A recent thread about a popular MP - Borissa, raised the question of a rate increase.That is not the issue I wish to discuss here.
Why the double standard? In over 30 years I have yet to hear or read that an SP ( strip club dancer,masseuse,HDH,etc) told or wrote that a service customer should underachieve financially.
Granted that everyone is entitled to get the greatest subjective value for their money BUT everyone is also entitled to transact their time and skills for the greatest subjective return.
Why single out the providers?
Why the double standard? In over 30 years I have yet to hear or read that an SP ( strip club dancer,masseuse,HDH,etc) told or wrote that a service customer should underachieve financially.
Granted that everyone is entitled to get the greatest subjective value for their money BUT everyone is also entitled to transact their time and skills for the greatest subjective return.
Why single out the providers?