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Escorts changing names, changing places Deleted???


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
Living in the now
...If the Escort changing names is gone for a similar reason, we may have to start a new one. :(

Lets hope it's not cause there was so much info in it!

ALL should be kept in one thread this way we will not lose it if it's deleted.
For example the 3 letter name thread. Reverdy and I have a copy.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2009
Have you contacted the mods about it?

Can't remember who started it, but if the member had his profile deleted, then all the threads that this member had started were deleted as well.

Nah! I won't bother them. I'll rather have them look it up with Fred and do something about the way the forum works.

I don't understand why the forum is configured in such a way that anybody who starts a thread can get away and delete it. Considering that most of the posts in it are NOT from the thread starter.

To make matters worse, this thread was a "sticky" meaning it had overgrown it's original purpose and become a major merb info section.

Why allow a user to delete a thread like this? FFS, Allow them to delete their posts and that's it. Leave the thread alone.
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