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Female Molesters.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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This week a grade school teacher in the states was released after serving 7 years for having sex with a 12 year old boy.
I just wonder if this is one those situations that happen a million times before you hear about it once?
When I was about 10 years old and scraped my knee in the school yard, the school nurse insisted that she take all precautions and give me a pants down examination to see if I have traumatized my valuables, was she being prudent or taking advantage? I have heard stories second hand from other kids that I knew when I was younger that when they delivered newspapers or groceries they got either an eyefull or even some intitiations to manhood while they were on their rounds.
Is this a situation where if a woman has sex or exposes herself to a young boy it is more acceptable and even considered to be a education in life expereiences for the young lad?


Total Archbushman
Aug 16, 2003
Paradise City
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I'm sure it happens more often than what we hear in the media. My guess is that in 99.999% of the cases where an older woman bumped uglies with a minor, the kid was overjoyed. Frankly, I think it's every teenage boy's fantasy. Was mine!!! So while it was legally molestation, the kid sure won't press charges.

Dear Penthouse...


Jul 16, 2004
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Well I sure wish that something like that had happened to me when I was between the ages of 10-12yrs old.

But that never had happened to me. :(

When I was 10 I wanted to have sex with my gorgeous 30yr old math teacher mmmm.

So did all the boys. LOL


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Aug 4, 2004
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Succinctly stated, guys, it is called a double standard. I guess we are all old enough to know that life is not fair, though, and we accept that reality, whether we likeit or not.


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Aug 4, 2004
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Just as an added two cents worth on my part, the technical word for a female child molester is a phebophile. It is such an obscure and rare word that it is not in the dictionary, but that is what it means.
So, to stretch your vocabularies: Phebophile: A female pedophile.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Was I the only one?

Was I the only one that had these experiences? As I said, I was also told stories by paper delivery boys and grocery delivery boys about their experiences. I also experienced circumstances that seemed innocent at the time but now I wonder about it. I was once at a bus shelter in a snow storm waiting for the bus to get me home. A woman came along and started to talk to me, after a while she said that she was just going to go home. She asked me if I would like to go to her appartment to warm up, even though I did not want to I said that I needed to go to the bathroom. While at her appartment she asked me "Do you need any help"? ( in the bathroom) I said no.
I am just wondering if this sort of experience or near experience happened to anyone else? Or, was it just me and a few paper and grocery delivery boys?
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