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Dirty Harry is now Crazy Uncle Harry


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Eastwood getting positive response in the polls

Clint Eastwood delivered one of the most unusual convention speeches in recent memory last week, and America’s Political Class didn’t know what to make of it. Most Democratic analysts panned the performance, while Republican officials offered a mixed assessment ranging from great to cringeworthy. But the 82-year old movie icon is still viewed in positive terms by the nation’s voters.

While Republican officials were uncertain about Eastwood, 78% of GOP voters have a favorable opinion of him. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that Democrats are evenly divided: 42% favorable and 44% unfavorable. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 58% view Eastwood favorably, and only 21% have a negative view

Told You Boyz! LOL... Does not matter what Dems/Libs think of Eastwood's performance, what matters is how the rest of the USA sees his speech as and so far looks like ole Clint pulled off the performance of a lifetime.

(go ahead rumps, this is where you slam Rassmussen Reports lol,.... save your "breath") (please)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It's rather well known that the Rassmussen polls are among the least reliable (and most biased) in the history of U.S. politics. I'm surprised not everyone was aware of this. :confused:

As for Grandpa Eastwood's so-called 'performance', it's a damn shame he himself can't remember last Thursday evening's events. I felt bad for the Romney family, who obviously appeared extremely embarrassed as they watched Eastwood's debacle.

Ann Romney appeared on tv the following morning & was obviously pissed at Eastwood's antics, considering he was supposed to be on stage for a maximum of five minutes, and wound up being on for 15 whole minutes. This cut into Mitt Romney's time where his team had planned to show a short movie about him to an international audience, which wound up getting scrapped due to the fact Eastwood's antics had caused them to be very short on time.

The main reason why most of the GOP are pissed at Eastwood is due to the fact no one was talking about Mitt Romney's acceptance speech on the following day(s). All people were talking about was the total embarrassment that Clint Eastwood had suddenly become.

Personally, i don't know why so many Republicans are pissed at Eastwood for stealing the spotlight. Even Bill Maher praised him, adding that he aced his performance, even hinting at brilliance. After all, the appearance of a crazy old man shouting at a chair typically represents the average Republican voter of today.

Many are also surprised that Eastwood got asked to attend the convention, considering his family values are shit (fathered 7 children with 5 different women), he's pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, etc. Hell, i'm describing a liberal, a word hated in America, but worn like a badge of honor in Canada! :eyebrows: Plus the fact Karl Rove even went as far as calling him Obama's bitch (okay, the word he used was 'tool') after his Superbowl ad appeared at halftime.

I ask you all: "Where would we go for entertainment if it wasn't for American politics?" :thumb:

p.s. Am i the only one who wants Eastwood to go on tour & give us another look at his comedy act? I want more!! :nod:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
(go ahead rumps, this is where you slam Rassmussen Reports lol,.... save your "breath") (please)
Happily, iggy.

Now, follow the link showing how the polls are showing the election these days. Now, look at the bar on the left side. See where it says "Rasmussen Free" map. Why do you think that is? Well, here's the long answer:

The short answer is that Rasmussen is so unreliable and leans so Rethuglican that they filter it out to make their overall composite more accurate.

It's rather well known that the Rassmussen polls are among the least reliable (and most biased) in the history of U.S. politics. I'm surprised not everyone was aware of this. :confused:
Well, everyone that reads is. There is, by the way, a petition going around demanding that Betty White be invited to deliver a rebuttal to poor old Clint.

And by the way, Nate Silver reports that Romney got a piss-poor bounce from his convention, not even enough to put him ahead in the polls in advance to the DNC event. With Michelle Obama on tonight, Bill Clinton tomorrow, and Obama on Thursday, the Dems have three fabulous speakers for their infomercial. Can't wait to see the Big Dog tomorrow. Too bad the Rethugs didn't the huevos to bring the notorious Bush/Cheney gang to Tampa.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
BWhahaaahahaahaahahahahaahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! your too easy ....hook line and sinker
Well, first, that's "you're" not "your." You fooled me. Good one, iggy. I should have known that you aren't stupid and uninformed enough not to know that Rasmussen's polls are for shit.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Actually, i need to correct you. Obama had 'Bad Blake' at the pre-convention party last night, not The Dude:
THE DUDE ABIDES!!! What a great movie that was.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
"Guy that looks like a Ken doll worth $500 million running for President & Clint Eastwood is talking to an invisible chair."-----Chris Rock


