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Do you guys think in cities or buildings where there's a lot of wealth there is a more intolerant culture?


Apr 4, 2021
Here's some observations from a college town I used to hang out at:
Newer building: Tons of security front desks and outside, security cams, "state of the art facilities," "peace and quiet focus," unfriendly neighbors, everyone keeps to themselves, tons of rules, strict guest rules, judgmental culture, "X did this and was against the rules, let's report them."
Old rundown building: Little to no security, the building residential advisor/administrator is nowhere to be found, tons of graffiti, old facilities that nobody uses, "party culture" and friendly neighbors, little to no rules, tons of people drinking and hooking up, blasting loud music, unless you do something very bad like breaking things in the property, nobody cares and they mind their business.

It seems that the same logic applies in cities. Even if some places advertise themselves as "party towns." It seems as soon as wealthy people or wealth starts moving in the community those people try to change the culture.To make it more "business friendly" or more "family friendly."

What do you guys thinks does this same logic applies to places you stayed in?
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