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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
''I find Maher funny because I buy the liberal mentality blah blah blah'' Really? Come ON!!!
Easy on him, Shijak. He's just writing what Fox tells him to write. He did say yesterday that he's never watch Maher and then went on to slur him.

You know, I love Maher. And Stewart. And, to a lesser degree, but there's only one Lewis Black. He was fabulous at Just for Laughs this year.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
No offense?? No offense?? No shit he took no offense. Eastwood's meltdown was the best thing that's happened to Obama's re-election bid since Mitt the Twit selected Lyin' Ryan as his running mate.

"Clint Eastwood on the phone with Obama now: "It all went according to plan,sir."------Chris Rock

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You know, I love Maher. And Stewart. And, to a lesser degree, but there's only one Lewis Black. He was fabulous at Just for Laughs this year.

I also love Stephen Colbert's show 'The Colbert Report', which comes on right after 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart'.

I also do not miss a single episode of "Hardball" with Chris Mathews. He's brilliant!

I do miss "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann. I still can't believe a brilliant such as him isn't on tv anymore.

By the way, has anyone seen the new series on HBO called "The Newsroom"? If you haven't yet, this is can't miss television. The final episode of the season was on last week, so expect the first season to be re-showed within the next few days/weeks.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Bill Maher: Eastwood 'killed' it

Bill Maher isn’t among those panning Clint Eastwood’s speech delivery at the Republican National Convention.

On his HBO show on Friday, Maher gave the actor “props” for pretending that President Obama was sitting in an empty chair next to him onstage.

“As a performer, as a stand-up comedian for 30 years who knows how hard it is to get laughs, excuse me, he went up there … without a net, on a tightrope. There was no teleprompter. He did a bit with just an empty chair and killed,” Maher said. “He committed to it, it was consistent and it worked.”

“People have been saying for years: these conventions are too scripted, they’re too slick, they’re too overproduced,” he added. “A guy who went up there who wasn’t slick … and killed with the crowd? I gotta give him props for that.”

Still, the comedian – who gave a million dollars to a pro-Obama Super PAC earlier this year – totally disagreed with what Eastwood said in the speech.

“I knew he was a Republican,” Maher said. “But I thought [he was] kind of an old-school, reasonable Republican. I had no idea he was such a down the line, right-wing a---hole.”

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Mitt the Twitt.

My how liberals love intelligent debate over name calling and demagoguery.

What do you expect when some guy has a name such as "Mitt"? You don't think people will make jokes about it? I mean, come on! Think about it. Mitt. Mitt!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


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I also love Stephen Colbert's show 'The Colbert Report', which comes on right after 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart'.

I also do not miss a single episode of "Hardball" with Chris Mathews. He's brilliant!

I do miss "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann. I still can't believe a brilliant such as him isn't on tv anymore.

By the way, has anyone seen the new series on HBO called "The Newsroom"? If you haven't yet, this is can't miss television. The final episode of the season was on last week, so expect the first season to be re-showed within the next few days/weeks.

Matthews, Olbermann, Stewart, Colbert and Maher are all the KING of the Liberal DRONES.

This explains your extreme Liberalism.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
No, the boy wonder Ryan left that for the boy BLUNDER obama to do like he has been doing for FOUR long years and will undoubtedly do this week at the Dem convention. Keep drinking the kool aid rumps. Your arguments are as flawed as your hero oBama. But makes for GREAT entertainment none the less :)

The big difference is while maybe the Boy Wonder, Ryan, lied about one hour of "running" OF RUNNING PEOPLE, BWHAHAHAHAHHA, the boy Blunder, oBama lies about issues effectiing hard working peoples lives, huge difference pal o' mine. Give your head a shake, on second thought, why bother. :crazy:

That wasn't a misstatement; it was a lie, like the majority of his speech the other night, the one which failed to pull the wool over a lot of eyes.
Last edited:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Here's Matthew Dowd, strategist for George W. Bush on TV this morning, "DOWD: Not necessarily on the same scale. But we'll see it at this convention. Because, I think, from my perspective, what happened at this convention is that nobody is calling on it, or maybe a few people are calling on it. Paul Ryan, what he did in his speech, I think, so stretched the truth, and I like Paul Ryan, I have a lot of great respect for Paul Ryan, but [what] he said about closing the GM plant, which closed before Barack Obama took president, about the Simpson-Bowles bill which -- Simpson-Bowles, which he opposed, and then all of a sudden you see faults Barack Obama for. At some point the truth should matter. "

The fact is, as a Romney pollster admitted earlier this week, the truth doesn't matter at all to Romney and Company.


