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Do you favor breast enhancement? What is your preferred size breast?


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I think that the most interesting question regarding breast enhancement is how the esthetic criteria is defined. What is too big? Why is small too small?

Breast enhancement provides a way to make that body part more obvious. Why would someone favour making that part more obvious over the natural silouhette one has?

If one sets his or hers standards of beauty and elegance to be hollywood one will obviously follow the surgery trend.

It is normal to be complexed about certain parts of our bodies with time we need to provide some answers to those issues. In general, people end up accepting themselves because very few are willing to pay the price of the surgery and because they might find some sense in representing their genetic authenticity. Some other people choose to go for implants without considering many factors. First, implants don't last forever, second they might not have the economic means to undergo another surgery to maintain that false image they project 15-20 years from now finally, they might not have the necessary physical condition to undergo such surgery. The older a person gets the riskier a surgery becomes.

In all, it is a lot to consider to project a false image. On top of that, it is a quite vulgar ambition. Do you think that lady Di could have ambitioned a breast surgery? What about Rania of Jordan or even Charlotte de Monaco? Those silly ambitions only come from frivoulous people following Hollywood trends.

The only reason why I would think it is somewhat acceptable to undergo such surgery is to give something back to a woman that some event took away from her. Even then I have some reserves because I think that a woman would feel more empowered by accepting her condition rather than trying to get back to a state that is no more.

Therefore, I don't like fake breasts because it reveals mediocrity, lack of elegance and vulgarity. I'm very sensitive.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
HI all

Some ladies have a breast remodeling to improve the shape of their breast and to have firmer breast they add a small implant

To each is choices

I actually met a few SP that did it and they had afterward amazing big soft natural look enhance breast ;)




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I actually met a few SP that did it and they had afterward amazing big soft natural look enhance breast ;)



There's far too much stereotyping about what an enhancement is. That can't be helped because of the impressions made by pornstars. Still it's not all skin tight and rock hard. Lilly Lombard was a classic example of having it done for the right reason and having the job done right. She did it for self satisfaction, not for others or for salesmanship. Her enhanced breasts suited her perfectly and they were wonderful under any standards. She was happy, and that's all that mattered.




New Member
Oct 8, 2009
Hello all,

There's far too much stereotyping about what an enhancement is. That can't be helped because of the impressions made by pornstars. Still it's not all skin tight and rock hard. Lilly Lombard was a classic example of having it done for the right reason and having the job done right. She did it for self satisfaction, not for others or for salesmanship. Her enhanced breasts suited her perfectly and they were wonderful under any standards. She was happy, and that's all that mattered.



I agree gentlemen's you Know the différence thank for sharing ☺️


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hello all,

There's far too much stereotyping about what an enhancement is. That can't be helped because of the impressions made by pornstars. Still it's not all skin tight and rock hard. Lilly Lombard was a classic example of having it done for the right reason and having the job done right. She did it for self satisfaction, not for others or for salesmanship. Her enhanced breasts suited her perfectly and they were wonderful under any standards. She was happy, and that's all that mattered.



But Merlot it is not like they asked for rock-hard breasts. It is not necessarily the fault of the surgeon either. It is the fault of Capsular Contracture. This is the body rejecting the implant and forming scar tissue around the implant. It happens and it is not predictable.
What is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is the term used to describe scar tissue that can form around breast implants which may cause the breasts to harden, may cause the breasts to look or feel different, and may cause some discomfort from the tightening of the capsule. Capsular contracture is an unpredictable complication, but it is also the most common complication following breast augmentation. Although presently we do not know what causes a capsular contracture to form in one woman and not in another, or why one breast may harden while the other remains completely soft and natural, there are some techniques that have reduced the risk in our patients.


New Member
Oct 8, 2009
But Merlot it is not like they asked for rock-hard breasts. It is not necessarily the fault of the surgeon either. It is the fault of Capsular Contracture. This is the body rejecting the implant and forming scar tissue around the implant. It happens and it is not predictable.
What is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is the term used to describe scar tissue that can form around breast implants which may cause the breasts to harden, may cause the breasts to look or feel different, and may cause some discomfort from the tightening of the capsule. Capsular contracture is an unpredictable complication, but it is also the most common complication following breast augmentation. Although presently we do not know what causes a capsular contracture to form in one woman and not in another, or why one breast may harden while the other remains completely soft and natural, there are some techniques that have reduced the risk in our patients.

