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Do you favor breast enhancement? What is your preferred size breast?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Helo all,

Has for the size further down the alphabet is better :thumb:



Okay, but what if she needs to go around the alphabet 6 or 7 times.

When it gets to the point where she can sell Zeppelin rides across the Atlantic I think it's gone a LITTLE too far. ;)

DD is my limit. A couple of ladies told me they wanted theirs bigger. I said: "DON'T!"

BTW: I recently met someone who had everything working together to perfection. :nod: :cool:




Nov 12, 2005
When I was a boy... :p I would've said 34C's were my perfect size. :D I've only had one long-term relationship with someone with that perky perfection.

But then I grew up, and saw the effect of gravity and mommyhood on those C's... :( And I changed my mind. :lol:

All my other girlfriends have been A/B's, and I now appreciate the fact that they remain firm and perky as time passes. Long view, always. :thumb:

There's something disturbing about men who like crazy-large, un-natural bolt-on's on tiny women... A bit masochistic, if you ask me...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
tiny women... A bit masochistic, if you ask me...

Hello wolfie

The strangest thing about this is that the tiny women who have as you say very large "Bolt on's'" are happy about and proud about them .
I have met in my career many of does ladies .

Its most of the time there choice to have oversize increase ,it provides them more self confidence with men and then can choose to have them reduced when ever they want ,The magic of cosmetic surgery accessible when you have the $$$$$$$$$.

I however agree that it doesn't please everyone ,I respect that .




Nov 12, 2005
Hello wolfie

The strangest thing about this is that the tiny women who have as you say very large "Bolt on's'" are happy about and proud about them .
I have met in my career many of does ladies .

Its most of the time there choice to have oversize increase ,it provides them more self confidence with men and then can choose to have them reduced when ever they want ,The magic of cosmetic surgery accessible when you have the $$$$$$$$$.


Mr. Booker,

:lol: To each their own. No doubt, yes, it increases the confidence of these girls. And it ranges the whole gamut, from strippers to professors, even. Really strange to me, but, to a degree, I can understand the motivation.

Not all surgeries can be undone though, and not all surgeons are equally skilled. Silicone vs saline is roughly double the price - how often do girls compromise and go for the cheaper option without the long-term in mind? Then they turn into a joke of a plastic Barbie doll, like Heidi Montag, when they need to go back into the surgery room repeatedly to fix what went wrong before. Some guys may like that, but <shudder>...



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
:lol: To each their own. No doubt, yes, it increases the confidence of these girls. And it ranges the whole gamut, from strippers to professors, even. Really strange to me, but, to a degree, I can understand the motivation.

Not all surgeries can be undone though, and not all surgeons are equally skilled. Silicone vs saline is roughly double the price - how often do girls compromise and go for the cheaper option without the long-term in mind? Then they turn into a joke of a plastic Barbie doll, like Heidi Montag. Some guys may like that, but <shudder>.

Hello again

I do agree that some truly exaggerate however ,it still is there choices ,whatever they make they have to live with it ,As for undone if they have no complications ,it can be undone ,if there is leakage then its a different story .
My ex had them done 3 times over a period of 12 years everything went well .
There is however horror stories ,bad choice of surgeons ,some girls are going out of the Country Canada and US to have cheap Boob jobs .

Its a big decision that should be well thought and the subject should consult at least 3 surgeons ,because cosmetic surgeons are like car salesmen no sale no money .

Good Luck


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