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Discussion on GG's struggles with the hobby

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Go for it.

The Wizard of Oz said:

What do you expect? Certainly this is going to cause me more problem with the board rules but...

Only a few SP will keep their head on place while SPing and end up reaching their goals and be happy of it. Now about saying that she is worse off on an escort review board !!! You're really cheap with that.

Maybe if there was less comments like this one, breaking up fantasy land where people are suppose to be reading about dreams to be realize, well there would be more and more interested and interesting members that would register and make reviews about the girls and their would be more girls in here to appreciate them instead of reading this crap of yours!;)

Here, it's said!
Hello all,

Thanks Wizard. That's the crux of the matter really. All of this "discussion" very interesting to show how conflicting feelings are within this hobby among us all. But isn't the board about supporting the hobby and fulfilling fantasies? So why are we, me included, tearing at it and coloring everyone like a mass of stinking lowlife wretches. The opening premise of the thread was thought provoking. But this has turned into some sort of SP religious revival movement attempting to get all these ladies, and clients too, to feel like shit and to repent for their sins. Come on. Is this really what merb is for? Billy yourself if you wish, but let's get back to enjoying the hobby more and chastizing the ladies far less...if at all.


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New Member
Feb 15, 2005
General Gonad said:
So let's keep it superficial folks; we don't want to disturb the delusional equilibriums of hyper-sensitive males that prefer sticking to fun and acronyms. It's all benign in Hobbyland and I am the only outlier who sees the pervasive lies we propagate to justify this way of life.:rolleyes:

sure, as long as you don't tell your wife and girlfriend about what you do, you are lying and thank god you see that :D ;) :p :D

Seriously, GG.. answer me.. what was the main reason you asked this question when you could have easily find out on your own? are you trying to see how many people will answer the way you would have love to answer? :confused:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
traveller_76 said:
You don't discover the good and the bad and the ugly in others when you're actually engaged in a 'self-discovery journey'. That's precisely the problem. Whenever you know better than everyone else here you are judging them. Especially with the SPs who do respond on these boards. Then when I speak you always point out how you like me, I'm honest, I'm smart, I'm this and that, etc. I'm no different than Anik, not brighter not better. We actually have very similar views about all this. You should show her more respect (and other ladies here).

Who am I to judge anyone? I am a married man who runs around with SPs - a real loser in my books. I never judged an SP but some are brighter, sweeter or more honest than others. That is just a fact. I got nothing against Anik, Karma, Wizard or any SP on these boards. On the contrary, SPs are more honest than most clients here.

But just because you're SPs, does not mean I have to accept everything you write. What do I like about the way you write? It's your emotional honesty, not just your intellect. You are not afraid of opening up...I really appreciate this.

traveller_76 said:
Sometimes courage is admitting we can't do something on our own, and seeking help. The arrogance is you pointing out all the time how it's really everyone else who needs to get fixed. Everyone else is not starting these threads.

You won't get the help you need (not saying you 'need help', just going on your own statements) on this board.

If you don't talk about the real issues with real people who can actually help in the real world, you risk becoming that very person you claim you will never ever be.

Seriously, therapy, the right kind with the right therapist, HELPS (not judgmental; advice from someone with experience).

Look JAG, if you have a therapist in mind, then pass me his or her coordinates. I will keep an open mind. But the truth is that one has to find strength in one's self to take the right course in one's life. I am living with something very unpredictable and debilitating and I find the courage to persevere every single day. I am far from perfect but I am a fighter.



New Member
Feb 15, 2005
General Gonad said:
It taught me a lot about myself. It's been a journey of self-discovery and of discovering the good, the bad and the ugly in others.

Call me an arrogant hypocrite but it's the honest truth.
Okay.. you are a hypocrite.... :D :D

Taught you a lot about yourself? and a journey of self-discovery....
but not taught you enough and discovered enough to be honest with people who you really care (wife and girlfriend).... At the same time, based on your recent reviews of some SPs, you still do this hobby.
It really taught ME that I just have to put you in the ignore list since you are contracting yourself and does not seem to answer any questions straight forward.
thank you GG. it was nice (kinda knowing you) :D

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
living in fear

traveller_76 said:
Remember how we compared this some time back to any addiction. Well I'll actually agree with the pop-psychologists out there: the key is to start by admitting there's a problem. You have not done that (again not accusing you of having a problem but going on your seeking advice threads)... you start by saying your behavior is not good but then point to all those other people out there are worse than you. That's not admitting anything, it's just justifying the behavior some more.

