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Cuba open for business


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The older crowd in Little Havana, the bitter and hateful, are delusional. They don't want to settle for anything but total victory and they have wasted over 50 years demanding something they can't get in their life times, if ever. The old guard Cubans in Miami and their supporters have been part of the problem.



Good to know that the very people that lost everything and had to flee their country or be shot in the back of the head or locked up as political prisoners are the ones who are the problem. That is good to know.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth


Good to know that the very people that lost everything and had to flee their country or be shot in the back of the head or locked up as political prisoners are the ones who are the problem. That is good to know.

Yes, they have been part of the problem. They let their tragic experiences warp them into unyielding hatred and a failed view on handling what happened that has probably helped cut them off from their homeland longer than necessary. How they feel is perfectly understandable, but their bitterness has blocked any other supposed solution than the one that has not worked at all. I stand with their children. Are they all traitors too.

You're welcome,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
What is better? Communism or capitalism?
You know the difference between communism and capitalism? Communism is the exploitation of man by man. Capitalism is the reverse.

I suppose, while Cuba is run by communist bastards, China is OK since they let US corporations pay millions upon millions of Chinese slave wages, eh?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hungry, agreed 100% with what you are saying and some are just to dense to get it. Yes, Socialism Sucks.

As far as a "hobby trip" to Cuba in the future, I find Tijuana and Medellin more attactive for Latin Women for a few reasons, with TJ leading the way but I have a couple good friends that hobby in Cuba and highly recommend it but meh, I find the other 2 places more intriguing.

Keep fighting the good fight Amigo!

Good to know that the very people that lost everything and had to flee their country or be shot in the back of the head or locked up as political prisoners are the ones who are the problem. That is good to know.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You know the difference between communism and capitalism? Communism is the exploitation of man by man. Capitalism is the reverse.

I suppose, while Cuba is run by communist bastards, China is OK since they let US corporations pay millions upon millions of Chinese slave wages, eh?

Who the fuck suggested China is OK? They just realized if they adopted some capitalistic principles they can put food on the table. Now they have an emerging middle class. Better than Mao's "Great Leap Forward" campaign which killed millions. My colleagues in India tell me once their country adopted free market principles their economy took off.

If you ever want to compare which philosophy is better go to the Korea and look out across the DMZ. Tell me where you would rather live? North or South Korea? So you still think that communism and capitalism are the same?

I am sick and tired of the entitled class in North America. If you are on some type of government entitlement and you can afford to see escorts then your government is giving you too much. Go out and get a job like your parents did.

Che Guevara is dead. I shot him in the fucking head.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I am sick and tired of the entitled class in North America. If you are on some type of government entitlement and you can afford to see escorts then your government is giving you too much.
Exactly. I couldn't agree more. That's exactly why the US government needs to stop giving massive tax breaks to corporations who pay their top executives tens of millions of dollars a year to take their companies to tax shelters abroad.

Why is it that you're fine with the government handing out millions to corporations, but scream bloody murder when it wants to hand a few hundred to a family in need?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Rumps, I may have misrepresented myself. I am in favor of more of a limited government. The government that governs the least governs the best. The tax problem could be solved if they just made the system fair. We have the highest corporate taxes in the world and then in some cases we don't tax at all.


New Member
Jun 15, 2010
Cuba has only rum and sugar cane for revenue now, they will have more tourist dollars once the US allows American citizens to travel there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sharkman, I can imagine. I get to south Florida from time to time. Cooking is a hobby and I love to cook Cuban food. In fact I have Lechan Asado, the national dish of Cuba, in my slow cooker as I write this. The problem is I hate fucking communists for obvious reasons. The story also became quite personal. One of my good friends defected from Cuba as a boy during the 60's. He shared his story with me recently. I was encouraged to share it here by another member. So I will do so and this is the end of it...and then the Bill De Blasios of the board can take their shots.

I have a good friend that escaped at Cuba at 14 with his sister, mom and dad in the 1960s. They lost everything. Their grandfather was jailed for disagreeing with the Castro regime. His parents died fairly poor. He is an outstanding professional and doing very well with a PhD. His story touched my heart. We have it pretty good in this country and if you don't believe it go ask the Cuban immigrants that escaped that hell hole.

It was an interesting story. In Cuba my friend's Grandfather, a university professor, was jailed and his family wondered who would be next. People were being lined up against the wall and shot for subversive activities. His mother tried to get them out and wrote everywhere. She finally found a distant relative that worked for a newspaper in Mexico City. They were running out of time. The day he turned 14, the family could not leave because he would be of military age till age 35. There was mandatory service from 14 to 35 years of age in some sort of ready reserve. The plan was to leave Cuba for Mexico City and then apply for asylum in the USA. They got the approval to leave Cuba for Mexico. The day that happened the Castro government kicked them out of their own apartment and it was boarded up with many of their things still inside. They were forced to pay their apartment off before leaving draining them of their wealth. They had to board with relatives waiting for the paper work to immigrate to Mexico. They were treated terribly.

Once they landed in Mexico the Mexican immigration said "you will not have to cut sugarcane anymore" and treated them very rude and cold with suspicion. My friend told me that no one is allowed to immigrate to Mexico permanently. You can only stay there 6 months. Also, the Mexican Government and Cuba have never severed diplomatic relations even at the height of the Cuban missile crisis. Anyway, they applied for asylum in the United States. It was granted and he remembered landing in Miami and being greeted by US customs with a smile and welcome to United States. He said it was a great day. You could feel and see the difference. They boarded with Cubano-Americans in Miami and he struggled to learn English. His parents worked remedial jobs to put him and his sister through school.

He said at the time of the revolution the standard of living was getting better for everyone. They just started to get mortgages in Cuba which is unheard of in Latin America till this day. Castro took over and did what communists do. Castro is a jungle version of Stalin.

My friend said he does no care to return to Cuba. There is nothing there for him to return to.
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