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yur still easy my good friend. And i would believe any poll over you ANYDAY!.... hows that for being informed? At least there is baseball tonight and the NFL tomm night, so some good tv is gonna be on :thumb:
Well, first, that's "you're" not "your." You fooled me. Good one, iggy. I should have known that you aren't stupid and uninformed enough not to know that Rasmussen's polls are for shit.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Clint Eastwood delivered one of the most unusual convention speeches in recent memory last week, and America’s Political Class didn’t know what to make of it. Most Democratic analysts panned the performance, while Republican officials offered a mixed assessment ranging from great to cringeworthy. But the 82-year old movie icon is still viewed in positive terms by the nation’s voters.

Told You Boyz!

Reading 101,

Iggy, the last comment is not about the speech. It's about Eastwood personally, separating opinions about the speech from him as a person. As I said before these polls came out, I like Eastwood and still do. But I thought his performance in the speech was close to poor. The last line reflects similar sentiments. Even your pal EB said it was a stunt to draw attention to his film where he's an aging man. When nearly everyone is focused on Eastwood being strange and not Romney that's a BAD thing Iggy.

In Los Angeles, Clint is probably a very popular guy as a person, but here is what they thought of the speech from Gallup.,0,1363966.poll

POLL: Clint Eastwood's RNC Speech

What did you think of Clint Eastwood's speech at the Republican National Convention?

Made my day. (520 responses)

Just plain ugly. (1260 responses)

1780 total responses

(Results not scientific)

More importantly, what was the effect of the convention on Romney's prospects at this time?

Gallup: Romney’s RNC Speech Polled Worse Than Any Since 1996

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech before last week’s Republican National Convention generated the lowest approval rating among surveyed adults since Gallup began polling this question in 1996.

38 percent of respondents in Gallup’s poll rated Romney’s speech as “excellent” or “good.” 10 percent of respondents rated Romney’s speech as being “terrible.”

In contrast, 47 percent said the same of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and his 2008 GOP convention acceptance speech. Only 5 percent said McCain’s speech was “terrible.”

President Barack Obama’s 2008 acceptance speech in Denver, Colorado, was the most well received of all speeches since 1996. 58 percent of respondents rated his speech as “excellent” or “good” while only 7 percent found it to be “poor” or “terrible.”

Gallup’s telephone survey was taken between August 31 and September 1, 2012, of 1,045 adults. The survey has a +/- 4.0 percent margin of error.

This poll is closed to voting.

CHARLOTTE — Mitt Romney has yet to see much of a bounce in the polls after the Republican National Convention — and his acceptance speech was the least-loved in nearly two decades.

Romney trails Obama 46% to 47% — the same statistical lag he faced before last week's GOP gala in Tampa, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.

Only 38% of those surveyed by Gallup said Romney's speech was "excellent" or "good" — the lowest kudos quotient since the firm started asking that question in 1996.

Republicans had previously predicted a 10-point poll surge for Romney, but backed off that bold claim amid the threat of Hurricane Isaac and Clint Eastwood's bizarre address, which was largely directed to an empty chair.

Pollsters say the lack of poll movement points to a tight race, and a lackluster response to Romney's speech.

Until now, Arizona Sen. John McCain's 2008 presidential nomination speech held the worst-rated title, with 48% of those surveyed giving the address a thumbs-up.

President Obama's 2008 speech received a 58% approval rating, the highest mark in the poll's history. He will deliver his final acceptance speech Thursday night.

The GOP convention in Tampa also received low television ratings. Only the 1996 Republican convention — which nominated Bob Dole — was watched by fewer people.

The 2008 GOP convention, which featured McCain and his controversial running-mate Sarah Palin, was the most-watched since 1996.

According to these reports the Republicans failed to create any poll movement. Whether it was because of Romney, Rice, Eastwood, or Isaac, this is a very big disappointment for the Republicans.

I'd like to get a hold of that chair signed by Eastwood. It's going to be worth a fortune...especially if Romney loses the empty chair will be a beautifully ironic reflection of his campaign.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
0 long as it is personal insult free (i give some 5 minutes for that!) , all is good and hey at least i take time off for fun outside of the fun of debating dems lol.... Did you hear Alyssa, the Debt is now over 16 TRILLION under Obama's watch...... YIKES! And all he will do is blame everyone but himself, typical, sad and pathetic, but hey, it is what it is. Some can have the wool over their eyes and still get a hard on for this guy who has horribly failed America and the world, but not all. Lets hope the many "ALL" unite to make a change that is soooooooooooo desperately needed in November.

