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[erexpill male enhance] anybody tryed this


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
It works for 32 hours only...

Go for it Tiger and give us your comments too!
I did with a recent girlfriend, and she was screaming my name non-stop that night. Oh man! And I tried - another day - it on an SP's she barely could walk out the door as she beg me to pay for another hour as she enjoyed it so much, I had to masturbate myself for a few hours to bring it down and finally go to sleep. Oh man, this thing rocks!


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
Only viagra exists

Truth is no such drugs exists anyways. Viagra was the closest to make you have an erection for two hours. Who wants a 36 hours erection anyways? Besides Viagra have known side effects.
tiger, you are way too young to not have one, it`s your health buddy and take care of it: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or low HDL, low levels of the hormones, thyroid problems, multiple sclerosis, stroke, or Parkinson`s disease and reasons can go on and onon and on . A pill won`t solve your problem as these advertisers are out there just for your money, money, money.
See the viagra thread for help.


New Member
Nov 27, 2003
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I'm comfused you say one thing and this is not a game this sight is to share information and experiences. If your going to type something be truthful.Ex I do a thread and say this aqency this girl does everything and cheap. So people see this and they call her up and turns out to be a dog. You know the saying don't cry wolf too many times.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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"CIALIS May also be referred to as: Tadalafil.

Tadalafil was approved by the FDA on November 2003 for use in the united states, almost a year after it's approval across Europe. Tadalafil is the only treatment for ED that allows you to stay in shape for 24-36 hours on one dose."

Also says it takes longer for the stuff to work itself out of the body. I couldnt find anyting on 'herbal cialis'. What's possible is this company doesnt have approval to make or sell "Cialis"....but by putting 'herbal' in front of the name it sneaks by any lawsuit.

Its the 'health product' gray area. You can buy all sorts of herbal items that havent been passed by the FDA.


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
A 36 hours erection?

Listen tiger,
If I were to make an equivalent claim for a service provider it would be as follows:
“It started with a GFE, with full kissing and her licking my ear and undressing me all over. She agreed that I would have a BBJTC, and worked so that I can get a second. We tried about 14 out of 15 positions in the Kama Sutra book that I brought with me.
All SOG lasted about 20-25 minutes, and yes we went over the hour. We were seating so much and she moan all session and screamed out my name and would beg for more and more and more. As we finished, she gave me a good kiss and gave me my money back”.
Think a minute tiger, who wants a 36 hours erection? Wouldn’t that be in the Guiness book already? How do you sleep? Lack of blood flow creates headaches already – i.e. Viagra side-effects.
I won’t sell that 40$ a pop. I’ll sell for a few hundred and make a fortune. I’ll have men lined up for drug studies, and of course, for FDA approval that it is safe and the erections comes the good sex. I won’t just make money from sales but from the stocks I’ll own. Oh and wait, with my fortune, I’ll have any HDH I want. One per night.
I am sorry for the making you believe that I only had 32 out of 36 hours. Yet I cannot believe that you can even ask such a question to start with.
Apr 5, 2004
St Roch
Ok what is the deal ,

Did someone try this product or not .

According to the email i recived it's in the mail

Robert Gilette
Toronto Escorts