Montreal Escorts

$$$$$$ delusional prices

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Lily from Montreal

I kind of resent the slur on 5'3''ladies...being that height I am not a midget and insults will get you nowhere fast in a civilized site like Merb...

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
I would gladly pay 1000$ or more for an hour with Marine Vacth or a supermodel. The truth is that if women are increasing their rates it is because men are ready to pay what they ask. I have to say that most men have an awful taste, How can anyone pay 300$-350$ an hour to have sex with a 5f3 midget that dresses with vulgar clothes? If men are willing to pay 300$, let the girls cash in on the stupidity of men, I say they deserve it.

C'est vraiment un commentaire/post , tout fait gratuit et absolument inutile.

Par exemple : Moi les BBW, c'est vraiment pas ma tasse de thé, mais je respecte le fait qu'il y en a qui aime ça, et je ne fais pas de commentaire sur les SP comme cela ni sur les clients qui les fréquentent.

Tout les goûts sont dans la nature, et personne est en droit de juger ladessus.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Montreal has always had a "higher-end" market, it just never showed up much on merb. FKS did not advertise here, and my favorite old agency, which was called something like Allison's Adorable Angels (I think) had a two-hour minimum for most of the ladies (who were knockouts). That agency preceded merb and was reviewed on Canbest, and it was pretty expensive.

I remember this agency well. It was the first agency i ever contacted. But it was based in Toronto. An sp named Alexis who happened to be a flight attendant was the first sp i had planned to see. But i wound up going to Mtl instead and saw Monica of Heartbreakers.

Maybe you were thinking of Alissa Montreal?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
CPP433 and Ricky Bonds share my feelings.

I think it's a matter of personal taste and what each person can afford and is comfortable spending. I'll be totally honest and state that any sp whose rates are $300 and over is out of my league and i'll rarely consider. That's why i'm more open to seeing girls in the $200-250 range. Sure, some may say that $50 more is no big deal. But i'll respond by saying that you need to draw the line somewhere and my line is around the $250 limit. Per girl that is, since i'm not including threesomes, which i've had a craving for lately. And if i'd win a lottery tomorrow, i really doubt i'd break my personal rule.....i'd still be willing to spend money on 'entertainment' up to around $250. Like i said earlier, it's a personal choice.

Girls can chose whatever rate they're comfortable with. It's their right and i can't blame them if they can make a living at a higher rate. A higher rate may permit them to see less clients while maintaining the same prodit margin....or better. There's nothing wrong with this. But the client such as myself also has a right to spend as much as he wants and feels comfortable with. Some people go to a hockey game and don't mind spending $12 for a beer. I do. I'd rather buy a case a beer for just a little bit more and have it waiting in the fridge for me after the game is over. In other words, i'd rather see two sps at $200 each than seeing just one for $400. For me, it's simply a case of common sense and smart business.

Myself, i've had 'dates' that were out of this world anywhere from $130 to $220. I've had great threesomes in the past which only cost me $200, which partly explains why i haven't had a threesome in what seems like ages.

I met an indy at a gt a year or so ago. She walked up to me and we started to talk. I had no idea who she was. She told me that she'd like to see me and hoped i'd review her. She wasn't necessarily my type, but i enjoyed her personality. She gave me her business card and i promised i'd contact her in order to book an appointment. The next day, i checked some of her reviews. Wow! They were glowing reviews! She was someone i felt i'd have a great time with. Not only did she have the personality, but her services seemed to be amazing! I then took a look at her site and when i saw all the services and extras that she offered, i told myself that i must definitely see this girl! Not only did she have a nice personality and glowing reviews, but she appeared kinky as hell! She was perfect! And then, i took a look at her rates......what a terrible disappointment. If i remember correctly, the first hour was something like $400. Maybe more, i don't remember nor do i care. But the doc had his own personal rules and paying that much money for a fantasy simply wasn't a match. Unless of course, she happened to be Nicole Anniston, Samantha Saint, Rihanna, Jessica Alba or Emily Blunt. If it were the case, i'd likely make an exception. ;)

The bottom line is that sps are free to charge as much as they want. More power to them if their business thrives at the rates they chose. They are always free to either raise or lower their rates in order to make a decent living. And for the client who cares (like me) for his hard-earned dollar, there will always be great options at the $200+ level, a level i'm comfortable at. And i've been at it for over 15 years. Have a plan, stick to it and the rest won't matter.