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[h=1]Barack Obama: America's liar in chief[/h]
April 19, 2012
President Obama has the talent to say things that are demonstrably false and make them sound not only plausible but inspiring. When asked a couple of weeks ago whether he thought the Supreme Court would uphold ObamaCare as constitutional or strike it down as unconstitutional he replied: "I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."
But how unprecedented would it actually be if the Supreme Court declared a law unconstitutional if it was passed by "...a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"?

In what may be one of the most famous Supreme Court cases in history — Marbury v. Madison in 1803 — Chief Justice John Marshall established the principle that the Supreme Court can declare acts of Congress null and void if these acts violate the Constitution. They have been doing so for more than two centuries. It is the foundation of American constitutional law.
Now look at President Obama's background: a degree from the Harvard law school and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago law school. There is no way that Barack Obama has never heard of it or really believes it to be "unprecedented" after two centuries of countless precedents. In short, he is simply lying. And the media that exposed President Nixon's lies are covering for President Obama.
Benedict Frederick Jr., Pasadena


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Benedict Frederick Jr., Pasadena[/URL]
I guess you're trying to demonstrate to us that you read legitimate reliable news sources like the Baltimore Sun. Thanks. Nice work.

This is a letter to the editor from a realtor in Towson, Maryland, named Benedict Frederick. Letters to the Editor are opinion, not news. Realtors are not usually constitutional scholars.


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This Realtor has a lot of sense. And he's published in the Baltimore Sun.

How do you like that?


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Do you like this Obama is a Liar Column Better?

President Obama, liar in chief

July 22, 2012 12:09 am
By Jack Kelly / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Our first president was so revered for his integrity that most believed that even as a child, George Washington could not tell a lie.

Can our current president tell the truth? Former Amb. Fred Eckert has filled a 188-page book, "That's a Crock, Barack," with "untrue, duplicitous, arrogant and delusional" things Barack Obama has said.

Constant practice has not made Mr. Obama a good liar. A good liar tells plausible lies, lies only when the truth could do him substantial harm.

President Obama tells preposterous lies. He lies so often and so obviously about so many things it is doubtful lying for him is merely a tactic. It's an integral part of his character -- or lack of it.

A few caveats. Often when we say something that isn't true, we aren't lying, because we think it is true. We are ignorant or careless or both, but we aren't trying to deceive.

When a politician says one thing while seeking office, but does the opposite in office, that isn't exactly a lie. Sometimes a new president learns stuff that causes him to alter stances he took during the campaign. This could be why Mr. Obama reneged on his pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

But when a politician promises "an unprecedented level of openness," and then runs the most secretive administration since Richard Nixon's, mendacity is suspected.

Hypocrisy isn't a lie, but it's a close relative. Mr. Obama attacks Mitt Romney for outsourcing jobs. Mr. Obama invests through mutual funds in firms that outsource jobs; accepts contributions from outsourcers and hired an executive who had worked for Mr. Romney's firm as his budget director. An Obama supporter was in charge at that firm when the layoffs the president decries took place, according to Gateway Pundit. Even The Washington Post has criticized Mr. Obama's Bain attacks on Mr. Romney.

Many things we thought we knew about Barack Obama are false. Ben Smith of BuzzFeed counted 38 instances in David Maraniss' biography of Mr. Obama in which Mr. Obama had written something false in his memoir "Dreams From My Father."

