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First overnight with SP tips?

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Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
If you do this... Im one merbite that would love to read the review!

Some folks are going to criticize, don't worry about it! Its normal! Were not all built to enjoy the hobby the same way.... I also enjoy the intimacy, and then other times I just enjoy the Pornstar style that the hobby can bring.

Ive never tried the overnight, but I have gotten drunk with a few, and had a laugh with them. Paid for their time, and never felt like it was waste.

Just make sure you tell us all about it! Enjoy!


aka SweetLabrador
Aug 5, 2015
I have been following this thread and thinking about it. I am surprised to learn that many of you think overnight is a stupid idea. I wonder what’s the general view on getaway weekends or long trips.

Maybe it is just me. I have been in this community for slightly more than 20 years. Honestly, there are just so many ways I can cum. I can cum indoor, outdoor, in a car, on a boat, in a train, or on a plane. I can also cum as a sub, switch, or dom. After a while, there came a time that there is just nothing new anymore. When I think of last 20 years, I actually don’t remember much of the sexual acts, except a few memorable ones (like Sonia’s last year, or some old legends). What I remember the most are the stories from each individual companion. I also remember the details of most outings, overnights, and trips. I believe those are the memories lasted and unique.

My earlier crush from Mississauga once told me that she tends to not remember much of the indoor encounters because she simply sees too many people in that setting. However, many years after, she could still described the details of our Niagara Fall hunting house date. I am in a similar situation. I remember vividly
- The skydiving date with Lady N
- Got strained in Mexico City airport with Lady C
- Walking a giant puppy dog with Lady K in Union Station
- Group sex in Oasis with Lady T
- Swimming in a freezing outdoor infinity pool during a snowstorm with Lady P
any many many more .... such as museums, shows, cruises.

I don’t think there is a price tag I can put on those non-sexual memories. Those were the real fun experience that stay with me forever.

Just my 0.02, or perhaps I am just getting too old to have 8-hour straight sex.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
My earlier crush from Mississauga once told me that she tends to not remember much of the indoor encounters because she simply sees too many people in that setting. However, many years after, she could still described the details of our Niagra Fall hunting house date. I am in a similar situation. I remember vividly
- The skydiving date with Lady N
- Got strained in Mexico City airport with Lady C
- Walking a giant puppy dog with Lady K in Union Station
- Group sex in Oasis with Lady T
- Swimming in a freezing outdoor infinity pool during a snowstorm with Lady P
any many many more ....

I don’t think there is a price tag I can put on those non-sexual memories.

Just my 0.02, or perhaps I am just getting old

This is awesome stuff Not-so-sweet. I guess this is another way to look at it. These are some great life experiences and make it sound better than "paying someone to sleep" which I would never do. Do you "click" with an SP so well that you feel comfortable being with her overnight and going on adventures? If so, that is special but also, I think she goes along and doesn't make you pay for every moment of her time either. Also, there are many hobby destinations where the girls are looking for longer time arrangements and they will invite themselves into your lives hoping for more. It can be a very rewarding experience too...and of course, she can obtain her goal of a Farang/Gringo husband and this can be more costly or more beautiful (depending ho you look at it) than any overnight date of paid companionship.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Je dirais de le faire avec une régulière et être sur que tu t'entends bien avec. Ca prend vraiment une bonne complicité que tu as développe au fil des rencontres. Sinon, le temps risque d'être long.

C'est le même principe que les dinner date. Je ne le ferais pas avec n'importe qui.


New Member
Sep 5, 2018
Gabars, I’m with NotsoSweet in this. I thoroughly enjoy extended appointments, particularly weekends. I’ve done a few and with one exception, all were great. I would say it’s probably better with a lady you already know and get on well with. If it’s your first time meeting her, I would suggest seeing if she’s ok with a little dialogue via DM, email or phone to get a better feel For if you guys would get along for that period of time. Don’t expect this dialogue to be free of charge. Be proactive, Offer e-gift card or e-transfer to compensate her for her time spent feeling things out with you. This does not need to be a huge amount. She will certainly appreciate it. There are some great advantages to extended appointments, it’s unfortunate some don’t see it, but everyone is different and looking for their own thing. I happen to love waking up next to a soft lovely woman and all that entails, making breakfast together, maybe take in a sunrise. If you’re not a tool, as NotsoSweet said, you’ll be one of the those she remembers fondly and not just run together in an indistinguishable clump like others. Next time she’ll be even happier to see you.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Nylonlegs. You should start a thread about the subject if you don’t agree. The thread is tips about overnight. Not critics of overnight