What should a true and real world leader do.... shift blame? or take responsibility and LEAD? Seriously? Ok said my peace, no sense being a "rumple" and repeating everything over for another 8 hours and waste "life" so have fun boyz :D Just remember, 16 TRILLION!
:lol: here we go again..


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Now, I am just waiting for DD to join this endless political debate and the party will be restarted for another 6 pages...;)
I'm glad you're enjoying the party, Alyssa, but I'm not going to play tonight. It was fun toying with whatshisname yesterday, trading quips with the always clever Doctor John Henry Holliday. But it gets boring after a while. You give one guy facts and he responds with quotes from nutjob blogs. You give the other guy facts and he responds with trash talk. Why do you think that is? Simple. That's all they've got.

I'm going to leave them with two more simple facts: Osama bin Laden is dead; GM is alive. And for that America gives big thanks to Barack Obama.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I'm glad you're enjoying the party, Alyssa, but I'm not going to play tonight.

I'm going to leave them with two more simple facts: Osama bin Laden is dead; GM is alive. And for that America gives big thanks to Barack Obama.

Same here. I'm off to watch the Yankees lose against the Rays, and hopefully Maria will prevail in her tennis match tonight. And of course, i will not miss the Democratic convention. It should be a great week of politics-watching, and i can't wait for Bill Clinton's address tomorrow evening. This great man never ceases to fascinate me! :thumb:

General Motors is alive, and Osama Bin Laden is dead. Hail to the President!! :thumb:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
from CNN: "President Obama and Mitt Romney are locked in a dead heat, according to a new national poll.

Both are locked at 48 percent, according to a CNN poll released Tuesday. That gives Romney a 1-percent bump from a little more than a week ago, when Obama led 49 percent to 47 percent.

“The Republican convention had at best a mild effect on the presidential race, and from a statistical viewpoint, no effect at all,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland told “Demographically, Romney’s overall one-point bounce masks some movement among subgroups and suggests that Romney’s pitch to some groups may have worked but at the expense of turning off another group of voters.”
The PollTracker Average of all public surveys shows President Obama with a small 0.4 percent lead over Romney, 47.3 percent to 46.9 percent."

Romney got dogshit from the RNC convention. He should have gotten at least four points, he got 1. I blame Crazy Uncle Harry for 1, Lyin' Ryan for 1, and Mitt the Stiff for the other.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I absolutely loved the Sen. Edward Kennedy tribute. Very touching. The part i liked the most was when they showed how he destroyed flippin' Mitt Romney in their '94 debate. Loved it!!!! :thumb:


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
It is always fun to see how people can say a guy is worthless without giving the guy time to prove himself. Obama got a boat other peoples filled with holes and when Obama got the boat it was filled with water to the point where it was almost gone under. He was elected and was given a teaspoon and told to fix the mess faster than the people who created the mess. The opposition don't want him to fix and empty the boat because they only want to get the boat back so they can use it till it sink without doing real maintenance and by putting patches on top of patches. The opposition do whatever they can to poke new holes and stop Obama from getting a pail. And now they say he is worthless because in 4 years he could not fix the boat they took 8 years to flood.
The opposition should start working for the country and accept somebody else can have good ideas instead of pushing back on everything Obama is proposing and them not proposing options different than those that created the mess when they owned the boat.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I agree, metoo4.

What amazes me is how so many Americans turn on their own leaders. Nearly half of Americans hate Obama with a passion. The same could be said a few years ago when it came to Dubya, and with Clinton in the 90's.

I mean, THIS IS YOUR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!

Personally, i'm no fan of Stephen Harper, i never voted for him and never will, yet, i respect my Prime Minister & will support him as long as he's my Prime Minister. I voted for Jack Layton's NDP in the last election, but only because i will never allow myself to vote for the PC & i didn't respect the Liberal Party candidate, which is usually my party of choice.

I always respected Mr. Layton, even though he was the leader of a rival party. Sadly, Mr. Layton passed away from cancer shortly after his very successful elections.

This is one of the biggest differences between Canadians & Americans, other than the fact Canadians where their liberalism like a badge of honor: Canadians will support & respect their leaders/Prime Minister a lot more than Americans will with their own leaders, including their President. When people say that the United States of America is a fractured country, they aren't kidding! :eek:
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