Montreal Escorts

Curbing Prostitution by Educating Johns?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Here we go again. But would having Johns attend a one-day course solve prostitution. :noidea:

CBC recently reports:

[FONT=&amp]"Longueuil police want to put forward a new approach to curb sexual exploitation: "John school."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]It's a seminar to teach "Johns" — a term for those accused of soliciting prostitution — about the realities of the sex trade and human trafficking. [/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]After being apprehended by police, the accused would pay a fine to attend the one-day course. If they pass, they would avoid criminal prosecution and would not receive a criminal record, as long as they do not re-offend.[/FONT]
* * * *

[FONT=&amp]"There will be young girls testifying about they felt when the client touched them," Dagher said. "It gets very emotional. Because sometimes the clients thinks because they're paying, [the girl] is OK with it."

[/FONT]* * *

[FONT=&amp]"Those people sometimes go through stress … life, divorce, and all that," Dagher said, which can lead them to soliciting a sex worker without thinking of the consequences."


Sorry, if I don't attend to this thread regularly. Frankly, I'm not smart enough about the issues and the possible solutions.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
to be fair and balanced they should also have a 'Jane' school where the sex worker describes how she actually enjoys using her body to give men pleasure for money...but I guess no one would ever start that school...


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2010
to be fair and balanced they should also have a 'Jane' school where the sex worker describes how she actually enjoys using her body to give men pleasure for money...but I guess no one would ever start that school...

We are talking about minors prostitution, here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
actually it is the opposite:

"The "John school" would not be available to those who solicit underage victims."


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
All the advertised underage LE stint seems to happen in laval, longueil or quebec city.... Maybe pimps cannot afford montreal leasing price??


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
They've had this in Atlanta for a long time. If you are an unfortunate slob that gets caught curbsiding prostitutes they make you go to John school and you are served a ration of guilt. I was reading about it. It seems that there is not now nor has there ever been a prostitute or escort that did this by choice. They were forced to do this by evil white males.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
They again can't make a difference between sex trafficing and prostitution and think we are imbecile who don't know the difference. Its just sad. I know im not everybody and its not because Myself i wouldn't go anywhere near somewhere that could relate to sex trafficing that every "John" is like that, but i hate that they mix this with normal prostitution, like the agencies and indies from here.

I think the governement/LE would benefit from hearing about certain clients as well as escorts.


Oct 24, 2008
I wonder how many of the hypocrites that teach john school watch, football , boxing matches etc where men beat the shit out of each other for the entertainment of people that buy the tickets or watch on tv where the ads pay for it. So many of these men die young and are in pain for the rest of their lives and are recruited in high school and younger for their athletic ability. I could go on and on here but I think you get the point . Hockey is big in Canada and that is also a dangerous sport where they are recruited young and pushed into it by their dads .
I also read during the recent election in canada that some of the conservatives running want to loosen gun control in canada. are they to dumb to see what guns are doing in the US or do they even care . so they just say whatever they think might get them elected


Oct 24, 2008
I also think it I went to John school I would probably get thrown in jail for having a bad attitude because I could not sit there and listen to somone's bull shit when I have forgotten more about sex workers then the john school teacher will ever know from my many many years of hobbying
so I would end up trying to teach them about life and reality.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I wonder if the cops that do this (sending John's to that course) really believe in it. That attitude of putting all girls doing escorting as victims really gets on my nerves.

We should do a "Jane" school to educate woman about how some of their attitudes push us in the arms of escorts, and how men are also taken advantage of and so often scammed when all most want is physical affection.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I also think it I went to John school I would probably get thrown in jail for having a bad attitude because I could not sit there and listen to somone's bull shit when I have forgotten more about sex workers then the john school teacher will ever know from my many many years of hobbying
so I would end up trying to teach them about life and reality.

Do that and you wouldn't graduate. You would learn quickly to lie and tell them what they want to hear and even believe it for the moment to make it look real. This is sort of what that woman that worked in the massage parlor that serviced Kraft did. Later she told them that she was scared and told them what she thought they wanted to hear. This is what you do when you are in a concentration camp run by the left. You regurgitate the crap that they are telling you if you want to live.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

This is exactly what I did at all the useless team building, effective communication etc... courses I was forced to attend at work.
If I had used any of that crap with the engineers and metallurgists I would have been laughed out of the place.
We said all the right things, nodded our heads like Don Cherry’s bobble head side kick and laughed about it over a beer later.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
i wouldn't go anywhere near somewhere that could relate to sex trafficing that every "John" is like that, but i hate that they mix this with normal prostitution, like the agencies and indies from here.

I couldn't agree more.

Good points Patron and 2F2S.

Hehe. I think we have all sat through all those bullshit seminars, Fradi.

the hypocrites . . . watch, football , boxing matches etc where men beat the shit out of each other for the entertainment of people that buy the tickets or watch on tv where the ads pay for it.

