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find a sp..for regular session..did you find yours???


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Jul 16, 2004
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cause for is a hard task i have to say...everytime that I FIND THE RIGHT ONE ...get her number the reason becomes...come back with the boyfriend..and she stop....also too much distance between us(3 hours minimum)...etc...etc....and it is very hard for me too find THE for you guys do you have this problem...i begin to think to find me the women for the regular stuff lollll

p.s.for the one that didnt click that much are always available:(


May 31, 2008
Je crois que c'est difficile, en raison de la nature même de la chose, de pouvoir trouver quelqu'un avec qui on pourrait avoir de nombreuses sessions de façon régulière. Elles sont d'abord et avant tout au travail, et c'est sur que dès qu,un revirement arrive (changement d'agence, un chum qui arrive dans leur vie ect ect), c'est une chance de la perdre qui arrive.

Je me souviens, à l'époque ou je fréquentais les bard de danseuses avoir voulu revoir plusieurs dansesues, mais je ne pouvais pas parce qu'elles ne travaillaient plus à l'endroit ou j'allais. Ce fut la même chose avec les masseuses.

Par conséquent, je ne crois pas que ça soit possible de pouvoir rencontrer une SP ou n'importe quelle travailleuse du sexe très longtemps, sur une très longue période.

Je comprends le bien-fondé de la philospohie de pouvoir revoir une fille qui t'a donné un bon service, et d'en faire ta régulière. Mais malheureusement, la nature de la fonction ainsi que la façon que ça marche ne permet pas cela (plusieurs danseuses changent d'endroit, plusieurs masseuses changent de salon et plusieurs SP changent d'agence), et ce sans compter si elles se retirent ou si elles se trouvent un chum qui fait qu'elles ne veulent plus faire cela. C'est le marché qui fait qu'un grand nombre de travailleuses du sexe changent souvent d'endroit.

Alors, j'ai cessé de vouloir me trouver LA fille qui me donnerait pleine satisfaction pour plutot tenter des expériences avec plusieurs.


May 31, 2008
Comme dit Mazingerz il y a 2 grands dangers à vouloir avori des régulières : 1-que la fille, te considérant comme acquis, baisseson service les fois suivantes et 2-que tu développes un attachement envers elle.

C'est pour cette raison principalement que je ne revois plus maintenant ou presque une fille que j'ai bien aimé. Oui c'est sur qu'une régulière, tu es sur de toujours être très satisfait et ça fait d'excellentes rencontres, mais ca a un maudit effet pervers d'attachement envers la fille. Et ça, c'est la pire chose qui ne peut pas arriver à un client.


Feb 2, 2005
Moi aussi j'ai trouvé que c'est très réconfortant de revoir une régulière:p , et j'ai aussi confronté aussi avec le problème de services et la disponibilité de la fille:confused: . Et j'ai résolu le problème en donnant une côte à mes préfèrées:D , donc si j'ai une envie:p , je commence par #1:D , si #1 n'est pas disponible je passe au suivant:cool: , ainsi de suite . Mais j'ai dit aux filles que je fonctionne avec ce système de côtation et rotation, et je les dis de leur position de chaqu'une dans la palmarès:D , comme ça c'est plus facile, si la fille veux bien me garder comme régulier, elle s'agit par conséquence;) . Certaine donc il y a une chimie entre nous elles n'ont pas besoin faire d'effort supplémentaire:p , d'autres il n'y a pas de chimie donc pas besoin de forcer non plus.:(


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
My_dingaling said:
Congratulations on posting the obvious.
Your needs are right in the bell curve.
BBW's and skinny goths are at the extremity of the bell curve and the playmate types are in the middle.

OK, either I took too many retard pills today or maybe there are posts missing from this thread. 'Posting the obvious'?!? WTF was the guy trying to say? And how does it relate to a Bell curve?


