To expand on my earlier point about not writing about something the girl cannot control, I do think there is a big difference between writing about a girls face versus her body. Virtually every montreal SP post pictures of her body work her face blurred out. Therefore, there is an objective advertisement about what a client should expect when it comes to her body. I firmly believe it is fair game to discuss how her figure might differ from her pictures. If the pics are clearly old and represent a different body than the one who will appear at your door, I would say that. There is no need to be cruel about it, but as a merb reader, I want to know if the pics are accurate. In this community, fake pics among agency girls and merb advertising indys are quite rare, but if it happens, I wouldn't refrain from commenting.
In addition, there are the subtle nuances that are either compliments are clarifications - " her pics don't really show how long her legs are" etc. Or "she is shorter than she appears in her pics." I remember kendall's original pics on the euphoria website made her look really tall when in reality she is rather short. Not a criticism or a compliment. I do think there is a polite way to say when a body isn't that great, but for me it always comes back to the pics. If the pics are totally accurate, then I will say so, and I will add in the parts I really liked.
The face is different because it is hidden. I have been with a few girls that I didn't really find to be very pretty. It's always a struggle to give accurate information to my fellow readers while still being polite. I don't want to say she is just "cute" because that is a word in would use to describe other girls. I would usually fall back on my own taste - "she wasn't quite my taste." But since girls blur their face, I think it is important to say SOMETHING. When I read a review, I want to have some idea of what I can't see in the pictures.
The one area where I would be specific are teeth and skin. If a girl has really crooked teeth or bad skin, I would feel obligated to say so - albeit in a gentle way. I have no desire to be mean, but I also want to be a trusted source to my fellow board members.
That being said, I really try to focus my reviews on the things she can control - her demeanor and her service.