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Could you LTR date a SP?

Could you LTR date a SP?

  • No way! This is just my fantasy world.

    Votes: 13 36.1%
  • Maybe, it depends on the relationship & which SP

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • Yes, I could or I am dating a SP

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • I honestly don't know either way?

    Votes: 5 13.9%

  • Total voters


Sep 4, 2006
I would have to say that the bottom line is that if you are looking for an LTR, then SPs are the wrong place to look.

Juliana, was your current boyfriend someone you met as a client? My guess would be no.


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Why are you guys debating this anyways?

Dear sweeties!

I have 3 best friends who are escorts, and we all have long term stable relationships, with guys whom are very loving and encouraging of our potentialities.

Why a debate whether we sex workers are valuable enough to be loved, cared for within a meaningfull romantic relationship?

I think this debate is absurd, after all to love and be loved is a humain basic need, and guess what?

We sex workers are humain beings!!!!!!!!!!!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
What did I say that offended you? Do you know of many SPs who have fallen in love with clients and lived happily ever after? I admitted that it is possible but so rare that it is statistically insignificant. What documentation do I need to provide to back up this claim?:rolleyes:
When one makes an absolute statement such as you have, certainly, unless one is a fool and a blowhard, one has the proof to back it up. I'm not saying you're wrong, by any means. I certainly can't prove that you are. Can you prove that you're right and if you can't, how can you make such a statement? (Personally, I don't believe in absolutes. I think absolute statements are the province of idiots.)
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
give me a break reggie!!

rumpleforeskiin said:
When one makes an absolute statement such as you have, certainly, unless one is a fool and a blowhard, one has the proof to back it up. I'm not saying you're wrong, by any means. I certainly can't prove that you are. Can you prove that you're right and if you can't, how can you make such a statement? (Personally, I don't believe in absolutes. I think absolute statements are the province of idiots.)

Mods, can you please tell Reggie to back off with this nonsense.:mad: Many members agree with me that falling in love with SPs is a common occurrence in the movies but so rare in real life that it's not worth mentioning. What documentation do I need to prove this to this individual????:rolleyes:


GG, I don't set requirements for documentation. You asserted a fact, rumpleforeskiin asked you to support it. You haven't. Personally, I haven't taken a survey or done the research, so I don't know. At this point, it seems you have three options:

  1. Provide a link to a study
  2. State this is your opinion
  3. Ignore rumpleforeskiin's request

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
SeeCupRider said:
Still, it's possible and, if you are a good judge of character, you can probably tell if it is for real or not. If she wants to see you while the meter isn't running and indeed you stop paying to see her, well, that's a sign that she really likes you too.

Personally, I couldn't see someone who continued to work as an escort but, hey, some people might not mind.

I am glad you stated this because I told the exact same thing to Kelly of Asservissante right after I told her how easy it would be to fall in love with her.:D

(that lucky bastard that won her heart...ARGH!!!!)



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
Do you know of many SPs who have fallen in love with clients and lived happily ever after?
To the best of my knowledge, every SP I've ever met has eventually fallen in love with a client and lived happily ever after. I certainly don't know otherwise.:rolleyes: They're all living in Longeuil with their husbands and their two bright-eyed little children.

By the way, I have as much proof of the statement above as I suspect can be provided for the following: "The only place SPs fall in love with clients is in the movies."
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
LeGuy said:
Citing Google without giving references is totally dishonest and removes any credibility to these citations. When you really have something to say you not only give the link you post the reference. I am sure that most members will now read your numbers as gibberish

I was kidding about Google. I do not need to cite a study. Almost every single SP I met confirmed to me that falling in love with a client is extremely rare in this biz. Many ladies told me they do not mix business with pleasure. One of them told me she fell in love with her first client and it was a total disaster.

There are some things in life that you need no documentation to prove; all you need is common sense and a dose of reality.;)



Oct 11, 2005
General Gonad said:
There are some things in life that you need no documentation to prove; all you need is common sense and a dose of reality.;)

Very well said. I'll take life experiences over accredited propagandists with an agenda any day.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
Again, I do not need to back up the absolute assertion that the "only place SPs fall in love with clients is in the movies".
No, of course you don't. If you don't care at all about being taken seriously.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
No, of course you don't. If you don't care at all about your credibility.

