Strange question, Booker... why are you comparing Mikes and not all bookers? I've booked with mtlgfe... great, easy, professional experience. I have yet to book with Mojo, but I have no doubt whatsoever that the booking/experience/talent will be equal when I do.
But when you say "COOLEST," that sort of connotes that you know the booker beyond just a casual booking experience or three...
I won't discredit the other two Mikes in any way as I'm sure that they are very cool and really great guys, but here is why G4U Mike has so far been head and shoulders above the rest:
1. G4U Mike was able to very briefly bring a "retired" SP and my ATF out of retirement for one final gig for me -- This act alone... sorry guys, not even a competition... :fact /endthread
2. G4U Mike drove me around MTL giving me a brief tour of the city...
3. G4U Mike bought me the best poutine I've had to date and then gave me the chance to eat it with two of his smoking hot girls... would have been three had Ginger stayed :lol:
4. G4U Mike gave me some insight on Canadian hockey, it's culture, and it's fans... (or maybe he was trying to convert me from being a Kings fan :lol
5. G4U Mike personally introduced me to an Indy SP at GG5 and recommended I talk to her about my industry as he thought she would be a perfect fit (no pun intended :lol

. He bought us drinks as we talked and is a great guy to hang out with at a party. For the record, his assessment was spot on, and she could be the hottest porn girl to ever come out of Canada should she pursue that option...
6. G4U Mike brought two hot girls to my loft free of charge who then proceeded to get very naked for me... I needed to test some lighting for this new location and Mike said he could help me out and that he would like a couple of the shots if possible...
7. G4U Mike brought me an amazing bottle of champagne as a thank you for giving him a few pics... Are you fucking kidding me??? I should have been thanking him for sending me two naked girls as test models, one of whom I could have had a lot of extracurricular fun had I not been in work mode and under deadline...
8. G4U Mike is very straight up... no bullshit... no fluff. He never asked anything from me except for my opinion and feedback.
Technically, Mike only made one booking for me, albeit my best ever... but to answer the second part of your question, the most reliable booker is actually James.
I know there are a few of you haters/conspiracy theorists/other agency friends out there who will think that this is some kind of shill post by a G4U fanboy/secret MERB mod/etc. :lol: but I can assure you that neither of us owe each other anything, that I get no discount or kickback from G4U whatsoever, and that this opinion is entirely my own. In fact, I had just met Mike by introducing myself to him at GG5... I have booked with 6+ different agencies and several Indy's in the past few months so I don't think there should be an issue of me being short-sighted or narrowly opinionated.
I may only get one vote, Booker, but I'm guessing my vote carries more substance...
