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Escorts asking for deposits


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I know we are getting a bit off topic of deposits, but I also have this thing about paying for “ social time” and having dinner with an SP. at a restaurant, to me it is like buying a friend, I can make logical sense out of PFP but If I am going to have dinner with a woman in a restaurant I want her sitting across the table from me because she wants to be there.
I have many friends , family, that I can have dinner with at a restaurant that enjoy my company.
It is not about the money, I will take her to the most expensive restaurant there is if that is what she wants or give her a gift that is worth more than any dinner plus social time.

Then it gets a little weirder with a vacation. I don’t take cheap vacations and I would be more than willing to take my favourite SP along, but on top of the vacation, tack on another 7-10K and it adds up close to 20k or more
Sorry that is not going to happen, I do have a brain that luckily does occasionally overrule the rest. I can go to the same place for 5-6k on my own and have all the fun I want for another 5K with local talent and still be at 50% of the cost.

I have often wondered how many guys are willing to do this or how many times SP actually do get to go on a vacation with a client on their terms.
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Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
I have to agree with most opinions so far in this thread. I once paid a deposit for time with a well known porn star in NYC about 10 yrs ago. Never again! She cancelled 16 hrs before the appointment. I lost out on hotel accommodations, a day at work, travel expenses etc etc. It took me nearly a month to receive my deposit back since she claimed she couldn't seem to find proof of the deposit in her records.

I've been cancelled on numerous times by independents and especially agencies in the past. My time is just as valuable as theirs. I know it certainly goes both ways but it's happened way too much as of recently in Montreal and agencies are partly to blame since they continue to hire girls who routinely cancel on a regular basis, mostly at the last minute. I was told by an agency owner that one of the girls at his agency cancelled on average 7O% of the time which is imho, inexcusable.

I have never cancelled on any independent lady I have ever seen. If I did (like a previous poster) and it was 24hrs before the appointment, I would certainly pay the cost of the donation or at the least an agreed upon amount between the both of us. In the event she cancels less than 24hrs before, it would be a nice gesture to discount the gents next rdv with her (something reasonable like $50 off) especially if it's the first meeting. Anything over 24 hrs is understandable as long as it doesn't turn into a pattern where either party does it multiple times. At that point, enough is enough and you both go your seperate ways.
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
i did once deposit for a Highend escort from Australia. She supposed to visit Montreal last year. A day before the appointment, she canceled me because she got sick. Few weeks later, she had trouble with Paypal account and She can't refund me...! So was it a bad luck ..?

Sorry, but I won't never do any deposit again...!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes, for me they are the ones that always seem to cancel "because I was having a bad day." I think every time I book one from here on out I'm going to be the one to ask for a 50$ deposit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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They ask what the market can bear... unfortunately it will become a common practice if too many of us fall for it. It's the same thing with their screening practices (giving a real id, verifying with a real account). This comes from the US where it's illegal for the girl and they want to make sure you're not a cop. But doing this in Canada where it's illegal for the client opens the door to black mail and extortion. Happened to me unfortunately....
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes, for me they are the ones that always seem to cancel "because I was having a bad day." I think every time I book one from here on out I'm going to be the one to ask for a 50$ deposit.

Actually the only disagreement I ever had was because I declined a discount for a reschedule of that amount when she cancelled.
She cancelled 4 days ahead for the most legitimate reason a woman can have and I was a bit upset that why would it be necessary to offer this to someone that she knows well and who has declined this same offer once before.

There are some women that are totally honest and trustworthy, ironically this particular lady was my first and she accepted me without any deposit or references purely based on a few email discussions.

I have been seeing her ever since.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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i did once deposit for a Highend escort from Australia. She supposed to visit Montreal last year. A day before the appointment, she canceled me because she got sick. Few weeks later, she had trouble with Paypal account and She can't refund me...! So was it a bad luck ..?

Sorry, but I won't never do any deposit again...!

Sounds like you got scammed. I cannot imagine any Australian high-end escort willing to work for Montreal rates even if they happen to be on vacation. No legal hassle in Sydney or Melbourne where demand is strong plus the escorts can simply rotate between the two cities to expand their client base.

Check out the Scarlett Blue website for the rates and before drooling over the pictures, bear in mind that most r photoshopped so dock 20-30% off in terms of looks. You guys have it really really good in Montreal.


Feb 6, 2004
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A deposit?....LOL.... :wave:

Once upon a time in a Galaxy far far away...not that is called the USA....where escorting is a crime..
is where the con-men-women are sitting in "third-world" type buildings dreaming up newer and newer targets for this type of a scam...

Unfortunately there is no shortage of gullible Americans. If Canadians fall for this then it is too bad....all Canadians should know.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I do not.

but I have with special women who are very highly rated and in demand. no other exceptions.


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
I have never asked for a deposit and I don't think I would because I try to keep my personal life and this life separated. I wouldn't want to risk accepting a deposit.

On the other hand, I do understand why my colleagues may ask for deposit. It allows them to schedule their time and rent a space or pay for transportation if needed.

