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Finding an SP/MP Girlriend


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I have had serious relationships with a number of dancers and I have many current and former dancers as friends. But I did not become friends with them or seek them out because they were dancers. Things just happened. Butif someone is specifically looking for a dancer, mp or sp to have a relationship with, instead of a normal woman with a regular job and life, then I think that they need help. Besides...they will discover that there's a big difference between their fantasies and reality.


Oct 11, 2005
Maria Divina said:
I am surprise to be in accord with Beauty Digger for having some same conclusions than him, but i really want to say that it is not the same reflexions that brings me to them....
I may not agree with everything you say, but I will fight to the death your right to say it.


New Member
Oct 8, 2006
beautydigger said:
I have had a few dancers as girlfriends and had a lot of fun and good times.

I think this is possible just as long as you adopt a detached and amused view of things. If you get attached to a sex worker and care too much about the relationship, you'll start feeling insatisfaction sooner or later. You'll be wanting more and will expect her to change for the couple's benefit (or your own). That's how you're dead.


Oct 11, 2005
Maria Divina said:
As i previously said, just to really know if i am thinking really right or wrong, those relationship you did have with those dancers....were finally unsuccessful?? Right??? And, now, you don't beleive at all in love...
No not really, I basically had the attitude expressed by babaloo123 and just enjoyed it while it lasted. I am unable to achieve love because I feel women have betrayed me in general not individually.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
It is the less romantic thing to be paid for my companionship ( i assure you of that.....).....My thoughts about love is base on romantics feelings.....How can i accept thinking a man can truly love me when i know he was/is able to pay me already...??? woman toughts......Love is something that we have to demonstrate for sharing it at the best...Not say it: Show it......


On one level, I agree with you and on another, I find this statement naive and it highlights your insecurities. Let me explain. In a recent encounter with Vanessa of Excentrix, I told her flat out that I would date someone like her. I told her, however, that I would never accept dating an SP; she would have to stop SPing. I would be willing to wait until she stops but I wouldn't date someone who is SPing.

Now, I admitted to her that I wasn't really serious about dating her because I am not delusional but she thought that my offer was appropriate and better than other guys who demanded she quit to date them. She is fiercely independent and would never rely on a man. She also believes in love and she has thought of dating a few clients.

Her problem is that she has a very high libido and any man with her would have to accept that she likes to roam.:p She also admitted that her first experience dating a client was a disaster as the guy turned out to be a possessive nut.

What strikes me about Vanessa is that she is very confident and secure with who she is. She is not ashamed to be an SP. In fact, she told me that she feels stronger because she SPed ("if I can do this, I can do anything"). She has no problems dating someone who knows about her SPing but she admits it isn't easy on both sides.

What I am trying to say is if you see the guy as a client and more importantly, if dating him reminds you that you were an SP, yes, it will never work because of your insecurities. He might be able to love you, but your insecurities will doom the relationship.

Finally, women think that men need to demonstrate love by remaining faithful. They do not understand that by depriving a man of sex, they are cheating him out of something very natural. And yes, all women use sex and guilt as a weapons of choice in a relationship.:rolleyes:

Last edited:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
If some men want to meet a ""GFE"", that's ok, that's what they're prefering...but after, some mix that kind of meeting with an "outsider's world Sp meeting"...I believe that a sexual relationship can occur between a Sp and a Sp's consumers.....but a real love, no...

I agree with you here. Real love takes a lot more than forking over a few bills.:rolleyes:

Maria Divina said:
I am surprised than you're can think that i am not confident on myself....You are, at this moment, the only person here who had say that...I had a few who had tell me already the contrario...and more than once, beleive me...!!! I am assuming totally my Sp profession, but doing it secretly, not wanting my family knowing that, just to not having a lots of comments....That's all.....In my romantics feelings, i just don't want to mix this activity and having a boyfriend too.....I am a very passionated woman....for me, it is incompatible to having a real love relationship in my life and Sping....but, having an "amant", it is very compatible and just a must...!!!
So, i think that we can have differents views about that, and that will be normal....I respect you in your thoughts without understanding them...;)


What if you developed an interest in a client and he was willing to see you after you quit? You stated that this is impossible because in your eyes, you will always see him as a client. Fair enough but isn't it also because you fear he will cheat on you? These are the insecurities I was referring to.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
I just didn't care if an "amant" cheat me...I just don't want to know it, because i will kill him...That's simple???? hahahahaha...I just want to say, that i just don't want to know it....

There you go, that is the lioness I have come to admire.:D I like the fact that you are a traditional woman.;)


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
Amants, that's a different way to appreciate really somebody without loving him/her terribly deep....You really just want good things happen to your amants, you will write some hot letters, making some fantasies happening between both, you can be a little romantic too....but, in majority of time, you don't bring him/her at your family parties, for an example...That can be short or long term relationship....but, you're living on your way, each others....