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Just adding my little 2 cents commentary:

Please Gabars, keep in mind you are entitle to your own desires and I hope you are not too discouraged about some commentaries from people not sharing them. ;-)

Not only overnights and multiple days are very exceptional in nature because they are opening the possibilities to be even more personal and "in touch" with each others, (put entented ;-) )
they are also more, let's say, respecting a natural pace/way of things to be. I understand that's something that is affraying a lots of "hobbysts" that are fan of quick/non-emotional-contact encounters. (let's say apart to have a limited psy or physical money budget to spend...) and this is fine, to each their own. What's not fine is to come and not respect other choices, anyway, that's always the same story on a lots of review boards.
Vive la différence à la fin, bordel! hahaha ;-)))

So, just putting this as a very good example where this kind of encounter could lead eventually.... I am presently wondering what kind of gift I am going to buy to my "partner in crime" ;-) to celebrate our 10th years anniversary of encounters together.
We shared multiple dinner dates, overnights, a couple of trips together. That's not someone I see often, because he is living away, but when we do, we are sharing many hours even days.

So maybe it is not the cup of tea of everyone, but there is a clear demand for longer encounters, and that's why that almost all SW are having that kind of package that are often a "better deal" if we count by the hour, and this, exactly because of the nature more relax of the encounter, including maybe time to enjoy other activities, eat and to rest/sleep.

Ok, this all said, Clara and Rollingstone gave great advices. I could add that if you know that you snore... maybe bring her some new earplugs in case she doesn't have. ;-) and maybe something really down-to-earth, don't be shy to wash your hands/shower/refresh your breath few times during your time. It is a fantastic bubble out of the ordinary life to live, enjoy it at the maximum ;-)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ The difference is you do not pay your staff to come to a BBQ at your place or join you for a beer after work, big difference.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I absolutely do. I pay their fixed annual salary with or without BBQ. It is identical .

Sorry cut it short but you get the idea.
So, you think that paying for a paid escort being at at BBQ is the same as inviting employees and them dropping by since you pay them a salary..... I would hate to work for you, you think you own the employees after work hour? The escort has to be there vecause she is being paid by you and you expect the employees to do the same since " they are on salary " and still on the clock.
There is a huge difference and if you do not get..... well.


Oct 29, 2019
I would like to do another one after we get thru this covid crap, as I don't think we could just spend the whole night in the sac at this point. I think some playtime before dinner, then go out eat, have some drinks go back for some more fun. then I guess just chill and watch a movie, wake up to a good romp, then some breakfast before the date is over. Would love to hear from the ladies as well from there experiences and guys as well. I want us to have fun outside the bedroom as well. Would love to hear some opinions.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
I think these sorts of meetings are best for guys who are looking for companionship as much as physical pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Good for his guys who can pay this kind of meeting.
Unfortunately this is not my case.
In these red zone times, I probably wouldn't have any peace of mind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
This has been discussed a few times with a lot of negative comments from posters and of course some ladies defending its merits.
In all honesty I think in the end it really boils down to whether or not you can easily afford this or not.
Yes many will say I will not pay for someone to sleep for 8 hours beside me and it is a waste of money and I see escorts purely for sex and an hour is plenty. Then you get the other line of I pay them to leave.

To all this I say how many would refuse an overnight with their favourite SP if it was a gift and it didn’t cost them a thing.
For me it is an easy decision it doesn’t fit into my budget and you need to prioritize things in your life.
Would I like to have an overnight with my favourite SP, of course I would. It would be fabulous to spend a whole day with her to have a nice dinner together to be intimate without having to look when your time is up. To wake up to a gorgeous smiling woman next to you and have breakfast with her
Anybody that says they would not like this is full of shit and just searching for excuses to justify them not being able to afford it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Exactly what you said Fadi, I have done it before. Its amazing waking up to your fav gal. No clock watching I really enjoyed it.

Lucky, more than lucky Mysiteonly and that I have liked to be in your place.