And Tell me if I'm wrong but under the muscle it feel more natural i Know because i have this type

If the lady pay the price and at silicone is more good for not to have consular contrasucture

Mister Hungry is that true ☺️


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
But Merlot it is not like they asked for rock-hard breasts. It is not necessarily the fault of the surgeon either. It is the fault of Capsular Contracture. This is the body rejecting the implant and forming scar tissue around the implant. It happens and it is not predictable.
What is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is the term used to describe scar tissue that can form around breast implants which may cause the breasts to harden, may cause the breasts to look or feel different, and may cause some discomfort from the tightening of the capsule. Capsular .

Hello all

Breast surgery is like an'y other surgery they health risk involve .Even life threatening see my post # 25 on this thread.
However many ladies have had this survery with success.
Without rejection of the implants .
Breast enhancement is popular but when the ladies start young they need to have them redone a few times in their lifetime .
It is a big money investment .

Good lu k ladies




May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
When I was a dancer out west I saw tons of breast enhancements, and unfortunately, there were more bad than good in my opinion. Too hard, too ball-shaped, sac lines under the armpit, visible scars, too much space between the breasts, nipples not proportionate with the breasts, uneven placement, etc. I think I've seen maybe two girls who had breasts that would meet my standards. There was a lot of pressure in the business and from the agencies to get enhancements, the girls that did certainly got more bookings, but as much as I thought about it, I just wouldn't take the chance. So few breasts were up to my standards - I couldn't justify going through a surgery and spending all that money to potentially end up with something I wasn't happy with.

I know that at 37 my breasts are not as perky as an 18 year old's are. And I love my push-up bras to give me kick-ass cleavage and lift. But overall I'm basically happy with them. They still have a nice full shape, they don't drop so much, I have gorgeous well-proportioned nipples, and they are soft and supple. The best part, they are super responsive. I've heard of girls losing some sensation in the nipples after an enhancement and that would absolutely be a tragedy!

Not to say that I will never do it, maybe in 5 years if I find myself with the "flap jacks" I will decide it's worth taking the chance. But for now I'll keep my naturals.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
True Tianna

As you know, select your surgeon very carefully. What is their win/loss record? Who does the best work. Don't try to save a penny.

Note: I think capsular contracture probably has little to do with your surgeon.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
True Tianna

As you know, select your surgeon very carefully. What is their win/loss record? Who does the best work. Don't try to save a penny.

Note: I think capsular contracture probably has little to do with your surgeon.

Hello H101

Excelle advice .
Lots of questions needs to asked and answered.




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Bonjour a tous,

But Merlot it is not like they asked for rock-hard breasts.

Surely part of the appearance depends on how different the size and shape of the implants are from the natural size. Apart from doing the operation correctly I would guess that making the change too radical increases the unnaturalness of the look proportionately, so to speak. I would also guess the same factors relate to the degree of scar tissue and/or rejection factors.

It is the fault of Capsular Contracture. This is the body rejecting the implant and forming scar tissue around the implant. It happens and it is not predictable.

I read this line in looking up this reaction:

"Although the cause of capsular contracture is unknown, factors common to its incidence include bacterial contamination, rupture of the breast-implant shell, leakage of the silicone-gel filling, and hematoma". If these are common factors then the indication is mistakes in the patients choice and the medical process are the cause more often than not. While scar tissue is one thing that may be unavoidable to various degrees because of the presence of a foreign body, rupture, leakage, bacteria, hematomas are all reactions to previous avoidable defects and thus should all be preventable or at least largely reduced for risk with better choice and care in the process.

A real factor in what might go wrong must be whether or not the client is being reasonable about what she wants. I'm sure the better doctors will often have reservations about doing something more radical despite the lure of presumably higher profit. So how much of these operations have more quality risks from the start. I would be curious to see some kind of reliable assessment comparing the higher risk choices in relation to the quality of the doctor and what they are willing to do to for profit to grant the client's demand despite higher risk. I'd wager there's plenty of unnecessary risk factors being that are taken more lightly by clients and some doctors than they should be because of unreasonable wishes on one side and the $$$ lure on the other. That would explain a lot about why bad operations seem to be common.

good luck,



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Bonjour a tous,

Surely part of unnecessary risk factors being that are taken more lightly by clients and some doctors than they should be because of unreasonable wishes on one side and the $$$ lure on the other. That would explain a lot about why bad operations seem to be common.

good luck,

Hello Merlot

Quit true many ladies are taking many risk with their health to save a few $$$$
I was in a position where I heard many ladies talk abut breast enhancement front row seating
Some ladies where talking getting operation in a foreign country because it was way way cheaper then Montreal
When you are going with the luck of the draw and are using charlatans to do a surgery that affect the rest of your life you should consider more then $2,000 or $3,000.

Avoid charlatans




Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
who does remember Rebecca Jade the stripper at downtown and other fine place on st cath , not natural but huge like her personality . I had so much fun with her , miss her ...
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