Mr. Maraniss dismisses the falsehoods as literary license. But the British are steamed by Mr. Obama's claim that they tortured his grandfather in Africa during the British colonial era.

When he was marketing Obamacare, Mr. Obama suggested frequently and falsely that his mother died because her insurance company wouldn't pay for a cancer treatment. Hers isn't the only health care horror story he made up to promote Obamacare. Among them:

• Obamacare won't add to the deficit, he said. But according to actuaries for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Obamacare will "add about $478 billion in cumulative health spending" through 2021.

• Obamacare will "bring down (health insurance) premiums by $2,500 for the typical family," the president said. MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who helped draft the law, says now Obamacare will increase premiums by 19 percent to 30 percent.

• You can keep your private health insurance if you want to, he said. Obamacare may cause 30 percent to 50 percent of private employers to drop their health insurance plans, the management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. estimated last year. A survey in May indicated that 71 of the top 100 companies could drop their health plans.

• "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," he said. Post-Obamacare, 83 percent of physicians are considering quitting medicine, according to a survey by the Doctor Patient Medical Association.

Mr. Obama makes surreal claims for jobs "created or saved" by his failed stimulus bill and his green energy boondoggles. He pretended to support the Keystone XL pipeline while he was killing it. Then there is this whopper:

"Since I've been president, federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years," Mr. Obama said in May.

According to CNSNews, "In fiscal 2009, buoyed in part by the TARP [then-Sen.] Obama voted for and the stimulus he signed, the federal government spent 25.2 percent of GDP -- an increase of 21.2 percent from the year before." Mr. Obama has presided over three of the four fiscal years since World War II in which the federal government has spent more than 24 percent of GDP.

Barack Obama often claims "historic" achievements, so perhaps he'll be pleased to be remembered for more than being the president who attended the most fund-raisers and played the most golf. He may be the biggest liar ever to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Jack Kelly is a columnist for the Post-Gazette and The Blade of Toledo, Ohio ([email protected], 412-263-1476).

First Published July 22, 2012 12:00 am

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The fact is, as a Romney pollster admitted earlier this week, the truth doesn't matter at all to Romney and Company.

The truth hasn't mattered to the GOP since scheming & lying got them elected in 2000 & 2004. The schemes & the lies were orchestrated by Karl Rove, one of the late Lee Atwater's disciples in the art of dirty politics.

The GOP know that they don't stand a chance of beating Obama if they don't constantly lie about his record. That's all the ammunition they have, and are using it. But this time, they're facing an opposition that they've never faced before, and among that opposition are fellow Republicans who are fed up with that of bullshit!

Watch the Romney/Ryan ticket dip in the polls further come next weekend. I predict that it will not even be a close election. People are realizing that things will be MUCH worse if the Romney/Ryan ticket is elected, and do realize that the main reason why the US economy hasn't improved quicker was because GOP leaders (McConnell, Gingrich, Ryan, Cantor, etc) made a pledge on the day of the last Presidential innauguration that they'd do everything in their power to block whatever policy that Obama would try to implement, even if it would hurt their own country and it's citizens, for the sake of making Obama look bad when election time came about in 2012. Un-American scumbags! :rolleyes:


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The truth hasn't mattered to the GOP since scheming & lying got them elected in 2000 & 2004. The schemes & the lies were orchestrated by Karl Rove, one of the late Lee Atwater's disciples in the art of dirty politics.

The GOP know that they don't stand a chance of beating Obama if they don't constantly lie about his record. That's all the ammunition they have, and are using it. But this time, they're facing an opposition that they've never faced before, and among that opposition are fellow Republicans who are fed up with that of bullshit!

Watch the Romney/Ryan ticket dip in the polls further come next weekend. I predict that it will not even be a close election. People are realizing that things will be MUCH worse if the Romney/Ryan ticket is elected, and do realize that the main reason why the US economy hasn't improved quicker was because GOP leaders (McConnell, Gingrich, Ryan, Cantor, etc) made a pledge on the day of the last Presidential innauguration that they'd do everything in their power to block whatever policy that Obama would try to implement, even if it would hurt their own country and it's citizens, for the sake of making Obama look bad when election time came about in 2012. Un-American scumbags! :rolleyes:

Blah, Blah, Blah, more LIB talking points.

