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Does anyone remembe Thursdays pick up bar

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
But the creepy perverts with the money,
always have a smoking hot gold digger on their arm,
cause there is no fool like a old fool except 1 with money.


Oct 30, 2003
Visit site
Thursday's is old school club that do not attract younger generation anymore

Yep, can't believe how much space it was given in the news! Either it's slow news season, or it's indicative of a bias from news executive who remember fondly their days partying at Thursday, but I'm pretty sure the biggest part of Montreal has either never given a shit about that bar on Crescent, or moved on to other things!


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
The thing about picking up ladies whether it be 100. Or 1. Is that it is easy. It’s all about the beer test
How many beers until she is bangable. There is always the 3 beer minimum rule

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
when i was young although i had relationships i felt more like a good detergent work fast and don't leave any rings.
i partied on cresant for 2 yrs straight and thursdays was 1 of my 2 main places.
When i was on the hunt in my cresant street days id have a beer or 2 and nurse it for the night i was not into getting plastered getting laid was my top priority
and the way i looked ,people used to want to know me ,and buy me drinks i actually looked like superman
as well i hunted by myself i didn't need a crew of doorknobs makeing asses of themselves
back then i had a high self worth i never paid for sex ,the thought was a insult,and i didn't believe in buying some gold digger endless drinks to like me.
i saw endless losers burying some chick drinks all night long to go home with the newspaper in 1 hand and their dicks in another.
simple taticts id walk around id ask every girl to danse if and it happens 1 said no i would not go and sulk id go to the next,i would take her by the hand if 1 was resistant to her hand held
not more was happening,on the danse floor if a slow happend getting closer if i could kiss one my dick was not far from being inside her and i left every night with a girl
i went 7 days a week for a year to thursdays and winston chruchill 1983-1985 lived like a king had a new sports car + blew $30,000 partying in this 2 yr period and it did not touch my savings
life was great back then and is actually still good.

Chef Boyardee

New Member
Dec 14, 2010
There were women head hunter gangs that would hang out at Thursdays. I knew of a group of women that would head over in the mid afternoons and drink at the bar waiting to pick up guys. They had one room for communal use when they picked up a guy. Some of the women were house wives that would head home to make dinner in the late afternoon, some were downtown office workers that would join the group after work, some would show up in the evenings. I had occasion to be picked up by one lady and brought to their love nest room, later I was picked up by another lady and brought up to the same room.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ Chef - What did they charge?

Is there anything like this still available?

Element 115

New Member
Jul 5, 2011
As far as I know they did not allow pro ladies in there, I have picked up a few liberated house wives there myself.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
I knew the doormen the manger and bar men
we would run a tab a bunch of us and pay peanuts at night end
the manager pointed out the working girls to me as then i was clueless to this and never paid for sex
a co worker of mine helped out as as a waiter when they were stuck his friends were bar men
all 3 levels had escorts resturant 3rd floor main crusing bar and the disco
back in the 80s manager told me there was at least 100 customers he knew who came in the bar with at least $1000 in their pockets.
I met many millionaires in this bar really cool people and many woman who came with $5 in their pocket looking for suckers to buy them drinks all night long

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
many woman who came with $5 in their pocket looking for suckers to buy them drinks all night long

Best reply to women who ask for drinks is " Would you not prefer cash ". It at least stops the conversation. Do not mind buying drinks, when I offer not asked.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Best reply to women who ask for drinks is " Would you not prefer cash ". It at least stops the conversation. Do not mind buying drinks, when I offer not asked.
I rarely bought people drinks.people used to buy me drinks woman i was ok with but i felt odd when men bought be drinks even barmen gave me free drinks here,i let an enchanted life.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I rarely bought people drinks.people used to buy me drinks woman i was ok with but i felt odd when men bought be drinks even barmen gave me free drinks here,i let an enchanted life.

Sounds like you led quite the life
When will Scorsese release a movie about it?

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Sounds like you led quite the life
When will Scorsese release a movie about it?
i dated 1 famous movie star and a few famous quebec woman
both whom i met at thursdays
many strippes and escorts
had dinne with neil armstrong the astronaut
trained at th origonal golds gym santa monica california with mr olympia mike mentzer adn robbie robinson and many others back in teh day
trained with pro football p[layers and trained some pro wrestlers
Ive been in exercise magzaines as local papers as a articles as Oliver
her is 1 of many articles
the canadian music group did a son about me
spend a night with oliver kloseoff


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Yeh i have heard about the famous oliver kloseoff
I think it is pronounced. All of her clothes off
For the frenchies who did not get the joke


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
The actor I would have liked to see play Oliver Kloseoff would be Willem Dafoe, if he was younger and taller. His performance as the Bobby Peru character in Wild at Heart strongly suggests he could play OK very well. He could also play Tom of MERC in dual roles in the same film. I believe that has been done before.

Here is Dafoe as Bobby Peru in Wild at Heart (1990). Unfortunately he has aged 30 years since then:

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Yeh i have heard about the famous oliver kloseoff
I think it is pronounced. All of her clothes off
For the frenchies who did not get the joke
its not only the french
i had a argument with a escort 1 time(gee there is a suprise)
she said you russians are so rude
-i said sweet cheeks its pronounced all of her cloaths off for one in her life she was speachless

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
The actor I would have liked to see play Oliver Kloseoff would be Willem Dafoe, if he was younger and taller. His performance as the Bobby Peru character in Wild at Heart strongly suggests he could play OK very well. He could also play Tom of MERC in dual roles in the same film. I believe that has been done before.

Here is Dafoe as Bobby Peru in Wild at Heart (1990). Unfortunately he has aged 30 years since then:
thanks eb well you and many others met me
the famous... may lee erotic massage lady from back then said i reminded her of the actor kevin bacon
everyoen says a actor but a different one a female family membe said i was like charley sheen in characteur well we both liked hookers :)
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