Montreal Escorts

Do any of you dare try to hobby in the US?


Kansas Frank

I sucks! The LE have done a good job of preventing the SP's from Montreal to tour the States. :help::mad::hungry::canada:


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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>>> Useless quote deleted. This is only cluttering the board and making reading difficult. Soon entire posts containing useless threads will vanish... Mod 11

What did I say in the other thread, Merlot. The feminists are coming after the horrible men who pay for sex and demean these poor helpless women by forcing them to sell their bodies.

By the way, in Israel, where prostitution has been mostly legal, there has been a law proposed that will make paying for prostitution illegal.

on't think that it can't happen in other places where it is currently legal or partially legal. The Feminists are on the march. Martha Coakley, well known to be a feminist, is widely support by feminist.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
>>> Useless quote deleted. This is only cluttering the board and making reading difficult. Soon entire posts containing useless threads will vanish... Mod 11

Hello all,

Nowhere in the article are "Feminists" mentioned.

Even in Canada where there is more tolerance:

A 2006 opinion polls have shown that 68% of Canadians consider prostitution to be "immoral" (76% of women and 59% of men). [52] A 2009 online survey of a representative national sample of 1,003 Canadian adults conducted by Angus Reid Public Opinion showed that prostitution was considered "morally acceptable" by 42% of Canadians, but there were differences by age and gender. Young people were the most critical of prostitution: only 36% of those aged 18–34 considered prostitution "morally acceptable", compared to 45% of those aged 35–54, and 44% of those older than 55. 29% of women saw prostitution as acceptable, compared to 56% of men. [53]

The opposed groups clearly aren't all Feminists...not even close!!!

DD, you are so single-minded about Feminists being the cause of this crackdown that you seem to think they are the only ones motivated to seek such laws. As your posts on every social and political issue seems to indicate that you are a die-hard Conservative, it is interesting that you blame what you consider a Liberal organization (Feminists) for the attempts to stop prostitution, and deliberately ignore religious and political Conservatives whose moral stance is vehemently opposed to prostitution. It's hard to believe the only element you cite against legal prostitution in the U.S. is Feminists when you can't possibly miss how Conservatives, Evangelists being the most vociferous, are bitterly against it as well.

Why you continually insist on acting like Feminists are the only ones against prostitution and constantly insinuating that the business is just a safe and wholesome institution, especially when every member of this board who has posted in a currently active thread admits it's constant risks and dangers, is both perplexing and disturbing.


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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I agree with daydreamer. Hardcore feminists in government and academia are the ones who are trying to get rid of prostitution by putting customers in prison. It's true that some conservatives (not all) and some fundamentalists are very opposed to prostitution, but they are not the ones lobbying for new laws to severely punish customers.


Aug 12, 2011
Temporary on Earth
I believe that much higher percentage of people is opposed to smocking than prostitution. And yet you can go and legally buy cigarettes which is obvious harm (net harm is debatable with prostitution). Who is opposed to prostitution should not practice it (from both sides) to avoid hypocrisy and keep moral integrity but let the rest go their own way. Amen.
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