Don't you have anything original to say? Ever?


Nov 12, 2007
I think there is some merit to the post of wasisname, but MERB does not have the extreme traffic of TERB and it is not like you can't just skip over the political threads, although I understand they are still a distraction.

I can agree with this. There are only 2 or 3 active political threads on merb at the most, easy to overlook. On terb though I wish they would put in a meta thread for Canadian, US and international politics at the very least. Much like how merb has one thread per escort/strip club another thing I'd wish terb would do for various reasons.

I do take issue with the idea that merb should be all things to all people. There is also the civility thing. The bile and venom that political and religious discussion tends to promote can poison a board. Check out woodpecker on terb as an example. I know when I first got on terb I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread... except for pizza, pizza is pretty awesome. However now although I do post what limited information I have [limited funds] I do get that thought in my head of do I really want to share with these asshats. I don't get that reaction on merb, at least not yet aside from a few individuals.

Quite a post, wasisname. I just took a quick look at your last 100 posts going back over a year and not one of them was outside of the lounge. So it's fine for you to come here and make posts that have nothing to do with the sex biz but not the rest of us? Kettle meet pot.

I was wondering if anyone would catch that. Your point is fair, but in my defense.
1: If you go back further I have posted what limited information I have on the subject, don't know which section it was. I've hobbied in Terbland, I do have a montreal TDL list.
2: I live in the world as it is, not as it should be. Same reason libertarians can collect government handouts [they have to pay taxes] and anarcho communists own property and work for the man [only way to make ends meet]. However I would accept any rule change limiting the lounge with good cheer.
3: I could be posting a lot more, but generally restrain myself, though mostly because as the mod above pointed out, it is all pretty pointless and the same shit gets done over and over. What can I say, I am weak.


BTW I looked it up and you are wrong

On 7-15 I answered someone who was asking about SPs in Gander [and Newfoundland is IIRC part of the Merb area unless they started a AERB

On the topic of sex in general [which I would consider fair game]
there is a comment in August on wet dreams.
A comment to someone trying to pick up girls at bus stops
A comment on a thread about living single
A comment on a thread on quitting the hobby
A comment on bolt ons vs natural titties.
This is the last 25 posts, which contain an abnormal amount of posts due to a certain red flag issue which I would not be compelled to comment on if it were never posted.

Not saying I am perfect, but it ain't as bad as you suggested.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
By Jack Kelly / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
You know, DD, Google does a lot of things for us. For example, if we Google "Jack Kelly Pittsburgh," we find a guy defending Jack Akin, a guy denying climate change..." Jack Kelly is a right wing columnist, no more. Just because a guy has a column in a legit newspaper doesn't give him credibility. There are right wing columnists, there are left wing columnists, and then there are journalists, paid to report the news. Jack Kelly is not the latter.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Un-American scumbags! :rolleyes:
Boy, did you hit about 10,000 nails on the head. In fact, the sole mission of the entire Republican party since November 2008 has been to make sure the black guy doesn't get re-elected and fuck the country. Which black guy? You know, the socialist Muslim who wasn't born in the USA. These guys should all be tried as traitors.


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You know, DD, Google does a lot of things for us. For example, if we Google "Jack Kelly Pittsburgh," we find a guy defending Jack Akin, a guy denying climate change..." Jack Kelly is a right wing columnist, no more. Just because a guy has a column in a legit newspaper doesn't give him credibility. There are right wing columnists, there are left wing columnists, and then there are journalists, paid to report the news. Jack Kelly is not the latter.

So in Leftist's terminology, left wing columnists are good. Left wing newspapers are good.

So in Leftist's terminology, right wing columnists are bad. Right wing newspapers are bad.

Don't bother reading any of it. That's all you have to know. It sums up the mindset of a liberal. How obtuse, as one your best friends have said.
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