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Jul 16, 2004
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it is sunday at 14h24 pm...that is why i would love to have a regular:mad: cause i am tired to look and look around..craiglist..123..merb..and dont find one...for today...and i even did call 2 agency but the girl that i would like to meet are so not available or even start only at 20h00pm...but not damn.,..i want to find one lolllll

p.s.yes probably the regular one would be not available right there but still:cool:


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
I'll respond to the initial question itself "Did I find a regular sp"?
Well, I hate repeating with a lady since there is so much ladies out there to discover, but yes I have a very selective selection of ladies I repeat with (for me, regular just means "a lady that I enjoyed so much that I would repeat with her ...whenever I feel like it") and I do consider them as my few regulars (has nothing to do with how often I see definition of 'regular' just means 'I repeat with them"): Kim, Amanda (Devilish). Had Tamara and Vicky still be working, I'd repeat with them.
NOW...there's something I am wondering about: You mentionned this
panthere said:
everytime that I FIND THE RIGHT ONE ...get her number the reason becomes...come back with the boyfriend..and she stop....
Does that mean that you want a bit more than just occasional fun with the lady you find at your taste? Because things like getting phone numbers seem a bit too much for me. That's like getting really close to an sp, and that's something I try to avoid at all cost: I want her to do her job and am willing to meet with her just in the limits of her work. I know my favourite sps from so long and we have great mutual chemistry that I could have asked them their phone numbers and socialize with them outside of their work, but I'd never do that since to me it has to stay professional.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Maria Divina said:
I am not in your shoes, that's clear, but, do you have such particular demands that just few girls could satisfy you?? or, in contrario, you are really easy going??? This too, could make your search harder...

I am not understanding your difficulties, after all my reads on Merb, saying that, in Montréal, we are in a place with such a huge choice of ladies of all kinds, .. or, maybe, the "huge amount of choices in Montreal" is not so huge, finally....
ok thanks for your response but if you check my post here on could say that i had been satisfy in the past...and also like this saturday lollll..but like i gonna take exemple from saturday(went to fs club the body shop)it is too fast for me..yep when a women is reallyyyyy hot..i really cant resist long enough.... if you know what i mean lolll but also they are a bite clock watch(NOT OLIVIA OR MALIA cause i didnt take long lolll) in a sense that... dont take too long or the girl gonna be like..ok 5 minute and we stop...already happen to me a long time for that saturday i was fullfill but just a bite...(i took two of them for the and always looking for more)but for other time it is always never happen for me the good is always so a clock watcher...or a one that didnt click on the everythime that click on that side..doesnt work cause she is not available that much or busy..or out of the yes i did a couple of times find the one...but never work out for long.....(like this saturday malia or olivia would do outside and become sp at a regular price..DAMN I WOULD BE A REGULAR TO SEE THEM MUCH OFTEN....cause it CLICK...(beauty conversation..funny...etc...and sex)that is a reason that i always or much often deal with fs club or independant sp...never agency cause i need to talk to her at least five minute...msn or phone..or in get if a connection is there....
p..s. i never saw you miss maria:cool:
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Jul 16, 2004
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montreal_monk01 said:
NOW...there's something I am wondering about: You mentionned this
Does that mean that you want a bit more than just occasional fun with the lady you find at your taste? Because things like getting phone numbers seem a bit too much for me. That's like getting really close to an sp, and that's something I try to avoid at all cost: I want her to do her job and am willing to meet with her just in the limits of her work. I know my favourite sps from so long and we have great mutual chemistry that I could have asked them their phone numbers and socialize with them outside of their work, but I'd never do that since to me it has to stay professional.

been that road and dont want to go back trusttttttt me:eek:and also for the phone number..i am talking about the business phone or msn or something like regular independant sp use....
i just want to find a relugar GFE or even two or three lollll....voila;)
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Jul 16, 2004
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mazingerz said:
Ça ne se commande pas vraiment. Il y en a que ça clique beaucoup plus que les autres et qu'on a envie de revoir encore et encore car elle nous donne des frissons comme peu de filles parviennent à le faire.

Un moment fonné, tu vas en trouver une, j'imagine, où ça clique vraiment

jamais si bien dit mister veux ce feeling comme jai eu en fin de semaine:cool:
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