If you think I am wrong in this absolute statement, then prove it. Show me studies/books/reports that prove SPs routinely fall in love with clients. If you can't bring such evidence to our attention, then according to your own logic, you have no credibility.:rolleyes:


P.S. Law of large numbers can be applied to moronic statements as well.:rolleyes:

Mod 4

New Member
Apr 12, 2004

I think we've all made our point.

Mod 5 said:
IMO (In my Opinion), may not always be stated, but something readers should assume in reading the comments from a fellow poster. If we take as fact, all that each member puts down in a post, then we are surely doomed.

Lets procede in a sensible and mature manner.

Thank you,


Aug 17, 2007

Just wondering, do you believe that most SP's in their time off, go clubbing or hang out in bars or other social meeting places? Yes, a lot of the younger ones do go clubbing a lot. How about the rest? Not so much. How does a SP meet a man for a date? Unless she has a good sized social circle, she does not meet that many men for real dates........ even if she has a good sized social circle, most of her close friends that are non-SP's do not want to set her up with their close friends or relatives. So how does she live happily ever after? Like most strippers, she will date her clients, from time to time. Since she is getting a ton of sex at work, she doesn't feel the need to date as much as the average woman, but she still is human & we all need affection & to share our emotions with someone. If she is young, she has gotten used to older men who value her time & beauty(of course, she also likes their freedom with money... compared to boys her age), she will like to be wined & dined, not just a movie & McDonald's. At this point of her life, the boys her age are boring, cheap, stupid, have no class & are bruts in bed- who still think "Dutch Ovens" are funny as sh*t. So how does she meet her boyfriend & who is this man? Most likely, he is a former client that is confident & gets who she is, without judging her.

I am not saying that she loves him. From her advanced knowledge on men, she is very guarded with her heart & emotions. She does need him to feel human & to share things with. He may not even love her. Still they make each other feel good when they are together & that is enough for both of them, for now.

So my short take on the SP world:

SP's don't meet a lot of men that they are attracted to in their normal life.

SP's are human & we all need someone to share things with in our lives.

If SP's had any other way to meet attractive(not just physically, all-around attractiveness), she would, but where does any woman go to meet attractive men that will treat her with respect?

SP's don't consider their clients losers, but yes, they don't find most of them attractive either.

SP's will date a attractive client when they meet him.... but they are very selective.

SP's will tell you they do not mix business with pleasure, because they are not attracted to you, & to be nice to you & to keep your business.

These are not facts, just my opinions..... no need to google anything. Don't worry, I am not saying that you are bad looking or un-attractive, I have never been asked on a date by a SP either. It doesn't change my reality, that most SP's will date clients......... just not me. My question, was more about could the guys handle dating a SP, mentally & emotionally? I still don't know if I got that chance if I could?

Lastly, I don't think attraction is a choice for anyone. Also you cannot bore anyone into liking you. None of this post is a attack on anyone. Peace

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
happygolucky said:
So my short take on the SP world:

SP's don't meet a lot of men that they are attracted to in their normal life.

SP's are human & we all need someone to share things with in our lives.

If SP's had any other way to meet attractive(not just physically, all-around attractiveness), she would, but where does any woman go to meet attractive men that will treat her with respect?

SP's don't consider their clients losers, but yes, they don't find most of them attractive either.

SP's will date a attractive client when they meet him.... but they are very selective.

SP's will tell you they do not mix business with pleasure, because they are not attracted to you, & to be nice to you & to keep your business.

Interesting but I do not subscribe to the view that SPs have a tough time meeting someone outside of the biz. Many SPs already have boyfriends, they just do not readily admit this to most clients because they have fragile egos. Instead, they opt to maintain the illusion that they're single.;)

Look, I met tons of ladies that have given me their personal emails or phone numbers without me asking them for this info. But I am not foolish enough to conclude that they desire me.

If I ever decided to date an SP, and she accepted, I would have to know that she quit the biz and is committed to the relationship. I can never accept that I am dating someone seriously and she is having sex with other men. (just like I never really accepted that I had to resort to seeing SPs in my relationship but that is another chapter).



