The militant feminazis hate hetrosexual males and they do not want us having sex with these young beautiful woman because it brings us joy and it leaves them out if the picture once again just like that dance they didn't get invited to back in high school. The feminists have skillfully influenced the guilt-ridden leftist male Like Jimmy Carter who publicly said he is for the Nordic model and Nevada Democratic Senator Harry Reid who said that the legal brothels in Nevada should be shut down. The left looks at any form of prostitution as the exploitation of women.
Come on now Cloud 500. We were on a roll. I think we agreed on three things in the last year. I am just telling you what my experience has been in the US. Look what is going on at our college campuses. They are trying to emasculate males here. The feminists want us all wearing cock cages.
American politics are very different from Canadian politics. What is more the US does not have a true left-wing party. The Democrats are more centre-right while the Republicans are right-wing. The feminists are out to protect womens rights. You know that feminists can be convinced. Feminists are quiet divided on this issue. Some do believe in the decriminalization of prostitution as it protects the sex workers safety and rights. As per your example that has nothing to do with prostitution. They are protecting women from predator males just out to have sex. Come on Hungry101 you know better then that. One last thing in Canada never forget that it was Harpers Conservatives that made prostitution illegal for the first time in Canadian history. No true right-wing conservative can ever be convinced to legalize prostitution. They are driven by ideology, social conservatism, and The Bible.