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Coderre wants to eliminate Erotic Massages in Montreal.


Sep 27, 2013
As far as I can see, Coderre is a fat pretencious politician probably trying to make up for a low libido and a small prick lost down in fat belly. This is merb and not ''Le Devoir''. Let's comment accordingly.


Jan 23, 2013
Nobody talked about the insurance companies POV. They must lobby a bit I guess. Not saying that closing the Massage parlors is the solution, but they're less discreet in the past years.
And come on maybe we are not Le Devoir, but we can still have intelligent conversation rather then saying that Coderre doesn't have good sex at home.


Jul 25, 2012
M'y biggest worry is to be there when they show up to close it down!
I think it's time to take a break and see what happens
What the mayor will want to show is statistics, closures arrests etc
It does not really matter if it is good or bad as long as it looks good on paper
Piric out


Active Member
Oct 19, 2003
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M'y biggest worry is to be there when they show up to close it down!
I think it's time to take a break and see what happens
What the mayor will want to show is statistics, closures arrests etc
It does not really matter if it is good or bad as long as it looks good on paper
Piric out

Amen on that one. Usually when a politician calls out a potential police action, most of the legwork has already been done. I would stay away from the ''loud'' ones, ie, multiple locations/one owner, places operating in view of the public with loud signs and more importantly (and unfortunately) those hovering in the semi-independant/parlour grey-zone.
True independants will now boom & flourish...



Jun 7, 2010
We have little info on this matter other than what we see on TV. What was told on the news stories is that the mayor wants the erotic places closed. Many places do not have the proper permits to do massage and work under a hair salon body care / nails type of establishment. Now that the city has announced that they will crack down, the first method they will use is permit inspection. They can use other methods like health and sanitation. There was a lady from the massotherapist association on the news saying that they approve of what the mayor wants to do. So, my guess is that in the short term the places without the proper permits will be shut down until they get the right permits permits. No permits will be issued to these places and they will be out of business. There are places that are legit massage places that are authorized by the massotherpist associations but offered happy ending that will stay in business, but they will be extra careful with new clients for minor extras. In the short/medium term, I see the supply in the massage biz to dwindle to less than 10% of its previous capacity.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
i think if they shut down erotic massage parlours ( brothels ). the outcall part of the industry will be the greatest beneficiaries. pretty quickly and dramaticaly.

nah. indies will be the beneficiaries. people who go to MP are going there for a reason (convenience, cost) otherwise, they'd already go to outcalls

Pépé Le Bandé

New Member
Dec 14, 2011
C'est reparti...

Depuis un an ou deux, on avait la paix pour visiter les salons de massages et les escortes. Les politiciens, Denis Coderre en tête de lice, ont l'air à vouloir sonner la fin de la récréation... Va falloir avoir l'œil ouvert et nous tenir informés pour éviter de se retrouver dans une descente.


New Member
Jul 22, 2010
Look at the amount of interest this subject has generated. Over 1200 views in 24 hours. I can only guess that half the massage places will be working carefully, and half the clients will be staying away. I certainly do not want to be in any massage parlors when the cops show up to check permits. It is indies for me till this stink dies down.


Jun 27, 2004
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All it means is massage parlors are going to have to pay more "protection" money to the cops. Coderre wants his piece of the action.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Smoke and mirrors by a politician. TVA and JdM will continue to look into what he is doing. Nobody cares about MP here.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
Look at the amount of interest this subject has generated. Over 1200 views in 24 hours. I can only guess that half the massage places will be working carefully, and half the clients will be staying away. I certainly do not want to be in any massage parlors when the cops show up to check permits. It is indies for me till this stink dies down.

you're fine if you go on weekends (friday to sunday)
haven't heard of busts during that time. they usually happen during the week on evenings


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
From my experience, increasing different things or changing laws or making things more complicated doesn't make it safer r better for women or protect women. When you change the laws, people just find new and different ways to avoid them, essentially creating more corruption.