Aug 17, 2007
General Gonad said:
Interesting but I do not subscribe to the view that SPs have a tough time meeting someone outside of the biz. Many SPs already have boyfriends, they just do not readily admit this to most clients because they have fragile egos. Instead, they opt to maintain the illusion that they're single.;)

Look, I met tons of ladies that have given me their personal emails or phone numbers without me asking them for this info. But I am not foolish enough to conclude that they desire me.

If I ever decided to date an SP, and she accepted, I would have to know that she quit the biz and is committed to the relationship. I can never accept that I am dating someone seriously and she is having sex with other men. (just like I never really accepted that I had to resort to seeing SPs in my relationship but that is another chapter).


All people have a tough time meeting someone..... this is universal, not only limited to SP's.

The SP's that already have boyfriends, a decent percentage, have no idea that their girlfriends are SP's & not the other way around. I do not know one person that would NOT book a super model like SP, even if they knew she had a boyfriend. Who has the more fragile ego..... the guy in it to get his 60 minutes of loving or the guy picking out wedding rings? I personally do not care what a SP's dating status is, she could even be married, that is her business not mine. Do you really think if a SP has hot pictures & great reviews, she will not get booked if guys know she has a boyfriend?

I do not understand, why you have added that a ton of women have given you there personal info....... or why you think they don't desire you? In dating, I think we are all equally fools for most of our lives.

So in the end you finally give the only answer I wanted, you personally, cannot LTR date a working SP.

So why hate on all the guys that can & do? Just because it isn't your thing, don't say it isn't true or it doesn't happen. There is nothing wrong with having values & being old fashioned............. it is just very hard to do that & be open-minded at the same time. As a man that has a hard time keeping my last 2 brain cells from fighting each other, I am not here to judge you.

Everything that I have posted here is meant in general & not from personal experience. Also, let's give up the idea that SP's do not date clients & just talk about my fantasy world in which they do......... and if you could date them? or would you date them?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
happygolucky said:
So in the end you finally give the only answer I wanted, you personally, cannot LTR date a working SP.

So why hate on all the guys that can & do? Just because it isn't your thing, don't say it isn't true or it doesn't happen. There is nothing wrong with having values & being old fashioned............. it is just very hard to do that & be open-minded at the same time. As a man that has a hard time keeping my last 2 brain cells from fighting each other, I am not here to judge you.

Everything that I have posted here is meant in general & not from personal experience. Also, let's give up the idea that SP's do not date clients & just talk about my fantasy world in which they do......... and if you could date them? or would you date them?

When fantasy becomes an obsession, then things get distorted. There are some SPs who have claimed that they were totally honest with their boyfriends, telling them that they are doing this job. Some SPs date agency owners who know what they're doing. To my knowledge, all these relationships are a disaster. Sooner or later, they all fail even if everyone is open about what they're doing.

All real relationships require real effort and real commitment. If you're not willing to put a lot into it, don't bother getting into one.


P.S. The guy that gets a wedding ring may have a fragile ego but at least he knows he is in love with a lady for who she really is, not some fantasy that he paid for.;)


New Member
Feb 11, 2005

happygolucky said:
All people have a tough time meeting someone..... this is universal, not only limited to sp's.
The above it is good point.

The comment below is a huge generalisation, all my gilrfriends male partners know's what we do for living.
The SP's that already have boyfriends, a decent percentage, have no idea that their girlfriends are SP's & not the other way around.

I could never lie to someone that deeply cares about me, no way. My partner has to know what i do, or i would fell very very unconfortable in his presence.
The whole point of having a meaningfull romantic relationship it is that one space in earth where i can fell at home, confortable and welcome.

In fact clients are the best candidates to date a sex worker, because they already know what we do.

I would be an idiote if i was to discriminate against dating clients.


Aug 17, 2007
General Gonad said:
When fantasy becomes an obsession, then things get distorted. There are some SPs who have claimed that they were totally honest with their boyfriends, telling them that they are doing this job. Some SPs date agency owners who know what they're doing. To my knowledge, all these relationships are a disaster. Sooner or later, they all fail even if everyone is open about what they're doing.

All real relationships require real effort and real commitment. If you're not willing to put a lot into it, don't bother getting into one.


P.S. The guy that gets a wedding ring may have a fragile ego but at least he knows he is in love with a lady for who she really is, not some fantasy that he paid for.;)

Okay, last chance for you.

