influence on our society. Wether we want it or not, even without being a perfect image of us, TV and other media are a pretty close picture.
If what others think about us by looking at what we show is not the reality we see by ourself, the question becomes "Are we projecting a false image or are we seeing ourself tru some pink lenses and others really see who we are?" If the image we project is not us, not who we really are, nobody else but us can correct it. If the image is real, maybe a bit of humility is required and maybe we need to reshape what the image captured are showing instead of trying to distribute pink lenses to the others. One way or another, it's the person sending the image who is responsible for how it will be seen. Either the person make the image true to what it really is or the person make the correction so they will look as good to others than to themself. I'd say we all need to get the pink lenses off and get a mirror once in a while.

Not many peoples are perfect with their spelling, even in their mother tongue. What counts is the content, not the container. Nice spelling is great but, as long as the grammar is good enough to carry the ideas correctly, perfect spelling is only "gravy on top". I don't see how your comment caused any progress in the discussion, it could only have started a fire, sorry.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I cannot answer your first question because the source of my information is a U.S. federal law enforcement official with access to information not available to the public. I have known him since childhood and his info is as good as it gets. However I am not going to post potentially self identifying information to satisfy your curiousity.

As to the the last part of your post regarding editorialization by the Canadian media, I have answered that elaborately in past posts. I was in Montreal during the outbreak of the Iraq War and I posted elaborately at that time about falsehoods in editorials I was reading in the Canadian media. I really do not want to rehash all of that as it is very old news. Suffice it to say, it was one sided, and contained numerous errors in recounting American historical events, including omission of important details explaining genesis of events, etc.

However as has already been pointed out there is misinformation on both sides.

It seems as though we keep rehashing the same points in this thread. I think we need to move on.......................... :rolleyes:
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Big Daddy

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Mar 16, 2003
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I don't mind biased US media

I personally don't mind that the US media is biased. Why should US media show a negative news about Americans to the Americans? I don't want to switch on a TV to hear depressing news. Besides, most of the journalist report on events where there is no clear black and white answer. I think journalists consider the sensitivities of their viewers before reporting, and I think they do a good job.

Canadian news media considers the sensitivity of its viewers and al-jazeera reports the news catered towards its viewers. Obviously, there will be inconsistencies, but that is life and I am OK with it.


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Sep 24, 2003
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Americans on the Moon?

Come on!!

The Moon landings were all cold war propoganda and never really happened. Everyone knows that they were filmed in a hollywood film studio.

As for the telephone, Alex Bell did not invent it, a German dude did...

However, an American did invent the internet... what was his name again?

Oh yeah.... Al Gore! :rolleyes:

Peace out


New Member
Jan 11, 2005
Bits and Pieces

Oh boy ... where to start ... where to start ...

... here goes:

langeweile> You are wrong on your assesment while the world things we are arrogant. I suggest you read some history and you will find out that the Euros have a tradition of USA bashing... The reason why some Americans come across as a little arrogant is due to the fact that Americans are being taught from a young age on, to be self sufficent.

In some cases - yes ... but I suspect you are oversimplifying. The ones I have personally experienced I can't attribute to either Euro US bashing nor American

Just think of everything the US has contributed to the world during its short existence (ie. films, media, technology. politics) which a lot of other countries, like Canada, has benefited from. So,therefore, i don't understand all this criticisism about the US when we all profit from what it has given us over time! It's a position which appears somewhat thankless in my view

True ... but ... while you and I mostly benefit, not everything the US does benefits
anyone other than the US.

"LET'S BE PERSONAL" Broadcast June 5, 1973 CFRB, Toronto, Ontario

I can agree with the main point but in making the point, the question is asked
"Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble?"
In various readings, Canada has sent aid many times, just as the US as sent aid
to Canada. Without more research, I'm not prepared to take the rest of the facts
at face value.


New Member
Jan 11, 2005
Benefit Perspective

True ... but ... while you and I mostly benefit, not everything the US does benefits anyone other than the US.

i'm not exactly sure what you mean but i think i know. I think that you're saying the US can sometimes appear to be only interested in what can be beneficial to it.

Actually ... no that is not what I mean. Though since the version
I pasted into the message didn't include any examples, what I meant
is not clear.

But for the sake of conversation, hold that thought until the
next section.

If so , i agree with you. But isn't that quite normal? Every country has a right to seek to improve its own situation and protect its own interests wherever they may be around the world.

Sure ... but where do you draw the line on acceptable actions?
Is self-serving aid ok? Are economic sanctions ok?
Is assassination ok? for what I really meant ...

You and I generally have benefited. I may be annoyed at lack of knowledge of Canada, softwood lumber policies, or whatever - but I can honestly say I've benefited.

I doubt that the Canadians affected by CIA contracted LSD/PCP experiments in Montreal would say they've benefited. For that matter, the US families who lost family members to similar experiments might not agree either.

I'm also fairly certain that the hundreds of thousands of latin americans whose family members were killed by US trained, equiped and supported death squads wouldn't agree either.
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