I never denied I had a problem with this 'hobby"; quite the opposite, I never was comfortable with the benign portrait that so many members flaunted on these review boards. From the beginning, I put up threads that explored the psychological aspects of hobbying. The central question that consumes me is why do we do this? More importantly, why do I do this?

I know I am afraid, very afraid. My fear is based on what I am going through. I see my life slipping away and I do not want to deny myself the pleasure of experiencing it all. I can't control my health but I can learn to live with my fear in a less self-destructive manner. I am in a dark room and I hit a brick wall. I have to slowly feel my way around it.

thanks for your kind wishes, I appreciate it.;)



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Sisyphus revisited

General Gonad said:
I never denied I had a problem with this 'hobby"; quite the opposite, I never was comfortable with the benign portrait that so many members flaunted on these review boards.
And yet, with your countless reviews, you've been celebrating and cheering this hobby with complete jubilation. I asked you once and am asking you again: how do you reconcile the apparent contradiction?
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Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Well GG... I think its obvious... if you really want to work out your problem... do it.... you ain't going to get anywhere trying to by trying to turn the rest of the world to the way you pretend to think... you just appear to be a hypocrite as Ziggy points out.

Shit or get off the pot.

I add the following for its wisdom, not for any religious advice:

From the Bible, Luke 4:23 (King James Version):
And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
Why do I do this? I honestly haven't figured it out but I know that it will not control me.
You know, GG, as has been pointed out repeatedly, your degree of hypocrisy is quite stunning to behold. But this one takes the cake. Or are you simply blind? Less than 24 hours ago you stated that you were "bored" and "tired" but called an SP anyway. And you want the world to believe the "hobby" doesn't control you? Not only does it control you, but it is the center of your very existence.

General Gonad said:
Who am I to judge anyone? I am a married man who runs around with SPs - a real loser in my books.
An excellent question. Who are you to judge? A better question. Why is every post you put up here filled with judgement? Not just of others, but of yourself as well. In fact, your judgement of yourself, as a real loser, is probably the harshest of all. I don't think I've ever met someone so filled with self-loathing as you are. I sure hope you take the advice of JAG and Elizabeth and get the help you so badly need. It's hard work, it takes a long time, but, in the end, you'll be happy you did.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
And yet, with your countless reviews, you've been celebrating and cheering this hobby with complete jubilation. I asked you once and am asking you again: how do you reconcile the apparent contradiction?


My reviews are about my time spent with a lady. Nothing more, nothing less. Did they contribute to painting a benign portrait of hobbying? I am sure they did but on many other threads I discussed some of the uglier aspects of this hobbying. My own struggles should be a testament to anyone that thinks it's all fun and games in Hobbyland.

In the reviews, I am guilty of keeping things superficial. I write reviews because I want to share my experiences. I also feel like I owe it to some ladies and because I want to (as much as I could) protect them from idiots who love slamming SPs.

Many have accused me of writing to "prove to others that I am better than them." Nonsense, I am no better than anyone here. But I am extremely honest with SPs about my inner struggles. Some of them have opened up a lot and I do not believe they were all lying to me. But I am not going to come on the boards to tell you personal stuff on a lady that involves horrible acts of abuse and needlessly hurt her. I confided in her and she confided in me and I will respect that. I also wouldn't want to burst some members' delusions.:rolleyes:

Reviews on these boards are silly. They create expectations because they're mostly superficial, reducing many ladies to sexual acronyms. But many of us value other more important dimensions of SPs than just her ability to perform sexually. I know I do. I've said it before, sex is overrated.

The allure of hobbying and the risks of getting addicted are due to the benign portrait that many paint here. "It's not a big deal if you can control yourself." I don't buy this for a second. The very existence of this industry is deeply disturbing but many here refuse to admit it for self-serving reasons. And unfortunately, I include myself among them.


P.S. Reggie, given that you also know about my struggles, you're an idiot for writing that my existence centers around this hobby. If you can't restrain yourself, then ignore my threads. Your delusions have done more harm than any of my reviews by bolstering this benign image of Hobbyland. Amazing how someone can get burnt so many times and remain unflinchingly convinced that they have developed special relationships with SPs.:rolleyes:


Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
At the end of the day we're not helping GG by fueling his megalomaniacism, bating him into reinforcing his position accomplishes nothing. I think it would be great if we all came back to the hobby and leave the psycho babble to the experts.

GG, you know I like you and think you're a character. From your posts I‘ve deduced you're a well educated older man. Problem with men like us is that we were taught that seeking help from a psychologist is a sign of weakness and men like us don't need it. But buddy you've got some problems and you really need to talk them through. Merb is not a good forum for you to vocalize your problems and you've made it abundantly clear that speaking to your wife is not an option. You're seeking help/approval from guys/gals that are just as messed up as you.

