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Cop Shot in Montreal


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Actually maybe they really should come up here to hide. Maybe they could join the Canadian Armed Forces and help you clean the streets in TO everytime you get a little snow.:cool:


Jul 12, 2006
Techman said:
Actually maybe they really should come up here to hide. Maybe they could join the Canadian Armed Forces and help you clean the streets in TO everytime you get a little snow.:cool:
LMAO.........nowhere nearly enough forces for that :rolleyes:


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Agrippa said:
Question: Why were Laval cops in Brossard?

The bust started in Laval which is why the Laval police were involved and then it went to the South Shore. However, I'm not sure why they didn't at that point, call in the Longueil police. I guess the Laval police wanted all the "glory" but got misfortune instead.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Nowhere does it say the Longueil police wasn't there. In Quebec, a municipal police force have no authority outside the municipality's limits unless assisting another force, meaning, by going alone, they would have acted as simple citizens and would get charged criminally for whatever they did while posing as officers. Longueil must have been there, only they didn't get hit.
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Jul 12, 2006
Anywho, my point was you dont call 30 cops for re-enforcement unless its a major bust!!

BTW...cant wait to get back to La Belle Province....;)


Jul 12, 2006
oliver kloseoff said:
notice they dont give any description of the suspect who shot the cop??
This time you're wrong Oliver, here's the names of arrested:

Nikolaos Xanthis, 26, charged with possession with intent to traffic, and possession of a prohibited weapon; Constantine Xanthis, 23, charged with nine counts of trafficking; Kosta Katsiouleris, 29, charged with nine counts of trafficking; Hari Katsiousleris, 25, charged with one count of trafficking; and Emmanuel Mavroudis, 21, charged with 12 counts of trafficking.

Those are all Greek names which tells me they were probably dealing in multiple kilos of coke.

I'm guessing they got the sh*t kicked out of them in the holding cells


2-2 in bans... loser...
Esco! said:
Sure Anglo, they are real idiots arent they??!!!!!
Right until the time your country needs to be defended

When that happens these assholes will be at Tim Horton's scarfing up the free donuts. Violent crime and drug activity sure seems to be up, although Montreal added about 170+ police men last year. Unfortunately they were hired to give tickets and nothing more. F***ing useless.


Feb 24, 2005
hornyanglo66 said:
When that happens these assholes will be at Tim Horton's scarfing up the free donuts. Violent crime and drug activity sure seems to be up, although Montreal added about 170+ police men last year. Unfortunately they were hired to give tickets and nothing more. F***ing useless.

Exactly at this time we have 2X more murder (in montreal) than last year and all of them except one are related to street gang... put thoses 170 guys on street gang issue and you solve a BIG bunch of problem in montreal....

Btw anyone remember this story:

If you are too smart don't goes in police or army... you might have a big deception....


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
wilko26 said:
Yeah like right now.... USA need to be defended from Iraq and Canada from Afganisthan... LOL!
I must have been on a Crazy Bender (despite not using non-prescription drugs) on September 11, 2001. And, I could swear that the Taliban were sheltering OBL before and after 9/11. Of course, we all know how the average Afghani really is longing for the return of the Taliban.


Feb 24, 2005
Funny police went there for a drug issue and the guy have no charge about it yet but all his 'friends' does... I wonder why they havent arrested him outside his house like they did for Maurice Boucher or simply knock at the door like they did for Rizzuto dad recently?

I think police need to review their methods... his gun was registred in the famous 'registry' so the knew there was a gun over there... so it's would have been safer to arrest him outside his house.

Tres fort, tres tres fort....
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Feb 24, 2005
Maxima said:
More details will come out.
Shot and kill/injure two policemen wearing bullet proof vest is not that easy. How many times did he fire his gun? What kind of gun did he use (rifle/ hand gun/modified sub-machine)? Armor-piercing bullets? Dial 911 may be just a ploy. Did he dial prior to firing?

Magnum 357, it's his son who dialed 911 not him, policeman got shot in the head... but have no detail about distance between policeman and him when he shooted.