A lot of people cancel on both ends, whether it's the receiver or giver. So a deposit might complicate things a little.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Yup, been seeing SPs from Toronto advertising on TERB (and MERB when they visit) asking for a deposit. Would I ever do this? The short answer would be "no", because then I'd be condoning it.

Way too much choice in Montreal (and even in Toronto for that matter) to deal with that. Plus I don't want anything that could leave a paper trail for LE. My references should be enough at this point to know I'm a "real, legit" client. If that's not enough for them, then forget it.

If I did though, it'd have to be anonymous (ie. via e-card, bitcoin, or something like that).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What are your views on deposits

I see more and more SP asking this from new clients.
I guess they are trying to follow in their US sisters footsteps.

I know this is a touchy subject with SP and have read a multitude of client bashing for ones that refuse deposits as them being the worst of the worst and shouldn’t be bothered with.
The argument is always the same that just because a client has been burned before they are reputable ladies with a solid history and reviews etc.....
I understand that their time is valuable and they get many cancellations and are fed up of it.

Well I have only done this once, prepaid a two hour session, the reason being, let’s just say I was trying to be nice.
You guessed it, bad investment, not the end of the world, I have made worse investments.

For me it is cumbersome and I will not do an etransfer electronic trails are not good, and I am not all that internet savvy.
It works both ways, for most thankfully a couple of references and your board handle is enough.
These ladies have their own network and they have enough or can get enough information to know if you are trustworthy client or not it works both ways.

Personally if I ever cancel under 24 hours I will meet them at a coffee shop the same week if they like and pay them the full amount, my word is worth more than a couple of hundred dollars.

Anyway bottom line I am not in favour of this new trend and will automatically pass on any that require this, I know enough ladies that I have seen before or new ones that are not insisting on it.

What are your views.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I wouldn’t pay a deposit for a 2 hour session or something similar. Would take a pass if a SP requested this even with references

never did one of those fly me to you scenarios, but would think it’s a legitimate request for a deposit in that scenario

there are a lot of deadbeats out there who cancel, they do it with agencies too, make it tougher for the other blokes

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
The only time I’ll ask for a deposit is if it’s an outcall and/or I’m not certain that the guy is serious. Then I will give them the option of giving me a reference, a merb handle, or a small deposit to cover my transportation fee.
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I would not hesitate to do one for a Merb advertiser. Imagine the negative backlash she would get if she manage the deposit incorrectly.

But deposit is an absolute no go for any other indies... For me it's actually a sign not to see that girl as it tells me she's 99.9% bait...



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
there are a lot of deadbeats out there who cancel, they do it with agencies too, make it tougher for the other blokes

I have been burned several times by girls canceling on me. I was able to pay the rent so you may say no skin off my back but not so. They stole my time and opportunity to be with a beautiful escort which is worth more than the money for the session.

Also, recently someone on Twitter posing as a Montreal escort tried to defraud me on line so I'm a bit skeptical about doing anything online.

I started the thread. Deposits to me are a newer concept. Since I haven't ever paid one I am dead set against doing so. I would never prepay for a session. I would never fly someone to me. I might one day consider some electronic small denomination to a well-reviewed Montreal escort to show my intentions are sincere. As Jali said at least you have recourse on the review board. But not today. I'm not going there.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Did you really just say "My time and boner is worth more than an escort’s child going hungry or an escort being evicted"? Lol. Not every escort sees multiple guys a day, for some girls, one missed appointment can make a huge impact...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
The real unfortunate part is that escorts that are in the situation you describe usually can not afford to ask for deposits in the first place, they need all the bookings they can get and are the ones faced with the most cancellations by scumbags. Some unfortunately can’t even afford to do minimal screening.

You are absolutely right that it is not the same for me to be cancelled than it is for an SP in the situation that you describe, never the less you get burned once, you are not likely to repeat that mistake.

The bad part is that people on both sides ruin it for the ones that are respectful of the time and effort you ladies put in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I said what I said. No, it is not a matter of paying the rent or the electricity bill or buying baby formula. It is a matter of the precious time I have in-countryat a hobby local. You live in Montreal. Think about the guys that get there once a year or every other year. You make a date with a girl. You have been texting and e-mailing for two weeks. Pouring over her photos, the tension is building and you can't wait for her to arrive. It's 9PM and she doesn't show. You sit there and then you wait and you wait. And then she contacts you and tells you that she has to be at the airport early the next morning and she needs her sleep (this really happened) or she doesn't even bother to call or text or apologize (this also happened) or she tells you after you spent 50$ for an Uber ride to get to the agreed upon meeting place that she had a bad experience that morning and could no longer make it (this happened as well). I'm sure that you know what I'm talking about. This can ruin a trip.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
You’re right Fradi. I myself don’t do screening most of the time because I don’t see a lot of clients to begin with (I am thankful for my regulars who constitute 80% of my pay every week lol), and I’d be broke if I did screening or asked for deposits in Montreal

Hungry of course that sucks. I misread the second sentence of your comment actually. Apologies :)
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