Thor Jr

Late Night Stud Muffin
Jul 24, 2008
I agree with you Doc, i believe in every market in this world, there is a standard of donations given, from low to high, and before i continue i will say that in any way am i comparing the ladies to any inanimate objects. Like Doc said, i too have my standards on what i am willing to pay for a service or product, if i can only afford the service for a few months at a higher level of pay, then i would rather pay less for a longer period of time, and this is for all, I read somewhere what a particular lady wrote and it goes something like this, I prefer quality over quantity and for this i offer a special donation, and i agree and whether this is good marketing for herself or she really means it(and yes i will vouch for the latter) it is still a plus for me.
If i can afford a Lamborghini for a month or a Chevy for 10 years, well Chevy here i come and then there's times when hey i have a few extra dollars, will i go the extra mile and go for a higher per hour SP, the answer is no, i am stubborn and i have my limits and if my ATF ever raise their price, will i continue to adhere their time, we will cross that bridge when we get there, with every day passed, comes a new adventure and with these adventures comes change.
In closing, what i am saying in short is, there's a market for everyone, some can pay the higher prices for a longer period then others and some have principles and then there's those who think with the wrong head and go for the cash advances on their cards to see the higher bracket ladies and for an hour or two feel like their on top of the world just to be thrown off and not be able to see another lady for a month or two.

I love women and i believe they are priceless. The ladies who ask a donation of 300$ to 400$ and more for an hour, i am sure you are worth every nickel(since we have no pennies) and i don't think you will starve, like i said, there's a client at every level.

Thor Jr


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Je vous rejoins aussi le budget MAX que je dois considérer est de 200-250 l'heure....... et à ce prix-----comme on peut le constater dans les pubs de ce site-------il y a beaucoup de belles disponibilités sur le marché.........évidemment il y en a aussi de très très intéressantes à des prix plus substantiels....mais comme vous dites à un moment donné il faut tirer la ligne.......Je dois dire que j'ai eu aussi de superbes rencontres à des coûts inférieurs soit entre 150-180.
Mon gros problème c'est que une heure en agréable compagnie ce n'est pas assez........alors TRÈS SOUVENT j'opte pour DEUX HEURES et double donc à au minimun 400, vais hésiter beaucoup avant d'atteindre 500.00.......... alors cela limite considérablement le nombre de mes rencontres.......donc d'autant plus important de faire les bons choix.....Je dois admettre aussi que certaines Indies rencontrées PLUS SOUVENT en outcall chez moi acceptaient ---------pour plus d'une heure de rencontre-----de faire un tarif préférentiel.......ce qui est très apprécié.........mais malheureusement je ne peux recevoir que très rarement...........

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The problem I have with your analysis is that it makes the automatic assumption that the set price is indicative of quality. In a huge market with a tremendous number of buyers of a limited selection of vehicle types, that is true.

In the commercial sex market, that is not necessarily the case, although it often is.

Very well put. From my personal experience, rates are not always relative to the quality of experience offered by an sp. i still remember the night when i called LFMJ and they sent a girl totally unknown to me. When i opened the door, the tall blond girl standing in front of me was a total knockout! She was dressed very nicely, had beautiful blue eyes and i adored her shy personality. I immediately kept her for two hrs and it cost me a total of $230! Before she left, she gave me her email address and told me she'd see me at lower rate if i wanted to see her again. I felt like i had just won the jackpot!

And just recently, i met a couple of sps with a good reputation (and very good reviews) whose rates are around the $250 range. I had such a good time with them and find them beautiful. I honestly can't imagine having a better time with sps asking double or even triple their rates. So why would i feel like seeing someone priced higher when i'm getting all i want for less? It would make no sense for me.

Believe it or not, one of my worse sp experiences was with an sp that was in the hdh range. I had paid $300 to see her at the time, which was over a decade ago. Terrible experience and what made it much worse was when i realized how much money i had literally thrown out the window. Was i ever happy that i had agreed to see her for just one hour. Another time just a few years ago, i saw another moderately priced sp for two hours. What a disappointment she was! After the first hour, i came up with an excuse and politely told her we had to put an end to our date. She looked very sad, so i felt kind of bad and told her i'd pay her the full two hour rate plus the extra for greek that we had discussed (which we never had). I simply could not go on with the charade, even though her services at this point were pretty good and she had told me she was willing to do anything. But the connection and especially the attraction simply wasn't there and never would be.

