Thanks for your reference to CTV broacast Doc, but obviously you don't know nothing about DR. Have you ever been there? Chances of getting accused of engaging in prostitution are even higher than to be struck by a lightning.
Prostitution in RD is a socially accepted way of making a living for women who are most of the time left to themselves to feed and rise children they got from macho-chulo irresponsible boyfriends-husbands.
Even official tourist police Politur will close an eye on any prostitution event as long as no drug, no violence is involved. And I am not sure they will check on the age of an sp, unless she really looks like a Young kid.
I really think that you are just giving too much credit and importance to that ''psycho'' show business CTV crusade against child prostitution lead by a very poor skilled biased journalist.
I got scarred listing to his only ''repression as the only solution'' biased questions. But I am so happy to realise that our public CBC-Radio-Canada is far more independant and distant from our right wing federal governement than supposed to be private and freelance CTV. As I got the impression that those reports were only aimed to feed the need for repression rather than to relief the burden of the one in need.