I can't say that your constant threads about the industry haven't been entertaining and helpful. You’ve given me some insight into my future and it had a great effect of slowing me down and becoming less dependent on the hobby. Last thing I want is to wake up 2 years down the line and realize I’m the new GG.

Anyway, I think we're beating a dead horse all of these threads the essence of the thread is lost and it becomes a GG vs the world thread.

PS: FYI you’ve quit the business 12 times since I started the hobby. Doesn’t that raise a flag or two?


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
This isn't new, really.

There are quite a few hypocrites who hobby, like Rev. Ted Haggard and Rev. Jimmy Swaggart. And why was a gay male escort allowed in the Bush White House? Hmmm ...

It must be horrible for the SP. Ten minutes after he gets BJ and SOG, he's thumping the bible and trying to save you from sin.

If you haven't seen the movie Breach, it's about FBI agent Robert Hanssen, who was convicted for espionage. While the movie shows Hanssen's deep Catholicism, it doesn't show that Hanssen constantly criticized other FBI agents for going to strip joints for bachelor parties. Not only did he frequent strip joints himself, he dated a stripper and even paid for her to go to Hong Kong with him.

PS. Breach stars Montrealler Caroline Dhavernas, who plays the wife of a younger FBI agent. She is hot!


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
General Gonad said:
(...) on many other threads I discussed some of the uglier aspects of this hobbying.
The operative word here is "discussed", something you've proved countless times being uncapable of doing as almost all of your pseudo-intellectual threads resulted in dragging practically the whole membership into your paradoxes and exercices of self-loathing. No one needs to "know you" to reach such conclusion: your boards performance speaks for itself. I still have in mind this thread you started where you asked if the legal age should be pushed to 21 years old. With a catchy and provocative title and interesting premises, this thread had potential for an insightful discussion. As we all remember, instead of producing the expected result, the thread turned into another referendum on you. How you "evolved" through this thread was downright pathetic: you first made a case of the legal age, then you improvised yourself an activist, after that you justified your interest for SP's under 21 years old by sanctioning their level of maturity, all this to conclude your long and painful pilgrimage to this moralistic nonsense with the most trivial statement: "some ladies are more mature than others". In the process, you never missed an occasion to bully out the numerous posters who picked up all your contradictions.

So, let's face it GG, "discussing" is not your purpose here.
General Gonad said:
My own struggles should be a testament to anyone that thinks it's all fun and games in Hobbyland.
Your struggles are your own struggles, not everyone else's.

General Gonad said:
The allure of hobbying and the risks of getting addicted are due to the benign portrait that many paint here. "It's not a big deal if you can control yourself." I don't buy this for a second. The very existence of this industry is deeply disturbing but many here refuse to admit it for self-serving reasons. And unfortunately, I include myself among them.
This is fabulous! Let's compare notes here: I don't know where my "hobbyist worthiness" stands compared to others but I must have met 25 different SP's through 2006 with several repeats, about 15 of them in July and August. I happened to have the money, the time and I was well-disposed both physically and mentally. Judging by your theories, I would be addicted. Well, since early December, I haven't seen any SP: it's been three months. Before you reach any conclusions for me, I should make you aware than I'm under no financial stress, that my health is fine and that, contrary to some stipulations going around following my deletion of Ziggy, I haven't "retired" (a concept that I view as absurd since there's nothing to retire from). I don't meet SP's because, right now, I just don't feel like it and I just don't need it.

Given that, I consider myself in control and it would be appreciated if you would quit projecting your issues on others.
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Mod 7

Retired Moderator
Jan 12, 2007

I have to concur with part of Ziggy`s latest post here, and I warned a few times in the original thread earlier. Calm down! Although your threads are thought provoking, they all end up the same way: Endless confrontations between you and everyone else.

Take this as an official warning: Any more confrontation with the membership and I`ll have no choice but to suspend you. Moderating this board is becoming much too time consuming lately.

This is supposed to be an adult board, not a first grade schoolyard. Please conduct yourself accordingly.

The warning also applies to a few other members would will recognize themselves. Confrontation can be healthy to spice up discussions, but only up to an extent. Some people (including GG) are crossing the line a bit too often. Learn to use the ignore list.



PS: Don`t PM me again to reopen that thread. I WON`T
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Mod 7

Retired Moderator
Jan 12, 2007

I would normally have asked you to send those thoughts to GG by PM or email, but given the positive tone of your post, I moved it to the end of the previously closed thread.

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