I keep my money to make this dream come true. There with the pandemic I spend much less, on the other hand I financially help one of my children who lost everything because of this shit virus.
Hope, hope...
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I’ve never done one, can’t see myself doin one. If I was gonna do one wouldn’t just do it with anyone. Gotta make sure ur really cool spending that much time with whomever your gonna be spending it with.

My advise would be to use shorter appointments to weed out people. Like start with an hour, move up to two hours, do a few of those dinner dates. See who you click with.

Here’s a question, what is making you book an escort and not look for someone in seeking arrangement?


Oct 29, 2019
We have good chemistry, I have seen for multiple hrs, and even and already done a overnight with her. My question to the board is does anyone do anything different than what I have done. Some insight from the ladies would be great too. I can't imagine that you would have crazy sex all night.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Let’s see...for me, I’ve never done any of this intentionally but I have done it a few times. It’s either a girl from a developing nation that’s trying to turn the ultimate trick or someone that party’s a little too hard to go home that night.

I have discovered a few things. 1.) Fucking all night can be torture and 2.) breakfast with a provider can be a lot of fun. It’s the most important meal of the day.

This could work. She comes over and you have SOG#1. You go out for drinks and dinner and return to have SOG#2. You watch a movie and have her give you a massage (or maybe you massage her). You get up in the morning and both shower and brush your teeth and have SOG#3 and then go out for breakfast.

But how do you spend all that money with a complete stranger? You are going to blow someone’s annual hobby budget for an overnight date and get maybe 3 SOGs? Maybe you pick a girl that you’ve already had a good one hour date with or at least met at a GT or something like this??? I love to see new girls rather then repeat but my fear is you pick the wrong girl and spend a fortune only to have a bad time.

my idea of a overnight date is to pay 60 Euros for an FKK entrance and spend all day and leave at 4am and see as many girls for as long as I want for far, far less money.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
I am doing overnights semi-regularly now with one girl. Once or twice a month. She's not an escort. $250-300 US. But dinner often runs another $100.

We do a similar routine-- round#1, then out to a restaurant for dinner, then watch a telenovela then a movie, then #2 then sleep. I usually head out in the morning, no breakfast together.

One thing different we discussed is going for a run together. Hoping to make that happen.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
As others have noted, the OP was not asking if it was a good idea. He has decided to do it and is looking for tips.

My thought is that the more you and the girl know each other the better. I think there is a big difference between doing a 12 hr overnight with a girl you have seen once for one hour versus a girl you have seen 6 or 7 times for multiple hours each time. Multiple contacts help develop familiarity which not only helps the sex but also helps the conversation between sex.

As for you specific questions about alcohol and breakfast, I would urge you to simply ask her. If you are paying a girl for a 12 hr booking, she wants it to go well just as much as you do. Also, 99% of providers out there prefer clients to ask questions before a booking rather than have misunderstanding during the booking. There is nothing wrong with saying "I have never done an overnight booking before - can I ask some questions? Like what do we do about about breakfast?" The more you ask her, the more you are going to understand her boundaries as well as the things she doesnt care about. You will also be able to talk through your own expectations. Maybe you wouldn't do this for a 1 hour booking, but when you are spending the money on 12 hours, you are certainly entitled to get clarity. I doubt any girl would mind the conversation.

I think it is also useful to talk about the number of rounds you expect to have. I know the idea is that for 12 hours, you can go as many times as you can muster, but what does that realistically look like. Are you young dumb and full of cum who can go 6 times and expect to be pounding all night? Fine, but does she know that? Do you know that your last round of the night is going to be a struggle to the finish, but your expectation is that she does whatever it takes? Fine, but does she know that? More specifically, are you paying her a flat rate for 12 hours not matter how much or how little you have sex? or is she spending 12 hours with you and you pay for the number of rounds that actually take place? Be clear. I think if she has a rough idea of what to expect, you are both more likely to be prepared and happy with the outcome.

Finally, you should give some honest thought to the logistics of sleep. When do you normally get sleepy? Do you snore? Are you sure? What size bed do you have? Do you toss and turn? What if she tosses and turns? Do you have a spare bedroom in case one of you cant sleep? If you want to have a nice breakfast and final roll in the hay before she departs, then you need to make sure that she (and you) can get a decent sleep. I understand that you want to wake up next to her, but i think it will be useful to have a plan B.
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