Montreal Escorts

Canbest/ montreal sex trade/montreal massage who was members and remembers that

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
well memory is foggy a bit but i was on montreal sex trade as terminator

canbest was the best all of you who recognise me know waht my handle was and those who dont does not really matter

montreal massage owned by kam and mila from spa issis handle same as most service providers they offered me free massage but like teh angesy owners i refused from all
i man people took my word for what it was and how could i give a honest review if i had a free bee

best was canbest
just us guys no service providers white knights or asskissers trying to promode and defend girls hopein by their favours the girls would fall in love with this\this is generally
the old fools club 60+ men falling for 120+ woman who would not use them to wipe their asses ith but string them along by the nose blindly
got a few friends liek this they at past 60 think a 20 yr old woman can lvoe them reverse it not even at past 60 myself i dotn want to see a 60 yr old woman whith her cloaths of im not a dr

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
montrealmassage is still alive (barely), by the way. Some people even post reviews occasionally.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Were you friends with Oliver Kloseoff? I remember he hung out w/ someone called Terminator X, I think.
(i was O.K. )prefer to be refered to as c.bbrown now (clean out your pm box and contact me please)
terminator was a co worker cranky old irishman who i posted his reviews for him
my memory is bad tehse days but i might haev used terminator on montreal sex trade
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