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Escorts asking for deposits


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I personally ask for deposits in cities such as Winnipeg, since there is quite a high cancellation rate. Or if the client has cancelled on me already. Considering that my reputation is worth way more than say 50$, I think I can be trusted. If I have to cancel, I send it back. I offer multiple options as to how to send it and have never stolen from anyone. I expect a client to do his due-diligence when booking a provider (looking for reviews, twitter presence and pro website) to ensure such bad situations don't occur.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Unfortunately Rose not everyone is like you and I have been burned not for $50 but $500 by someone with a solid reputation, who has all but disappeared. Who knows maybe she had good reasons, she seemed like a really nice person.
In the end I am not all that upset, I wish her well, she probably needed it at the time and it won’t make a difference in my life.
It was however a lesson , and something I will not repeat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Unfortunately Rose not everyone is like you and I have been burned not for $50 but $500 by someone with a solid reputation, who has all but disappeared. Who knows maybe she had good reasons, she seemed like a really nice person.
In the end I am not all that upset, I wish her well, she probably needed it at the time and it won’t make a difference in my life.
It was however a lesson , and something I will not repeat.

This is infuriating to me, because it prevents people from actually trusting us. I have spend thousands upon thousands on my business and would never run away with someone's deposit. It just makes no sense to me. But yeah I totally get your point :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
This is infuriating to me, because it prevents people from actually trusting us. I have spend thousands upon thousands on my business and would never run away with someone's deposit. It just makes no sense to me. But yeah I totally get your point :(

It doesn’t mean I don’t trust anybody, there are a couple of ladies that I know that I have seen several times who I wouldn’t hesitate at all with, but they know me and it is not necessary, I think there is enough trust on both sides.

With someone new however , I think I would just pass and see someone else.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If it was a well review SP and I never met her before I would not mind, youbare goingbto see her and get your pesos worth.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Fradi, I’d like to know who stiffed you for 500$ and made no effort to pay you back. That is BS to perpetrate on a good client like you or even a bad client and this is a review board.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Fradi, I’d like to know who stiffed you for 500$ and made no effort to pay you back. That is BS to perpetrate on a good client like you or even a bad client and this is a review board.


In all honesty, it was partly my fault, at first she gave me the opportunity to see her, but my schedule didn’t permit as I went away on an annual, vacation with family.

Then after once again it was my fault, that particular week I had already made plans with family, and after that she kind of disappeared.
Actually I hope she is ok, I did meet her when we made the exchange again I only had time to meet her and make the exchange and have a drink with her. She was a nice person I somehow still think it was not intentional on her part.

Bottom line it was enough for me not to do that again, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt, who knows what happened to her, and in reality it doesn’t make that much difference to me, if it helped her then all is good.

I have benefited a lot more with the ladies I have seen and am seeing so I don’t have any complaints. I have gained way more than I have lost.
I have been with some amazing women and my ATF is really just plain magical.

btw in her defence she did not ask me to prepay I offered it, I won’t go into details as to why.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I know that feeling Fradi... of wondering if something happened to her... I’m experiencing it tonight because I had a 2hr appointment booked, and he seemed like really serious and we were emailing each other and then I stopped hearing from him and he didn’t show up... I’m half pissed and half wondering if he had a car accident.... I hope he’s okay


Sep 4, 2006
I have done deposits several times, and thankfully never had a bad experience. In Montreal, I have only ever paid upfront with one SP I know very well. Its more of a convenience because I don't have to worry about carrying large sums of cash or making frequent trips to the ATM. In Europe, its pretty standard with the German/Belgian agencies I deal with. In Canada, I would not be open to a deposit with an indy I am meeting for the first time. just from what I see on twitter, most want to accept deposits via Interac which is only for people with accounts in Canada, or via PayPal which completely butchers exchange rates. If am sending a deposit, its via bank transfer. Either she trusts me with her banking info like I am trusting her with money upfront, or she is really as sophisticated and elite as she claims and has a shell company set up to receive bank transfers.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Paypal hates sex workers so it always surprises me when I see a girl who uses it - especially if she openly advertises it. Countless of my friends have had their accounts locked and their money forever lost on PayPal. One of the better platforms I’ve heard of, for the US at least because we don’t have it here unfortunately, is Ca$hApp. It’s a simple app that allows users to send and receive money using only a username (format $username), so it’s anonymous and quick and convenient. I would like to have this, or something similar, in Canada, but haven’t found anything yet.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Julia's right!!!!! For the life of me trust me do not use Paypal for this!!!!!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
No kidding. I know one girl whose account was locked even though she didn’t even use it for work. Someone sent her money for jewelry she made and sold, but PayPal noticed that the email from the account was the same email that she uses in her escort business, so they locked her account regardless of why the funds were sent. They’re really not SW friendly and I wouldn’t recommend using it for this at all
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If you trust someone enough to send a deposit use e-transfer.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
E-gift cards are also a convenient solution IMO


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
honestly, the number of e-transfers I receive and I still couldn't name one guy. We seriously don't care about your real info. It's important for us to feel safe sometimes hence the deposit. Again, I know not everyone's the same but I wouldn't risk my reputation blackmailing someone. What good would that do to my business?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It's important for us to feel safe sometimes hence the deposit.

Sorry Rose but you lost me here.
I understand everything else you are saying and agree with you that it does not make sense for someone like you who has built a business and a reputation to ruin it with not following through with what the deposit was given for, and blackmail just doesn’t make sense at all.

How does a $50 deposit make you feel safe, sorry for being maybe dense but $5O in today’s world is nothing and there are just as many crazy people with money as without. The most it assures you is that you maybe are able to pay for the room or transportation, that I get but safe I don’t see how or what that has to do with your safety especially with someone you don’t know at all and have never met.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
honestly, the number of e-transfers I receive and I still couldn't name one guy. We seriously don't care about your real info. It's important for us to feel safe sometimes hence the deposit. Again, I know not everyone's the same but I wouldn't risk my reputation blackmailing someone. What good would that do to my business?

I'm not giving out my private information anymore willy-nilly. I believe you Rose but I am aware of an agency owner in another city that has outed clients and former employees and has a habit of holding this over people. I have also observed other examples of this so it pays to be careful/ I will not do so anymore unless I really trust the person. It is not enough to assume that it is in the girl's or agencies best interest not to disclose a person identity.


Jun 27, 2017
I think it is time for the client not to visit any more girls who requires a deposit. Once this happens no escort will ask for a deposit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
honestly, the number of e-transfers I receive and I still couldn't name one guy. We seriously don't care about your real info. It's important for us to feel safe sometimes hence the deposit. Again, I know not everyone's the same but I wouldn't risk my reputation blackmailing someone....

Your reputation is impeccable, but sadly, I have encountered lots of people in business who don't appear to worry about their reputations. A dishonest person could reason that blackmail has the potential to pay better than the fee for a meeting. Even if one deals with completely honest people, there is always the possibility of one's data being inadvertently being hacked.

I might be willing to make a small deposit to prove that I'm not a troll, but I would insist on paying with Bitcoin or an electronic gift card.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Not a fan of the blackmail gig, too many fucked up people to try that one. With e-transfers unless your e-mail address is your name there is no link to you. For an agency I would never give a deposit, for indies here that are review and do incalls why not if we never met before. Never have yet as I do not see Indys ( yet ), gotta see Taylor one day though.
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