But one area where the majority of higher priced ladies have over the rest of the market is in the type of class that they appear to expose. The higher dollar ladies that i've met over the years were mostly all dressed to the max. They looked very classy. Dressed like they were on their way to a gala, you may even say. Rarely in jeans. On the other hand, especially during the summer, many of the ladies i've seen in the usual $220 or less range didn't wear anything special most of the time. Either tight jeans or a short skirt. Often tight and/or skimpy outfits that didn't leave too much to the imagination. Nothing wrong with this, but if i'd be sitting in a hotel lobby and would spot them, i knew right away that they weren't there for an astronautical conference. Again, just saying and there's nothing wrong with a woman dressing provocatively to feel 'in the moment'. It's simply a difference i noticed between the higher dollar ladies and the regularly-priced ladies.

Steely Dan

May 22, 2004
Visit site
A price is only delusional if it's made without any consideration of supply and demand. I've thought a lot about my prices and gradually raised them over the months so that I could judge how much business I'd have at different price levels. What I've found is that I could actually charge more than $350/hr and still be fully booked. Sounds a bit ludicrous, I know, but that's because many Montrealers severely underestimate the amount of demand in the current market - especially the demand from traveling Americans and the very favorable USD/CAD exchange rate.

And the reason why my schedule says I'm still booked solid despite my price increase is because I scheduled for October and November back in the summer at my lower price. Since I went up to $350/hr I noticed a drop in demand, but that won't show in my schedule until December.

I'm a firm believer that the market will push prices to be where they should be. If a girl wants to charge $300/hr with only average service, low demand will force her to go back down to $250/hr. If a price stays high, that's a good indication that that's where it should be.

I haven't had time to read this whole thread so forgive me if this has been said. I absolutely agree with Zoe here. As in any service or business it is all about supply and demand and what is valued by each individual customer. If someone is willing to pay the price for a certain "product" or preference then they will. If not then the provider will have to adjust. I am all for paying higher prices for what is my choice of value proposition.


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
It's the same in every profession. For example, take Manhattan, NY, or Washington D.C., where there are tons of lawyers -- I call them professional liars (I know). Most of the lawyers can only charge $100 to $200 an hour, regardless of how good they are but since they have no pedigree -- some dumb ass law degree from Harvard or have connections through their parents. Other "high power" attorneys (most of them are butt ugly and old as King Tut) charge $1,000 plus an hour for their "services." So, if a lady can charge $1,000 plus an hour (or $10,000 plus as in Elliot Spitzer case), more power to her. And if I had that kind of money, I'd buy a condo in Montreal, so I'll have a plausible excuse to get away to Montreal on the weekends for R&R;):lol: Let the invisible Hand of the market have its way:D I can only afford $200 service providers, many of whom I had the privilege of meeting were wonderful beyond wonderful. Thank you Montreal, which is a first class destination in every respect.:amen::thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I haven't had time to read this whole thread so forgive me if this has been said. I absolutely agree with Zoe here. As in any service or business it is all about supply and demand and what is valued by each individual customer. If someone is willing to pay the price for a certain "product" or preference then they will. If not then the provider will have to adjust. I am all for paying higher prices for what is my choice of value proposition.

Yes, that's some of us have been saying all along.

However, as Patron mentionned above, unsuspecting johns should be made aware that paying more doesn't always mean that you'll get more, so to speak. As an example of this, i've had fantastic encounters with beauties that were priced at $130, while had some of my most disappointing encounters with ordinary-looking girls at $300/hour who offered lousy services and attitude.

So i suppose it's always a case of buyer-beware.....even (and maybe especially) when it comes to the sex industry.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Wow, what an ignorant and rude comment. The average height for women on the planet is 5'3", so I suppose to your eyes, over half of the women in the world are midgets? The average height for women in Canada and the U.S. is 5'4" to 5'5", also midgets to you?

Physically beautiful women come in all heights. I won't even bother with inner beauty; I doubt you'd understand.

I agree with you. Maybe he's an NBA player.

p.s. By the way, there's an NBA game at the Bell Center on the 23rd. So the 'ladies' should be pretty busy that night. ;)


If you do not like what some sps are charging let your wallet do the talking, know what I Mean.


Feb 18, 2015
I believe in the courtesans right to financially distinguish herself from the lower level competition and charge accordingly to what she believes she is worth.

It looks to me like this thread is about some being unhappy they have to pay more to see the best. Reviewers are the ones who gave her the stamp of high quality and now some look like they regret it. You can't have it both ways gentlemen. You can't build them up and expect them to be a bargain forever. Your reviews say Zoe has earned a higher rate and there comes a time when high quality has to be matched by the price.

The problem I have with your analysis is that it makes the automatic assumption that the set price is indicative of quality.

