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Dragons den is back tonight. ( Oct. 1 )

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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The dragons bent the brother and sister team over and butt boffed them on national TV

If it was me, I would have offered 40% now and an option for 10% in 5 year and another 10% in 10 years. ( at fair market price at that time )


Mar 28, 2007
I felt the engineer guy had at least one decent idea (pool rider) and that they just jumped on him too fast when they saw they could humiliate him. How arrogant to tell him what he should be doing with his life. If they didnt' want his ideas okay, but the preaching was a little much.
Then when it came to the indian kids they asked no hard questions such as how much have you sold, what is the cost, and how do we know half of India doesn't already have this so-called secret recipe, and just handed them a pile of cash.
As for the strip club lady, they never let her really defend her idea and instead took the position that because it was racy advertisers wouldn't support it. Can't blame them for saying they wouldn't want to work with her though. The dancer sure did look uncomfortable.

I was seriously getting sick of the show by the time the tea people we on.

The host Diane Buckner is looking hotter now than she did 15 years ago.
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J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Pool rider idea.

The poll rider looked like a board with a nozzle attatched to it. You would have to put a hose on to the nozzle to get propultion. I do not know if it will propel an adalt around the pool. Even if it did, imagine the injuries it will cause when the rider hits a swimmer or an object.
Think of the law suits in the USA, remember LAWN DARTS?


Mar 28, 2007
Okay, I think I've figured out their show formula after watching last night:
At least one sexy presenter/demonstrator
At least one person they can call nuts/on-something.
At least one person they can bring to tears
This show is starting to piss me off.

super hiro

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Sep 27, 2006
The show has been quite lame the past 2 weeks. The only good part was the presenter who almost fooled the dragon's into believing he had a patent on the product. Wonder what would have happened if the Dragon's agreed to a deal with him on National TV only to find out later that there is a patent on the product but not by him.


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Mar 28, 2005
super hiro said:
The show has been quite lame the past 2 weeks. The only good part was the presenter who almost fooled the dragon's into believing he had a patent on the product. Wonder what would have happened if the Dragon's agreed to a deal with him on National TV only to find out later that there is a patent on the product but not by him.

According to the CBC website, even though a deal is reached on the air, this does not necessarily mean a 'done deal'. What happens after is the Dragons' lawyers take a look at the deal to make sure that what was promised/stated on the show is actually delivered. If something "fishy" turns up during the investigation the deal is off. Also, if something strange happens during the meetings (like what happened in Season 1 where the MBA professor lectured the Dragons while his students didn't say anything). The students were the ones pitching their product. In the end, the Dragons ripped the check in front of the students and walked out even though on the show they promised to help the students. See the YouTube video of the students' pitch:

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Did yopu ever notice that Jim Treliving always sais, "With a little due diligence, we have a deal". Meaning your locked in and I can change my mind at any time after this time. You are at the dragons merci, since they always insist on more than 50% of the company.
The smartest thing anyone can do ( if they have a marketable idea ) is not to take a deal where you are giving away controling interest in your company. Just being on air is getting you publicity to attract investors. An example of how you would maximize on the publicity is if you have a good idea like the Atomic tea franchise is to come on and coll yourself ATOMICTEA.COM then you do not have to be at the whim and merci of the dragons.
And yes they always put on a SHMUCK to humiliate themself on camera for the amusement value. Like that guy with the teeny tiny razor blades. He made a fool of himself. ( He looks totaly different now, but I swear I knew this guy in high school?!!?? Or, maybe we all knew someone like that in high school?:D )


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Mar 28, 2005
jimace said:
See the YouTube video of the students' pitch:

The 2nd part of the JobLoft students is here:

Here is the video where even though a deal was reached on national television (videos above), in the end no deal was actually reached and the cheque was ripped up in front of the students on national television:

These show that even though they shake hands on television and agree to a deal, a deal is not 100% guaranteed.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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This week on the Dragons Den.

- Pizza box idea.

The guy that had the pizza box idea just exposed it on national television. He has no way to protect his idea because it is not patentable. ( No patent can be issued for a device that has no moving parts ) The idea is just a regular cardboard pizza box with perferations, so that you could break it into trangular pieces to use as a plate.

-Fish and bucket game.

Even though the mega-buck crowd offered to buy 3 fish-in a bucket games from the inventor, isn't it a bit insulting to bow down to serve these false gods?

-Cancer survivors bra.

This was a bit of charity ( even though it is for a good cause ) After the dragons destry numerous other and other wanna-be dragons on national television. The want to project an image that they are realy good and kind people by offering help to a good cause.

-Mortgage brokerage in a mall.

The mortgage broker got taken to the cleaners. Even though the dragons did not get 51% of the biz they got 50% which is almost as good. They also negociated an annaul return on their money. Thats realy having your cake and eating it too.

super hiro

New Member
Sep 27, 2006
I agree the mortgage broker got hosed. Dude already had a retail outlet. Take the income you made in the first year and use it to open more outlets. He took out $120k for his own salary! Small business owners need to sacrifice their personal income if they want their business to be successful. Anyone want to invest with me to open a place like this? Who's stopping any of us from doing it?

Boston Pizza guy knows he can just copy the box so wasn't interested in investing.

I liked the health food doggie biscuit guy.


Mar 28, 2007
Missed the show this week. Someone should invent a machine that lets you record the program even when you are not home. Wouldn't that be cool?


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Jun 7, 2003
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Does anyone know what happened to the woman who was one of the dragons last year? They seemed to have replaced her.

It is an interesting show,but it seems too often that the dragons all fix on one reason why they aren't interested. I would prefer a segment where the dragons evaluate the idea individually before they collectively discuss the idea. I just wonder how much influence the dragons have on each other's perceptions.

super hiro

New Member
Sep 27, 2006
Turbodick said:
Missed the show this week. Someone should invent a machine that lets you record the program even when you are not home. Wouldn't that be cool?

LOL. I'd invest in the patent for that.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Turbodick said:
Missed the show this week. Someone should invent a machine that lets you record the program even when you are not home. Wouldn't that be cool?

I also missed the show this past week because of a programming change with another program that I watch/record. In terms of someone inventing a machine that lets you record the program even when you're not home, a Tivo series 2 and above does this (as long as you have internet access).


Mar 28, 2007
Caught the show this week and couldn't believe the lady with the custom book publishing venture got 100 grand. Her database (where parents input information about ethnicity etc.) was one of her selling points yet I could see people getting nasty if they knew their info. was being sold.
The gold mine fellow from MTL was this week's whipping boy.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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The guy with the gold panning scheme was a complete dufus. He was planning to dredge up lakes and rivvers to get at gold in Quebec. the truth is that there is gold in Quebec, its just realy hard to get at.
The lady that was planning to sell custom made storry books got $100,000. So, big deal. Thats just seed money for the product. She shot herself in the foot when she revealed that she was planning to sell off personal information to other marketers. Who will buy her product if they know that their mail boxes will be flooded with advertising and their telephone will ring when they are ating their meals?

BTW Did you know that Dragons den is a ripp off of the BBC version of Dragons Den?

What with the lady on the Dragons Den that put a white streak in her hair? In Haiti anyopne ( male or female ) with a white streak like that in their hair is advertising that they are SWs and are offering sex for sale.


Mar 28, 2007
If the show concept is a clone I would imagine that the creative elements of the show (set design, logo etc.) must also be. I was thinking during the last show how outstanding the set is, dirty windows and all, and that it just seemed too good for such a low profile show.
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