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Do you get flu shot?

  • Thread starter Lily from Montreal
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Lily from Montreal

I did 2 weeks ago, it is only the second year but I am glad.
My two meetings planned this week has been cancelled because my friends came down with the flu! I never use to bother with shots but I figure if nurses has to get it and I consider my hobby as health service, wouldn't want men to get sick from sex deprivation lol maybe it is safer to get it...only thing I am a coward when I see a needle loll,but I was brave and the nurse was pretty , it does help loll

So I was curious to know if a lot of persons gets it each year?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
I get yearly. I absolutely hate the flu. It used to knock me out for 3-4 days at a time. I might still catch the flu but it doesn't last nearly as long.

Lily from Montreal

I was not sure if it was a good idea when I first got it last year because I still got sick after the holidays but I guess it would have been worst so I got it again this year...Do you know if the protection increase the longer you've been getting shot?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
From what I've read, the protection does not increase since the flu virus mutates so quickly. The vaccine we took last year has practically no effect on the virus this year.
May 28, 2012
Flu shot is the easy one. The five year Pneumonia Shot is the one that got me. Felt like a bad hangover for two days.

Lily from Montreal

I didnt even knew you could get such a shot! Two days of hangover...hum, not sure I could survive that loll
May 28, 2012
Yup, it's good for 5 years. So you only need to endure it once every 5 years. I did it once before and didn't have a reaction. Not sure what changed, but let's remember I'm taking heart medication now also. Could have just been a reaction specifically with my blood chemistry. They also have one for shingles now. The don't want you to have it until your 60 years old.
May 28, 2012
One of the health insurers in the US is making the flu shot mandatory for it's employees. They've figured out what I did years ago. When I had employees, I offered them paid time off if they'd get the flu shot. The logic is giving them the afternoon off to get a shot was better than paying them and then their co-workers sick pay. Saves money in the end.


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Jun 21, 2003
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I don't get the flu shot because fortunate for me my immune system is strong enough that I rarely get sick.

I probably just jinx myself by saying that now.....


Nov 12, 2007
I don't. However I am only in close regular contact with 2 people, one of whom does get it and other is just about as much a hermit as I am. I figure the odds of catching something for me is much less than for others.

I am open to changing my mind as I really don't like getting sick, not that it happens often anymore. In about 2 decades I may very well start as the older you get the more dangerous it is.


Jan 21, 2011
Good Move Lilly
I get the shot every year and I find that even if I get sick, I am less affected than had I not got the shot.
By the way, since you dont like needles( like most people) you can get this "shot" via a nasal spray.
A liitle advice, get the twinrix shot. Good for life and protects you aganest Hep A and B.

Lily from Montreal

Thank you, yes I already got the twinrix shot a while ago...I am very active sexually (hum) so I wanted to take all the precaution I could...
Another reason I do like needle is that I bruise very easily ,when I get blood tests I end up looking like I am a junky lol, even this week I fell of my chair...long story, I am very clumsy loll and now I have a huge bruise on my thigh, kind of ruin the look , I warned my friend I am going to see today: he will have to be very gentle lol...I always joke that this body look good but God it is fragile loll
Jul 29, 2011
hello all, just got my flu shot, plus tecnic shot, was sick all week, fever etc, i had one the year before did not get sick, after the week i passed, fuck being scared of needles, sick and miserable in bed for 4 days, vometing, i will yake my chances,lmfao, its free and it helps, i say go for it,lol, have anice day everyone, and a good hobbying weekend,lolol


Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
The other vaccine is=
HPV-recommended for woman prevents cervical cancer +
The vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) can prevent 90 percent of genital warts in men when offered before exposure to the four HPV strains covered by the vaccine, according to a new multi-center study led by H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and UCSF.

HPV has also been linked to throat cancer. The vaccine is only effecitve if you have not been exposed to the virus.

According to this page, there are 4 types of the virus. If someone has been exposed to 1, the vaccine will immunize against the other 3.
The vaccines are less effective in preventing HPV-related disease in young women who have already been exposed to one or more HPV types. That is because the vaccines prevent HPV before a person is exposed to it. HPV vaccines do not treat existing HPV infections or HPV-associated diseases.

For those thinking of getting vaccines, if you live close to a Walmart, you can get an appointment at their pharmacy. A certified nurse comes in every week or so for vaccinations. I got my Twinrix vaccines there and it cost a hell of a lot less than the CLSC and the Groupe Santé Voyage.


Jul 30, 2011
i didn't get my flu shot.
I'm a health care professional and those shots are given to me for free. They have made me more sick in the past.. so for the past 2 years i've been passing and i've been great :)

Lily from Montreal

I thought that in if you worked in that field they were mandatory? The friend whoconvince me toget it is a nurse and she has to get it every year?


Jul 30, 2011
flu shot isn't mandatory. There are some vaccines that are suchs as mumps/measles/rubeola, Hep B, etc. But not this one.
The flu shot protects you from certain strains of the flu, not all, but it still is a nice vaccine to get. I just don't want to anymore.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Hello Lily,

I used to be a professional worker in hospital,and yes, it is asked to have the shot, but if someone is having a strong reaction,
I think you could be free to take it or not. Not sure what is the protocol then.


To answer to the question of your thread, no, I don't take anymore any shot. I received all kinds of vaccins I could years ago, and plus, like I already told,
I used to work in hospital, so, basically, we could think that I have been immuned on a lots of bacteries because that's exactly the principle of a vaccin, to be exposed to sickness to re-enforce your system. I am having a very good & strong health, that's the least I can say.

Last time I had the shot for flu, it was for the H1N1, but because of the evolution of the flu each year, the sources could be different from one year to another. Basically, you are having like an average of 3 sources in one vaccin.

People who are in contact with weak health people (young, old, sick) should have the shot to protect not themselves, but the others.

Average adults people in good health from around 18 to 45-50, are considerate to be the strongest people of the society, so it is rare to develop a strong infection in those conditions.

You have to remind that a simple cold is not a flu, that's totally not the same thing. And the shot can't do nothing against a cold, unfortunately.
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