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Do you moderate your posts


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
For me, usually if his posts are in the triple digits, that's enough to define that he's "legit".


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
For me, usually if his posts are in the triple digits, that's enough to define that he's "legit".

For me lately it seems the higher the post count , the lower the credability :rain:

Lets see what the poster has to say, as he has only been here since 2017

Best Regards


Jul 6, 2017
I am curious to know how you define this....

Best Regards

It's simple. Read between the lines. I've been on and off this board for the past 10 years. After reading thousands of reviews it's fairly easy to spot shills. Certain Merb members like EB, Hungry101, patron, Capt. Renault, Doc Holliday, et. al. are 100% certified no B.S. from my perspective. There are several more - too many to mention. After seeing certain SPs, and re-reading their reviews, I realize that their reviews were spot on. A few SPs have been YMMV. What ever happened to Igna. I loved his reviews. Also, Spinner Addict and I seemed to have the same taste in SPs.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I've been on and off this board for the past 10 years. What ever happened to Igna.I loved his reviews

Ok you've been on this board for 10 years but just registered in 2017 ? Lgna usually didnt review..perhaps I missed something ? Perhaps you can provide a link to a review that he did ?

Best Regards


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
"EB, Hungry101, patron, Capt. Renault, Doc Holliday"

These are all out of town folks. I agree they are full legit when they review but they review just once or twice a year at most.

Cloudsurf, Meta, Leandre, R the man... for example would be better example?



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
"EB, Hungry101, patron, Capt. Renault, Doc Holliday"
These are all out of town folks. I agree they are full legit when they review but they review just once or twice a year at most.
Cloudsurf, Meta, Leandre, R the man... for example would be better example?

I do not understand your thinking ? You are saying that guys who are "out of town folks " don't have as much credability compared to " local posters ":rolleyes:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No not at all. Just pointed out the fact that all examples he wrote do not write reviews anymore, or 1 or 2 per year, mostly due to the fact that they are not here very often... Someone following the board closely would have noticed that I think.



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
You might look at the other side of the stick....
Some of us that only visit one or two times a year don't exaggerate our reviews..we have no reason to

Best Regards


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Ya I guess that is true ;)

After 3 years here I now know the upmost importance of the board here. It does make a huge difference on the amount of booking a girl will get. Especially for indies! I am happy that although I have been very active here I still am very low profile when I meet girls. Girls do not know who I am (except very few). Up to this day I have never had to edit/moderate a review and/or being asked to write one. Which I dont' do all the time anyhow, for various reason. But one reason not to review girls is certainly not so that she does not become popular like some write here. That is plain stupid. The more work a girls get more chance she will stay longer in the biz. So write reviews folks!! Just like someone wrote earlier here, do not write things you would not say face to face.


Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
You might look at the other side of the stick....
Some of us that only visit one or two times a year don't exaggerate our reviews..we have no reason to

Best Regards

You make a good point, but a local like me isn't really exaggerating his reviews as much as writing enthusiastically about his own most-memorable encounters. You might well ask, "well, what about the encounters you don't write about?" Generally, that's where PMs come into play, where things are said privately that I, for one, would never say publicly. Now, is that hypocrisy, cowardice or just considerate behaviour?

Also, I'd say there are some out-of-towners, like SSJ3 and GMA, who know the agency scene as well as, or better than, any local.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I agree with jalimon’s comment. When there are at least 10 reviews. And some tofts. I respect the poster. An if i sense that a member and i have similar tastes. Then i will look more into their reviews. In this case i respect and follow detour and jalimon’s recommendations

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Generally, that's where PMs come into play, where things are said privately that I, for one, would never say publicly. Now, is that hypocrisy, cowardice or just considerate behaviour?

I do not back channel PM but am guilty of not posting " true " reviews, on the service yes but looks no. I have read many reviews about " 9 " out of 10 for looks from a majority and when visiting I rate around a 7ish but do not dispute as to each their own with looks.
One indy who is rated very high in looks was very plain looking IMO but very nice person with good service, basically all I require.
My reviews were not written that well and I see mostly the same person when I am in town lately, peehaps I should see someone new and give the review thing another try... Noticed that MSC has some hot looking older ladies.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I'd say there are some out-of-towners who know the scene better than any local.