Interesting point.

To be clear, we are all against exploitation of minors in any form, sexual and otherwise. We (Merb hobbyists) only see escorts who are consenting adults.

Hehe. Jalimon. Rents are high in Montreal's downtown cores but agencies and independents find reasonable ways to make rent payments. As Patron suggested, it costs very little (3.5$ each way) to take the Metro in Montreal and commuter trains are not that expensive either.

It seems to me that as long as no narcotics, violence and minors are involved, the LE (and politicians) turn a blind eye to SW in Montreal.

Are the politicians and police chief in Longueuil seeking provincial and national offices?


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Le problème, c'est que les médias montrent toujours le pire côté du métier d'escorte, soit celui où la fille fait ce métier contre son gré et où elle donne tous ses revenus à son pimp. C'est une tendance de la société de croire que ça marche toujours comme ça.

Mais ils sont mal informés. Ils ne parlent jamais des filles qui font ce métier par CHOIX, qui sont à leur compte et qui choisissent leurs clients. Il y a aussi de bons côtés à ce métier. Le plaisir des rencontres dans le respect mutuel,, le fait de partager nos opinions sur la vie en général, le côté sensuel qui permet de partager nos émotions, ça, on en parle jamais.

Mais c'est tjrs plus facile de parler uniquement des idées préconçues sans prendre le temps de regarder tous les aspects. Les filles ne font pas tous ce métier pour les mêmes raisons.

Mais ils parlent aussi de clients comme des abuseurs. Wow là. Premièrement, moi, je ne voudrais pas rencontrer une fille qui ne veut pas être là et qui est mal à l'aise. On n'est pas tous là pour assouvir nos instincts primaires.


Oct 24, 2008
you must read this mornings paper where the laval police have been running stings to catch guys agreeing to purchase sex from minors and we all agree that guys knowingly purchasing sex from minors should be punished but read on and you will see that Dany Gagnon assistant director of criminal investigation believes that buying sexual consent should not be allowed. so it is obvious that he is not satisfied with just going after the guys that purchase from minors.
I think that adult sex workers that want to keep their chosen profession going should contact mr gagnon and people like him explaining that they dont need people like him making decisions for them. Maybe some of the ladies reading this will reach out to mr Gagnon because it has to come from the ladies.
Mr Gagnon considers all of us "abusers"


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
but read on and you will see that Dany Gagnon assistant director of criminal investigation believes that buying sexual consent should not be allowed.

Can he publicly say otherwise? He is tied up and bend to say that publicly. It's the action they do internally that matters. And with the resources they have, with task at hand, they still focus on underage pimped sp.



Oct 24, 2008
I still thing the Ladies should speak up because they can legally do so and if I was a sex worker listening to this bull shit, I would feel insulted by people that seem to know what I should or should not be doing with my body


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think that adult sex workers that want to keep their chosen profession going should contact mr gagnon and people like him explaining that they dont need people like him making decisions for them. Maybe some of the ladies reading this will reach out to mr Gagnon because it has to come from the ladies.
Mr Gagnon considers all of us "abusers"

Yeah, well, he probably has a pretty good gig right now and is making a lot more money and experiencing more fame than he could in the private sector so I don't blame him for this. I blame him for his dishonesty. Not to others but to himself. If he did any work at all he would be able to meet some of the escorts that have thrived in this industry for years...But you are correct. He's not much help to anyone. Maybe he comes across the odd abused, pimped-out girl and that convinces him that he's doing the right thing. As you said, what is needed is that the women that profit from their profession need to come forward and help speak for other woman that cannot due to the tension it will cause for them at home with their families and among their peers etc. I fear that in 10 years Canada will be like the United States Sex Prison of America.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Bien dit, mon ami. Hydargoos!

Sex can be fun and is fun for both consenting adults, especially in Montreal's Hobbyland.

SW by consenting ladies enables many of them to pay their bills, put food on the table for their families, save some monies for medical emergencies and those rainy and snowy days, and gives them hope. Sure, they'll occasionally encounter "bad" clients, but as I understand it, most of the clients who see escorts in Montreal are very respectful of the ladies--we Johns do our best to get the best possible mileage for our money and time with the escorts.

True, those SW who are able to make a living doing it should speak up and speak to the politicians-- and vote those out of office if they don't listen to those constituents.

For now, the best way to avoid these politicians is to avoid hobbying in the suburbs and stick to Montreal. (and maybe Quebec City).

Does TO or Vancouver have problems with consenting adult escort plying their trade? (Sexual exploitation of minors happen everywhere in every part of our society: priests raping young boys and girls; coaches raping teenage girls who they are coaching gymnastics, etc. And the Jeff Epstein of the world.) Those abuses and evil conduct must stop and be eradicated.)
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