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Doing away with currency


Feb 28, 2004
As a cost cutting measure for governments, there is talk of doing away with currency, as many of us now use debit and credit cards for just about everything.

It would be an enormous saving in the production of currency and would put a deep dent in the Black market economy while getting back some lost income tax.
The only down side I can see, is for the desperately poor who can’t even get a bank account.

All in all, it seems to be a good idea, but I doubt I’ll see it done in my lifetime.

I was wondering where is cash still used exclusively*:
_ panhandlers in the street;
_ strippers and other sex-trade workers;
_ black market
and what else is there?….

Captain out!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I don’t use bank account unless I really have to (I.e to pay rent if landlord doesn’t take cash). I would hate it. I prefer cash.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Don't worry. Bible thumper Dave Ramsey is on the radio every day preaching to his audience to use cash. He was even talking abut the psychology of cash vs credit. Credit purchases are much easier for the brain to accept and much different than handing over Ben Franklin's. Seems silly to an analytical mind but most people do not have this and that is why you run up credit card debt. This is why he tells you to budget and put money in different envelopes. I only do this for escorts.
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