So, according to the (it seems) easily offended Korbel, I have:
1. Made a poor and/or unintelligent generalization about Americans. Or perhaps I'm just ignorant and jumped to conclusions because of "poor sampling".
2. Attacked and used beautydigger in order to mischaracterize an entire nation.
So, without further ado, I will now prove to you that these accusations are false. Let us examine what I said:
Plus, Americans need to learn that other nations, who hold different values and principles, do not necessarily hate free speech when they don't display the same hard-on for said free speech than Americans do.
America was founded on the principles of "individual liberties and freedoms" and therefore, Americans tend to give more importance to free (individual) speech than people from social democracies (like Canada and much of Europe) who believe that indivual rights should be balanced against collective rights. This is the reason, for example, why Americans are overwhelmingly against hate speech laws. So, because of this "hard-on" Americans have with regard to free speech, they often can't fathom (either thru ignorance or because they tend to see the rest of the world thru the prism of their own values and principles (or both) ) why other nations would allow such attacks on freedom of speech.
Is this a generalization? Of course. Is it unintelligent or false or based on "poor sampling"? Absolutely not. Now one might prefer the second version to the first, more blunt version, but this woudn't change the fact that the exact same point is made in both, regardless of language used.
Furthermore, it has been my experience that those who keep brandishing the sacred free speech icon are invariably people with nothing intelligent to say. So maybe in their case it should be renamed "Freedom of lame speech".
Please note that one, this is a different paragraph, and two, the word "Americans" is nowhere to be found in said paragraph.
So I, from experience, find this point to be generally true regardless of country of origin. Now do Americans tend to display said behavior more frequently than people who, for example, live in social democracies? Of course, simply because, once again, they tend to value individual free speech more than others do.
The defense rests.