Talk about not making any sense!
Apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. I made it crystal clear as to what I was saying in my post but that didn't matter to you. Your just so offended by the use of the term "Nazi" that you went off the deep end and are looking for a fight. Nowhere did I say that being against Communism made anyone a Nazi, only that the behavior engaged in by our government to fight Communism in the not so distant past was very comparable to Gestapo tactics used by the Nazis' to destroy anything that was deemed as a threat to their power.
On to Present Day. I pointed out that in regards to limiting the participation in this sporting event because of a political grudge against another nation our goverment is engaging in something that is seen as "Nazi like", namely telling us who we can and can not play baseball with. Stop pontificating about the use of the term Nazi and calling anyone who uses it ignorant when explanation for said comparison has been amply provided for you if you cared to read it. You haven't clue one as to anything about us other than we hobby in Montreal from time to time. Disrespectful? Your response takes the cake. Last I checked opinions are just that and we are entitled to ours every bit as much as you are to yours.
No one used the term in the way you think it was used. No one justified labeling Americans as Nazi's, certainly not THIS American. If President Bush is your hero thats just fine. I don't call him a Nazi, a Jackass yes, but Nazi, No. He does however SUPPORT some things which are similar to things the Nazis' supported, see the Patriot Act, but that does not make him a genocidal maniac and no one said it did. The French cooperating with Nazis'? Did I mention anything about the French? Germans? Japanese? Who mentioned them? They have nothing to do with my point and you know it so please stop trying to shift the focus.
Fact is that the US goverment shuns Cuba with the utmost of contempt. Almost the way you would expect a "Nazi regime" to be treated. Our government takes us to extremes where we won't even allow Cuba to play baseball in Puerto Rico in a "World" Championship tournament that they definitely belong in if any credibility is to be given to it. As to past behavior being used to justify calling Americans Nazis' that is just bunk. No justification is necessary for pointing out the simple truth of what the US government is doing and, AGAIN, I did NOT call Americans or President Bush Nazis'. References to past atrocities committed by the US serve as simple reminders that we have a checkered past and blood on our hands. So before we go discriminating against Cuba we should remember our own faults, past AND PRESENT because believe you me, we still have a long way to go before we can claim holier than thou status.