I cannot claim to be a SP, as such I am not certain I even qualify to attempt to answer, but since this is an open forum, I will try. If SP want to correct whjat I write, please feel free to do so , I'll be happy to learn!
Like anything else, SP is a means to make money. as such one can consider it a job (The gov't sure as hell should if it wasn't so hypocritical).
As far as enjoyment, let's first remove all the SP that are coerced and forced into the industry by unscrupulous individuals and organization, who obviously have very little choice in their choosing this line of work. That's a whole other discussion, but all of us have a moral responsability to try and screen our SP in order to avoid this blatant exploitation.
Then, you have ones who have a so called choice, but are forced to do it for addiction issues or socio-economical survival. I am definitely not judging them, as I really believe one does what one can to survive, and we do not know what led people to be where they are at. But SP working to meet basic survival issues seldom do it for fun, and I doubt the fun factor comes in very often.
And then you have SP who choose this line of work because it matches something they like, and it has financial gains, and they can see many benefits. Like any other human being that has a job they chose, they must have great days, and off days, and still need to perform no matter how they feel. Unfortunately many clients in the SP business have the : I pay so I rule attitude.....not unlike real life...Which is a lousy attitude..
Also, and I put myself in the place of an sp....Some of us clients must have terrible attitudes, hygiene, manners, and expectations. That has to be unbearable. Other times some of us might be the opposite.
I know that if I was an SP, there are definitely women I would not want to have intimate interaction with. I honestly could not go past this. But other times I assume it must be fun.
But as a client, all I know, is that I have a responsibility to try and choose my SP ethically, be physically clean, discuss my expectations prior to our meeting, and respect the boundaries agreed upon.
I generally have no issues getting dates and interocurse outside SP, and when I occasionally dip in, it is to try something different, or to satisfy an impulse desire simply and without fuss. But I always approach SP's with the same respect I would any other human beings. I think if we all did that many would probably enjoy the work more!
I personally love my career(s) (s because I have 4 simultaneously). But I have good and bad days. good and bad colleagues. Days where I want to throw it all away and fly to another continent, and days where I feel the rush and adrenaline, and I am still passionate about it after 25 years.