on the Verge of Retirement
I can not speak for everyone but I can speak up for at least three guys that I have encountered this year.
I have been working as an SP for a couple of years now and have met some great people.
Some who were fascinated by the profession some who relied on it when needed and believe it or not some one have turned to it as a means of finding that special person to hopefully engage in something more meaningful.
Face it this is still the easiest way and in some cases the fastest way to meet a woman.
I have, in the past year been dating a dentist that I had met in one of my trips to Chicago.
He was understanding and of my work even after a year of dating showed no signs that it bothered him.
There has even been talks of marriage, but i did not find it was the right time for it.
On a more recent trip, I encountered a bodybuilder that I had a little fling with in Miami this summer.
I had a wonderful time and after coming clean as an SP on the first date he got down on his knees and proposed by the second.
Just this past month, I encountered a older gentle man on the verge of retirement who was just taken away and decided to to stay working in order to support me and our new found relationship.
This American millionaire has already introduced me to his kids, his colleagues and has asked my hand in marriage.
Obviously there are men out there that see past the whole sleeping with guys thing and do not have harsh judgement on the profession.
I think it takes a certain open minded and confident individual to truly understand it.
and announcing my retirement as an SP.
So, do these things happened only in the movies, I am living proof that it does not.
Thank God!!
If it was not for those guys, i would not be moving to my new home in L.A.
Where do you think movies get there ideas any way