SOME of the boyfriends know what their SP girlfriend does for a living, MOST clients don't even care if the SP has a social life or boyfriend. SP's don't lie about not having a boyfriend, because they don't need to. Most SP's lie to their boyfriends and family because they need to.

Most relationships of any & all kinds end in disaster. Most relationships fail. This is not unique to the SP world.

About real relationships..... no matter how much you put into a relationship, that is no gurantee that it will work out. I feel the best chance for anyone's relationship to work, they first have to be strong enough to be true to themselves first, which for the most part, does not require real effort or commitment, but is something that one learns as they experience life naturally.

About your "P.S.", I meant that both the client & the boyfriend are seeing the same woman....... which means the SP was way more honest with the client & he(the bf) never really knew her at all. Not that, is such a big deal, no one really knows anyone anyway, SP or civie. As far as the fantasy goes, who is living in dreamland, the guy who knows upfront that he will get a SP for a set time, for a set price or he can take it up with the Agency owner, if he feels he has been wronged.......... or the guy that has no idea his girlfriend is a SP & doesn't even want to marry him, and if they do get married, he does NOT get her for a set time, for a agreed upon rate, with any implied services......... yet he believes it will be, until death do us part? Then he loses half of everything he owns in the divorce, before she is dead.

GG you have way too many guilt-trips running in your own head. The SP world is far from perfect, but the so-called real world is worse. Please embrace the SP world or get married & don't look back. Either way I wish you only happiness in your journey though life......... but, please stop posting the same thing on my thread & just let other people voice their take on just the question: Could you LTR date a working SP?


Aug 17, 2007
Juliana said:
happygolucky said:
All people have a tough time meeting someone..... this is universal, not only limited to sp's.
The above it is good point.

The comment below is a huge generalisation, all my gilrfriends male partners know's what we do for living.
The SP's that already have boyfriends, a decent percentage, have no idea that their girlfriends are SP's & not the other way around.

I could never lie to someone that deeply cares about me, no way. My partner has to know what i do, or i would fell very very unconfortable in his presence.
The whole point of having a meaningfull romantic relationship it is that one space in earth where i can fell at home, confortable and welcome.

In fact clients are the best candidates to date a sex worker, because they already know what we do.

I would be an idiote if i was to discriminate against dating clients.


Thank you for your honesty. You and your girlfriends are lucky to have met so many truely open-minded men. If you look at the running results of my poll, most men cannot date a working SP. I am sitting on the fence on this issue, even though I like to think I am open-minded....... I guess I am not yet that open-minded.

About telling lies, my life is based on lies, and because of my job, it is a everyday part of my life. In most situations involving something that could cause me to hurt someone else that I care about, I just don't say anything if I can........ I don't want to tell you that I lie to people I care deeply about, but I will say, that I have in the past & will most likely do so in the future.

About my reasons for having a deep, meaningful, romantic relationship..... it varies. At this point of my life I have experienced enough to be able to relate to almost anyone........ but I am just too weird/strange for some women..... I get around this by playing up the attraction & downplaying deep stuff. I am still fascinated by women's bodies, and this has always been my main attraction to women. Sorry, this is just who I am....... kind of shallow, I know. I love sex, but at this point of my life I cannot get it up or come for woman, that I don't find attractive. Yes, I have many mental hang ups.

Again thank you for your honesty, I believe that if you are true to yourself, the men in your life will be attracted to your strength. In my opinion, your type of relationships(while still in the biz), have the best chance of working out. Peace


New Member
Jul 6, 2005
Wise Men Say...

I like SP's.
Over the years I've fell in love, dated, LTR'ed, with a number of SP's.
I've had straight girlfriends and been married a number of times and it all depends on the person and the vibes. I, like Juliana, ama romantic and I tend to find SP's refreshingly cut the bullshit kind of woman.
All with the vibes baby, all with the vibes...


Aug 17, 2007
johnmbot said:
are you, like, a spy or something? if you are i'd bet all women would find that very sexy.:p

I am not a spy..... I am Something though. Yes, women do find me sexy, but I don't think I could tell them what I really do for a living or I would have to kill them............ well, maybe not that extreme???

Let's just say I deal a lot with foreign diplomats & very rich foreign nationals?
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