If Coderre wants to help he should not talk about it in the media and get a team to do some research and bust the people who do the wrong things rather than impose laws that everyone will find a way around. :rolleyes:

I totally agree with you. As a matter of fact it's pretty much the way it works presently. The SPVM is not interested in massage parlors just because they could offer full service. That Maria Mourani does is of no importance. They are not interested in charging clients either. They bust parlors when they have evidence of the presence of minors, drugs or abuses, usually at quiet time periods.

Do not expect the SPVM to go after parlors that do not not cross those lines. Coderre has the power to impose municipal by laws. He has no say on the application of the criminal code. He may ask that parlors that do not have appropriate municipal permits be closed. If so, they do not bust the place. They send a letter to the owners and give them one or two weeks to close.

Basically this though talk is yet an other populist move by a mayor in this country. Populism has unfortunatly proven to be efficient in this country during in the las decade (Labeaume in Québec, Forbes in Toronto, the PQ hitting minorities, Harper being tough on crime).

Hitting the massage sector is the worst possible to do in Montreal at the moment. It is certainly the safest place to work for sex workers and the easiest to control for the LE.


Jul 16, 2008
between you and "them"
Montreal has no need for cops or federal laws to close most massage parlors.The city already has existing zoning restrictions. Just serve a notice to each of the salon in the wrong zone (most of them are anyway). Read Montreal and easy work....

Monsieur Clarion

New Member
Mar 25, 2011
Usually the first visit to a lawyer is no charge, but after that just to sit down with them is $400/hr. or much more. If they have to get off their ass and go to court it is $400/hr. traveling time and $700/hr. or more an hour in court. So $1000 is a bargain. This thing is going to pick up speed after news of the first place getting busted or closed.

My prediction : The cops will soon bust the places with underage workers ( not many, if any ) drugs, or biker gang connections to show that they are doing their job. The permit squad will close 33% of places by Jan 1. There will be a lot of places pulling the plug because they see the writing on the wall. Half the biz will be gone by the end of Febuary. The City of Laval will do the same soon. They are in the same predicament of previous corruption and need an excuse to cover the past up.

The problem is that massage places ( especially erotic massage places ) are in the public eye. Anything that is out of sight is out of mind ( like indies ) and will be low ( or no ) priority.


Mar 25, 2011
I worked briefly in Toronto. Massage parlours there have 2 different types of permits that the massage therapists need a permit for as well. You can be a legit massage parlour or a rub and tug. I worked for a "legit" parlour and paid $500 to get a fake diploma from a massage school then I had to go to the police station and buy a permit to be allowed to do be a massage therapist (this was all done and I was brought around by my boss) then I worked at his 2 salons that offered "legit" massages - hot stone even :lol:

From my experience, increasing different things or changing laws or making things more complicated doesn't make it safer r better for women or protect women. When you change the laws, people just find new and different ways to avoid them, essentially creating more corruption.

If Coderre wants to help he should not talk about it in the media and get a team to do some research and bust the people who do the wrong things rather than impose laws that everyone will find a way around. :rolleyes:

This is not about helping people, this is politics and helping Coderre. Soon you will hear about the massage places being busted. The high profile ones will be the first to get hit. Then in a few months you will hear stats on how many places have been closed for under aged/drugs/biker involvement and how many places were fined for not having the proper permits. This is being done because Coderre is the new mayor coming into an administration that is full of previous corruption and he needs to divert attention away from pass sins by making the public believe that he is on the job. He is getting the housewife/old lady vote on this matter and no husband will publicly denounce him for cracking down on massage parlors. With the announcement that they will crack down on massage places, the massage biz has been permanently changed. Things may not seem too bad now before the storm hits, but once the first bust are announced all massage places will go into safe mode and many will close. The cops have probably targeted several places already for their blitzkrieg, big headlines in the news means points for Coderre. Once the landscape of the massage business has changed it will not be allowed to slide back to where it use to be.
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