Can I please become your "amant"?:p I promise not to fall in love with you.;)


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
....I stil never had the top experience i got with him...That was very unique!! Just talk about it, and i got thrills.....You cannot imagine that....

A real Italian stallion this ex-amant of yours. Well, I am not intimidated in the least. Let me show you why I am a five star General Gonad. ATTENTION!!!!:p


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
....Thanks God to have made that possible.....( i am not a true believer, just, that, now, i have again a doubt of the real existence of God, because, that's hard to believe that something so perfect was possible without any God's act.....hahahahahahaha)

I have been known to convert SPs into true Christians.:p


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
Don't ever think that women who telling some words of God when they see you, it is necessarely a religion conversion.....:p hahahahahahaha

Even when they're screaming "Oh God, God!" at the top of their lungs while my tongue is stuck deep inside their vulva?:p


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
You are the twin brother of Gene Simmons or what??? :eek:

No, I am much better looking than Gene Simons.:p


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
curious to know....With a tongue like that, that can be really surprising to feel it by the inside....hahahahaha...I suppose that it must be preferable to put a condom too.......:p hahahahahaha

It's not the size but the way that you use it. Once inside, it feels and tastes great!:p



New Member
Jul 28, 2007
Hummm Maria..loll

Hi Maria, i read a lots of really good (positive ) posts of you.
I want to initiate myself ( first time)loll with a charming, gentle,generous, ok i stop...lollll woman like you, for 1hre intimate session...
I figure in the next 2 weeks, i will take an appointment with you.....Hope to see you soon, in good shape..:p

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
NB...May i tell you that is better to do not publicaly write about that....Thank you very much for your understanding.

Yes, Katso Italiano is a jealous amant!:D


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
You know, he is not anymore (sadly) mi amante...but i have the most huge respect for him.....and, if i am putting myself in his skin, that one was not funny...Please, just please, don't do that anymore...D'accord???

Eh bella..come on...mi amore...I only joke disrespect to Forza Italia.:D



New Member
Feb 26, 2005
Wow....I haven't checked on this for a bit and it seems to have exploded into some kind of argument :)

I guess I'll clear up some misconceptions about my original post, since it wasn't very specific: I'm not looking to ask an SP to quit her job to be with me, quite the opposite actually. One of the main traits of an SP I would be looking for, which, I guess it's true, I wouldn't know if SPs actually feel this way or not, is an openness to be with other people sexually. I'm a bit weird in that I'm looking for a partner who enjoys openly having sex with other men. But this is hard as it isn't typical for guys to feel this way, or typical for women to openly want this. Many would probably fantasize about it, but never act on it for fear of being a 'slut'. Even if a women is interested in this sort of lifestyle, she is extremely reluctant to live it out even if the man tells her that it would be 100% alright with him, being afraid of the 1% that he might change his mind and leave her.

So...I feel that being interested in dating an SP is logical in this sense. I realize that I won't like all SPs any more than I would like all secretaries, lawyers or cashiers but I feel that SPs would at least be more likely to be open to having sex with more people than just me.

No, I don't feel that I need therapy for this desire. I've sorted it out in my head and know that this is just what I want for a few different reasons. I'm not looking to 'save' anyone, I would really like if she would like to just keep doing what she's doing. I know I would be seen as some kind of pervert by the majority of society, but really, I don't care. This is what I want and that's how it is. It's a funny desire, but it's what I like. Some people like when a girl shits on them, I think that's weird. But I'm not going to judge them for it. If they like being shat on, and found a girl who likes to shit on guy and they know how to keep it to themselves and other consenting adults...go ahead and have a shitfest! I don't care. I'm just not going to be watching.

For this reason, I don't feel that it's appropriate to talk to people I associate with regularly about this desire. I don't want to know that my good friend likes to eat shit, I would really just prefer to be ignorant to this fact. Not that I would judge, I just don't care to know. So I don't know where to meet a girl like this. I can't ask my friends if they know any girls who like doing a bunch of dudes all the time. And it's extremely rare, even for a girl who does like that, for someone to admit to it. So an SP is someone who already does this.

I actually can't look to date an SP by hiring her and meeting her that way as I don't have the money to keep doing that. It really isn't an ideal situation to meet a future girlfriend anyway...she's at work, working. You're the customer...that doesn't look good. I guess I was asking for advice on where I might meet a girl like this outside of work. But that can't be an easy thing to do I'm sure. So I'm still looking for advice...on where to meet a girl like this, SP/MP or not.

I hope that clears things up....resume the debate!
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