You're right. The price is not indicative of quality in the short term. A lot of reasons for that. Too many to go over. So cut it down to this. If an escort asks a high price and clients are willing to pay then unless we want to say we are generally chumps she must be worth her rate. I don't think any escort can hold a high price over time and not be high quality even if you account for tastes. Unless you guys have been inflating your reviews you can't blame the escorts for understanding their financial value.


Feb 18, 2015
The higher dollar ladies that i've met over the years were mostly all dressed to the max. They looked very classy.

It's much more than how they dress. I've seen some very high priced escorts when I'm assured they will be worthwhile. Being worthwhile means they put themselves at a higher quality level in every detail. It all starts and ends with an attitude to be high quality that leads to remarkable experiences.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It looks to me like this thread is about some being unhappy they have to pay more to see the best. Reviewers are the ones who gave her the stamp of high quality and now some look like they regret it. You can't have it both ways gentlemen. You can't build them up and expect them to be a bargain forever. Your reviews say Zoe has earned a higher rate and there comes a time when high quality has to be matched by the price.

Quite true and i've been saying this for years. We build them up with our glowing reviews and it leads to few availabilities and price hikes. They become extremely popular and will often quit their agencies and go the indy route, which usually leads to a price hike. The good part is that the higher the rate is, the more available an sp will usually be if the unsuspecting client doesn't mind paying the rates an sp has. If an sp is incredibly popular and her rates are still at $200, good luck trying to see her when she's on schedule.

I learned this lesson about 13 years ago. I saw an sp (hdh rates) from an agency called Montreal Girlfriends. She wasn't very popular at the time. But i loved one of her pics. Looking at it always gave me an instant boner. "I had to have this woman!" So i booked her a week later, and when she arrived, i found her average-looking. I may have been a tad disappointed since i had raised my expectations so much. But once they action started, she was a monster!! OMG!!!! The chemistry we had was out of this world!!! I later had dreams about her!!! When i'd think of her, my pulse would start racing!!!

I wrote a glowing review about a week later. She deserved every great comment i made in that review. "She was a nymphomaniac! She was like a sexual chameleon once she'd get on a bed!! We fucked again later when showering together!" A friend of mine saved that review and still reads it today when he needs to get turned on prior to seeing an sp!

However, the negative side of writing such a review is that the girl became extremely popular afterwards. Guys would see her because of my review and fell in love (or lust) with her!!! They then wrote their own glowing reviews!! I went back to Mtl a month later and wasn't able to see her since she was always fully booked!! Then she began to travel to the States and was a sensation there and made tons of money! She was now working more in the States than she was in Mtl. Sadly, i never saw her again. Not for lack of trying. But i realized i was the only one to blame for this. So it may explain why i hadn't written many reviews over the years until my somewhat 'review comeback' this past summer. When an sp becomes too popular, we only have ourselves to blame. Bitching about their unavailability or rates increase serves no purpose. It's our own fault.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It's much more than how they dress. I've seen some very high priced escorts when I'm assured they will be worthwhile. Being worthwhile means they put themselves at a higher quality level in every detail. It all starts and ends with an attitude to be high quality that leads to remarkable experiences.

I agree. But there's always an exception. But in general, what you wrote is absolutely true.


May 19, 2007
When a girl wants more than $200-220/hr in Montreal, you really need to ask yourself, does she really want to be there doing this work? Sure, Americans are stupid suckers and they may pay the 300+ rates, but common, this is the Montreal sex trade industry. Drop the Indys and stick with the agencies, they are much more in sync with what this industry is about. We have XXXtase, Nadyas, Euphoria, and so need to pay 250-500/hr for something that in the end is completely faked and empty. If you are obsessed with a certain girl and don't realize she doesn't really give 2 shits about you, I pity you.

What do they say about fools and their money?


Passionate Hetaera
Jan 8, 2015
When a girl wants more than $200-220/hr in Montreal, you really need to ask yourself, does she really want to be there doing this work? Sure, Americans are stupid suckers and they may pay the 300+ rates, but common, this is the Montreal sex trade industry. Drop the Indys and stick with the agencies, they are much more in sync with what this industry is about. We have XXXtase, Nadyas, Euphoria, and so need to pay 250-500/hr for something that in the end is completely faked and empty. If you are obsessed with a certain girl and don't realize she doesn't really give 2 shits about you, I pity you.

What do they say about fools and their money?

Actually it probably means that we want to be doing it more, with people who will actually appreciate us and not treat us like walking wet holes.
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