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combattre le rhume...quelqu'una d'autre idée???


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Jul 16, 2004
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cela fais trois jours que je suis sur le cul lolll..nez congestionné...toux..reniflement...mal de non cela me tente pas de me rendre a l'hopital pour cela loollll...mais j'essaie bain..douche chaude chaude(ce qui aide sur le moment)des vitamines l' du repos...mais quelqu'un aurait une solution assé..vite...genre un médicament sans besoin d'une prescription.. ou autre produit qui serais vraiment la fin de semaine a etre sur le cul cela est bien plate j'aimerai bien mieux en faire lollll..des idées svp..seront appréciés:cool:

too beat a sick cold...somebody have a good idea that cure veryyyyyyy fast;)


Apr 9, 2007
Le rhume ce passe de lui même, ça prend environ 1 a 2 semaine, il n'y a aucun médicament pour en guérir, juste le temps.

Mais il éxiste des médicament pour en appaiser les effets. Moi je prend du tylenol grippe furmule jour et nuit. Pour moi ça arrête presque la toux, la congestion nasale et tous les désagréments. Pas mal moins sur le cul.

Bonne chance


Jul 21, 2005
Its a cure but you might not like it


Drink a gallon of Five Alive Citrus fruit juice and I guarantee your cold is gone in a day or two. A few glasses are not enough since its not the vitamin C but the flavonoids in it which will kick your immune system in high gear and you need to ingest lots of them to poison the virus.

I have not had a cold or flu in 6 years, because I drink a few bottles of Five Alive citrus juice every time I get a sniffle or sore throat.

P.S. I am a chemist and worked in the cosmetic and drug industry for many years. The best good/bad cholesterol drug is Cheerios or Oatmeal, but no drug comany can make money from it so they bury it, just like they bury the benefits of citrus juices on colds.

Flavonoids have been referred to as "nature's biological response modifiers" because of strong experimental evidence of their inherent ability to modify the body's reaction to allergens, viruses, and carcinogens. They show anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory[4] , anti-microbial[5] and anti-cancer activity.


Grapefruit, a type of CitrusThe citrus bioflavonoids include hesperidin (a glycoside of the flavanone hesperetin), quercitrin, rutin (two glycosides of the flavonol quercetin), and the flavone tangeritin. In addition to possessing antioxidant activity and an ability to increase intracellular levels of vitamin C, rutin and hesperidin exert beneficial effects on capillary permeability and blood flow.


not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
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fb1807 said:

Drink a gallon of Five Alive Citrus fruit juice and I guarantee your cold is gone in a day or two. A few glasses are not enough since its not the vitamin C but the flavonoids in it which will kick your immune system in high gear and you need to ingest lots of them to poison the virus.

I have not had a cold or flu in 6 years, because I drink a few bottles of Five Alive citrus juice every time I get a sniffle or sore throat.

P.S. I am a chemist and worked in the cosmetic and drug industry for many years. The best good/bad cholesterol drug is Cheerios or Oatmeal, but no drug comany can make money from it so they bury it, just like they bury the benefits of citrus juices on colds.

Flavonoids have been referred to as "nature's biological response modifiers" because of strong experimental evidence of their inherent ability to modify the body's reaction to allergens, viruses, and carcinogens. They show anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory[4] , anti-microbial[5] and anti-cancer activity.


Grapefruit, a type of CitrusThe citrus bioflavonoids include hesperidin (a glycoside of the flavanone hesperetin), quercitrin, rutin (two glycosides of the flavonol quercetin), and the flavone tangeritin. In addition to possessing antioxidant activity and an ability to increase intracellular levels of vitamin C, rutin and hesperidin exert beneficial effects on capillary permeability and blood flow.

Thanks for the info on flavonoids.
My daily shock treatment is a few quart of Orange juice and lots of vitamin C. Always did the job makes me feel symptoms free.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Panthere essaie de le faire sortir en perspirant, je te jure!!

Bois beaucoup de l'alcool, fait de l'exercise,etc.

I havent gotten sick in years, it depends on your immune system

Miss Maria

Sweet & Spicy
Feb 19, 2007
Hey I don't know if this is medically proven to help, but I always feel better and avoid getting colds by boiling slices of Ginger in water with honey and lemon slices and lemon juice.


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Jul 16, 2004
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merci de vos idées;)mais pourtant je travaille dehors toujours alors je crois pas que cé vraiment cela(a part lavoir pogné dehors)...mais la chose qui m'enrage le plus es bien ..hier je feelais mieux genre moins de moins de reniflement...mais la aujourdhui jai pu de voix batard:eek: va pas ben mon affaire lollll..en tout cas de la vitamine c et des douches jen prend en commence a devenir ratatiné lolll tellement que je prend des douche chaudes..en tout cas jaurai bien due me faire piqué..a chaque fois que joublie de me faire piqué ben jen pogne une

thanks for the idea...but yesterday i was beginning to feel really not bad..but now today i have no voice:(..i take a lot of vitamine c and really hot shower but nothing work so far..too bad this year i didnt get the injection cause everytime i dont take it..i get that sick...ahhhh life:(
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Oct 13, 2004
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fb1807 said:

Drink a gallon of Five Alive Citrus fruit juice and I guarantee your cold is gone in a day or two. A few glasses are not enough since its not the vitamin C but the flavonoids in it which will kick your immune system in high gear and you need to ingest lots of them to poison the virus.

This is great information. Would one need to drink a gallon in a single sitting or could it be spread out over a few hours? If its the former, I imagine it would feel like the egg eating scene in Cool Hand Luke, but if it works its worth it!

Shiver MeTimber

Piratical Nerve
Jun 25, 2006
The Crow's Nest
Try ColdFX. Works before, during and can be taken as a preventative after a cold. Just follow the instructions.

Natural ingredients... about $12-$14 in any pharmacy. It works!

Bonne Chance.



New Member
Nov 9, 2007
Il faut avoir chaud...

... donc to t'organises pour transpirer la nuit. Un suit de coton ouaté, 4-5 couvertures... L'équivalent de la fièvre, mais provoqué, ça accélère la guérison. Pour combattre les symptômes, désolé, je ne connais pas beaucoup les médicaments.
Bonne chance.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
panthere said:
merci de vos idées;) mais la chose qui m'enrage le plus es bien ..hier je feelais mieux genre moins de moins de reniflement...mais la aujourdhui jai pu de voix batard:eek: va pas ben mon affaire lollll..en tout cas de la vitamine c et des douches jen prend en crime..j(

DÉsolé pour toi... prends ton mal en patience, ça va passer en 7 jours, ou sinon en une semaine avec des remèdes, comme dit mon médecin! Si il existait une cure qui fonctionne pour vrai, tu peux être sûr qu'il y aurait quelqu'un de très très riche!


Jul 21, 2005
A gallon in a day is enough

mack said:
This is great information. Would one need to drink a gallon in a single sitting or could it be spread out over a few hours? If its the former, I imagine it would feel like the egg eating scene in Cool Hand Luke, but if it works its worth it!

Normally a couple liters is enough, but since he has had it for a while I suggested a gallon to make sure he kicks it well. Someone else has already posted that this works for them too, and you can even add a little Vodka to the Citrus juice to take care of immediate symptoms. A few ounces of alcohol a day has been proven to be beneficial, more than that and your liver has to work overtime and its already busy cleaning the dead virus parts your immune system is constantly generating.

The only cure for any virus is your immune system, and taking the antibody vaccine for this year would have been pointless since the vaccine this year missed the evolution path and the current virus is not related tot he antibodies in the vaccine.

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