This part I would write in french couple work im not sure of translation:

Je me demande aussi pourquoi il est accusé de meutre prémédité? Comment prémédité ce meutre car s'il était dans la maison il ne devait pas s'attendre à de la 'visite'? Ma définition d'un meutre prémédité c'est qu'il a été planifié....
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Premeditated because he had a loaded gun and a .357 isn't used to shoot flies. He was expecting visitors and it was clear he was ready to do whatever to fend them off.
He didn't know they were cops? They usually barge in yelling POLICE like crazy! This is part of the intimidation tactics they use. Also, if the cop was hit in the head, when you compare the size of a head with the rest of the body, the guy was definetly aiming to give no chances...
The kid might have dialed 911 but, if he knew nothing of his dad's business, it's expected. Doesn't prove anything at all.
If the gun was registered, what in hell the guy doing with a .357? How was he able to register it? It was loaded so, chances are very high the guy carried it with him, registered or not so, catching the guy would not have changed anything, beside putting neighborhood in danger.
Somebody with a clear conscience doesn't keep a .357 loaded in a house where there's kids. Only reinforce he had it on him and knew he might get visitors.
These parents should loose their kids forever for having put them in a position like this. You want to deal drugs? Don't live with kids and even worst, with a loaded gun. The mom isn't better than the dad, no matter if she was invlolved or not, she let the gun in and tolerated the guy's business without leaving.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Seeing as there were no incidents in the other busts in Laval, I'm interested if the same procedures were used in those arrests. Also, as there were no problems encountered in the other operations, why did they go busting into the house in this case? Especially if they were aware, and they should have been aware, of the presence of children in the house. All in all, it seems like a very sloppy operation on the part of the police.

As far as keeping a loaded gun in the house...well if he was keeping it for protection it would be little use if were not loaded. Yes it's illegal to do that. But with the rash of home invasions in the last year, if I had a handgun in the house you can be damn sure it would be loaded.

Premeditated murder is the standard charge when a police officer is killed while in the line of duty. It would have been the same charge if he had killed the officer with a knife or a baseball bat or if he dropped a refrigerator on him.


New Member
Dec 2, 2003
Visit site
reading and hearing all the news reports....i have to wonder why this operation was so botched...the police blew this operation....why did they raid? Were they not aware of the registered firearm?...did they not check the registry?....why didn't swat enter first as is proceedure?....why did the laval detectives enter first..end up on the second floor where the shootout occured?....could this have been some sort of "hit" gone wrong?
I have a feeling this Parasiris guy will get off lightly....
very strange episode this one....


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Is the guy innocent or guilty? Who knows? But whether he's a devil or an angel it does appear clear that the police botched the operation.


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
The police have to clearly identify themselves. It was meant to prevent this kind of situation (if it happened the way he claimed). The alleged shooter "could've" mistaken the police for a disguised intruder, but it is unlikely. A regular person would've got down on the floor and surroundered, but I believe the test in this case is subjective (I think?). I don't think he could be charged with (and convicted of) first degree murder. It's very hard to form a proper Intent (mens rea), when 30+ officers are rushing into your home in the dead of the night.

Edit: Cases where the people have to prove continuous intent with a subjective test are notoriously hard (to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt).

Do I think the police should've done it differently? Maybe. Should the alleged shooter spend some hard time in jail if convicted? You bet.

Final words: I blame the hyper-violence in the media and video games...
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
I heard some weirdo journalist entered the house after the fact and "recreated" the scene, filming the dead cop's blood on the walls and all. It was then aired on TV. What an annhole with no respect for the dead guy's family!

If it was a home invasion, chances are they would not have made so much noise to ensure neighbor would not disturb them. And, house invasion crew would have shot the guy as soon as a gun was spotted. The guy would have been beaten into submission, so as his family, before they could even react, kids or not. All home invasions recently were not done by a large amount of peoples at same time either so, a swarm in your house is trouble but more of a legal type than purposely violent. Plus, if you're dealing drugs, you're bound to get uninvited visitors and the guy proved he knew that. The loaded gun is a proof of the guy's guilt for me, no question. He was prepaired to kill and willing to. There's no self defense here possible.


Feb 24, 2005
metoo4 said:
And, house invasion crew would have shot the guy as soon as a gun was spotted.

Bro has soon you pointing a gun to a policeman you can be sure that the policeman is allowed to shot too... and from what I understand this cop was at the front of others so Im 100% sure he had his gun in his hand... Usually the first one shooting have the best chances to survive...
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