I agree 100 %.:eyebrows:

Best Regards

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
I agree 100 %.:eyebrows:

Best Regards

Smuler, not an exact quote, but close enough, I guess, lol.

What you have "quoted" is not something I know to be true. But the two individuals I referred to, do know a lot, and I would personally regard them as honourary locals.

Some hobbyists, where ever they live, know certain aspects, like particular agencies, better than others. I only do Incall, for example, so that means I know nothing about Outcall-only agencies, or only insofar as those agencies employ ladies that I know from their time elsewhere.

After thinking about it, let me rephrase what you misquoted: It's possible there are some out-of-towners who know the scene, in a general sense, better than locals, but I doubt it.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
To expand on my earlier point about not writing about something the girl cannot control, I do think there is a big difference between writing about a girls face versus her body. Virtually every montreal SP post pictures of her body work her face blurred out. Therefore, there is an objective advertisement about what a client should expect when it comes to her body. I firmly believe it is fair game to discuss how her figure might differ from her pictures. If the pics are clearly old and represent a different body than the one who will appear at your door, I would say that. There is no need to be cruel about it, but as a merb reader, I want to know if the pics are accurate. In this community, fake pics among agency girls and merb advertising indys are quite rare, but if it happens, I wouldn't refrain from commenting.

In addition, there are the subtle nuances that are either compliments are clarifications - " her pics don't really show how long her legs are" etc. Or "she is shorter than she appears in her pics." I remember kendall's original pics on the euphoria website made her look really tall when in reality she is rather short. Not a criticism or a compliment. I do think there is a polite way to say when a body isn't that great, but for me it always comes back to the pics. If the pics are totally accurate, then I will say so, and I will add in the parts I really liked.

The face is different because it is hidden. I have been with a few girls that I didn't really find to be very pretty. It's always a struggle to give accurate information to my fellow readers while still being polite. I don't want to say she is just "cute" because that is a word in would use to describe other girls. I would usually fall back on my own taste - "she wasn't quite my taste." But since girls blur their face, I think it is important to say SOMETHING. When I read a review, I want to have some idea of what I can't see in the pictures.

The one area where I would be specific are teeth and skin. If a girl has really crooked teeth or bad skin, I would feel obligated to say so - albeit in a gentle way. I have no desire to be mean, but I also want to be a trusted source to my fellow board members.

That being said, I really try to focus my reviews on the things she can control - her demeanor and her service.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Many guys are lurkers and choose not to post or review at all, never. This in fact, does no service to the lady because it gets a few guys, like you, to think she’s not being reviewed because of bad/meh service. It could be the case sometimes, but in other times, no.

I know sometimes its just circonstances. But what i meant is for instance there was somebody on my radar. Her agency pics where very hot, i was tempted to see her, but no review was coming in despite her being there for a while. Then 1 was made, very meh... and then a second, again not a good review (nothing catastrophic but nothing that make me wanna see her) and then i think she had 1 very short "decent" review, and again another meh one. And now she have not got a review for a while. At that point its a risk i won't take to see her. I meet too rarely to take such chances.

I think the major players of the forum have there favorite agencies and those agencies pop much more often in reviews, but im sure they go outside there favorite agencies at times too.

In any cases yeah there is a lot of factors why somebody may not have a review, but as a personal criteria i try to go with girls that have either many reviews or if they got just a few, they must be stellar. I been burned too many times in the past on trying the new girl with hot pics... lol

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Naive, I know, but something I find a little irritating and fair game for discussion is an SPs' reported age. Even agencies can be a little, um ... misleading about this, sometimes wildly so. One agency lady I met last year told me she had to insist that her real age be advertised rather than one supposedly four years younger. Perhaps I'm mistaken, or too cynical, but I just assume the age listed is what the agency believes a particular lady can pass for.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
Yeah I absolutely take the stated age with a grain of salt. I assume that the age on an agency website is listed by the agency not the girl. I have had girls tell me that they tell their agency " how can I be 19 for 4 years?"

For me this is only an issue if her face appear significantly older than the stated age. It would have to be a disparity that truly feels misleading rather than simply promotion.
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