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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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London Newspaper Has Video of F1 President Having Nazi Sex Orgy

Everyone was on Spitzer's case for paying $4300, but F1 President Max Mosley paid $5000 for a sadomasochistic, Nazi themed sex orgy in which SPs "caned" his back as he played the role of concentration camp prisoner:

I posted this just to let all you F1 fans know where the profits are going.:eek:


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

EagerBeaver said:
Everyone was on Spitzer's case for paying $4300, but F1 President Max Mosley paid $5000 for a sadomasochistic, Nazi themed sex orgy in which SPs "caned" his back as he played the role of concentration camp prisoner:

I posted this just to let all you F1 fans know where the profits are going.:eek:


With the profits F1 makes you would think Max Mosly would have better taste and more creative ideas.


New Member
NEXUS pass

leneo said:
Hi, if I was you i will look for motel closer, the ride from plattsburgh to montreal is around 45 minutes and you will have to meet evreytime the duty cop that about a other 20 minutes if evreything goes well if they don't search you !!!

I havs a NEXUS pass and when I cross at the Niagara Falls crossing I barely come to a stop and they are waving me through. Plus hardly anyone seems to have one. During the peak in the tourist season there is rarely anyone else in the NEXUS pass line. Even when the regular lines are all open and 10 deep!!! I love it!!!


Dec 27, 2003
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Go for the turns

Watched the race from sections 1 & 15. Actually liked the excitement of the turns from section 15. Lots of sections you can see the speed, but to me it is the turns and corner handling that is exciting. (Also - make sure to spend some time visiting the booths in the mddle of the track - before the race begins.)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
EagerBeaver said:
F1 President Max Mosley paid $5000 for a sadomasochistic, Nazi themed sex orgy in which SPs "caned" his back as he played the role of concentration camp prisoner

I wonder what he makes the sps do if he's in Mtl for the F1 race every year? :rolleyes:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Mosley rejects calls to resign amid scandal

Mosley rejects calls to resign amid scandal

Max Mosley said Tuesday he will remain president of auto racing's world governing body despite calls for him to resign because of his role in a sex scandal.

He wrote to officials at his organization, acknowledging his embarrassment and asking for their support. A copy of the letter was obtained by The Associated Press.

Mosley, 67, said he will take legal action against the News of the World, which accused him of engaging in sexual acts with five prostitutes in a scenario that involved Nazi role-playing. Although he didn't deny his participation, Mosley said there was no "Nazi connotation to the matter," as was reported Sunday by the British tabloid.

"I have received a very large number of messages of sympathy and support ... suggesting that my private life is not relevant to my work and that I should continue in my role," Mosley wrote. "I am grateful and with your support I intend to follow this advice."

He termed the report a "wholly unwarranted invasion of my privacy and I intend to issue legal proceedings against the newspaper in the UK and other jurisdictions."

The letter was addressed to the presidents of FIA clubs, members of the FIA senate, the World Motor Sport Council and the World Council for Mobility and the Automobile.

"Regrettably you are now familiar with the results of this covert investigation and I am very sorry if this has embarrassed you or the club," Mosley wrote. "Not content with publicizing highly personal and private activities, which are, to say the least, embarrassing, a British tabloid newspaper published the story with the claim that there was some sort of Nazi connotation to the matter.

"This is entirely false."

Mosley is the son of British Union of Fascists party founder Oswald Mosley, a former British politician who served in Parliament for both the Labour and Conservative parties. Oswald Mosley died in 1980.

"The News of the World stands by its story," newspaper spokeswoman Hayley Barlow said.

Two former Formula One champions have questioned whether Mosley should stay on as president.

"I just think he has to look very carefully at it (his role) and address his future," said Jackie Stewart, a three-time F1 champion from Scotland.

Jody Scheckter of South Africa, the 1979 F1 champion, urged Mosley to step down before the president's fourth term ends in October 2009.

"There is absolutely no question in my mind that Mosley should resign," Scheckter told The Guardian newspaper. "From a purely motor racing point of view you can't have somebody like this running the sport or any other sport come to that."

Mosley was scheduled to attend Sunday's Bahrain Grand Prix and join the Bahraini Royal Family for a formal dinner. Those plans are now in doubt.

"Mr. Mosley was originally scheduled to arrive in Bahrain but FIA is not aware of his travel plans (now)," FIA said in a statement. "Mr. Mosley has been busy holding discussions with lawyers and has not communicated his latest plans to us."

A video posted Sunday on the News of the World's website showed a man identified as Mosley arriving at an apartment and then taking part in sex acts with women, one in a prisoner's uniform, while also speaking German. The video can no longer be found on the paper's Web site.

"He shouldn't go (to the Bahrain GP), should he?" F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone told The Times of London. "The problem is he would take all the ink away from the race and put it on something which, honestly and truly, is nobody else's business anyway."


New Member

smuler said:
The metro station is located across the street from the Sandman have to pay to park there...hope there are spots open when you arrive

Best Regards


Thanks. I meant to ask earlier about the Sandman reference in an earlier post. I have a friend they call the Sandman!!! Thanks, I will contact then today. Is there parking available at the train metro station. I hope to be there between 7-9am each morning.
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
If I am correst, they share the same lot...

Perhaps a local can help ??

Best Regards



Sep 19, 2003
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Hey you got to love the kinky old bastard!!I just do not understand what his private life has to do with his job,how many of the people that want to see him gone have secrests they are hiding!!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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BMW, Mercedez Benz Call Mosley's Conduct "Disgraceful"

In a somewhat ironic twist, BMW and Mercedes Benz have issued a joint statement calling Mosley's video "disgraceful." Mosely has now responded with a sarcastic shot at both BMW and MB:

"Given the history of BMW and Mercedes-Benz, particularly before and during the Second World War, I fully understand why they would wish to strongly distance themselves from what they rightly describe as the disgraceful content of these publications." The backhanded comment refers to the well-publicized fact that the Nazi regime had supplied the automakers with slave labor.

See related article:,8599,1728032,00.html?cnn=yes

It appears that Mosley's defense is that he spoke German in the video because he used German SPs, therefore implying the theme of the orgy was appropriate for the occasion. I am not sure that this comment will endear Mosley to the German F1 fans, of which I understand there are many. Also, from what I understand, there are virtually no German SPs working in London who do not speak workable if not fluent English.

ESPN is reporting that Mosley is denying the nazi connotations and contending he did nothing wrong:

Mosley has sued the London tabloid which reported the tape, The News Of The World, which in turn claims that it will vigorously defend Mosley's claims until trial. Mosley has also stated he wants a trial. Hopefully at trial there will be a live re-enactment of the video.:eek:

I am very interested to hear Captain Renault weigh in on this controversy as he is the closest thing we have to an expert commentator on F1.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Thanks for that interesting background info. The public rebukes by BMW, Mercedes Benz, Honda and Toyota certainly do not help Mosley, nor do the frivolous rule changes he made which apparently led to a palpable loss in TV ratings. Another thing that does not help him, at least in the Court of public opinion if not a Court of law, is the fact that he was deloused on the videotape. He says that his orgy was not intended to be Nazi themed, but for the life of me I cannot understand why this elitist Brit, who lives in tremendous luxury in Chelsea and presumably has impeccable grooming and hygiene, would need to be deloused as part of a sadomasochistic orgy fantasy. It seems to me that nobody is going to buy his denials of a Nazi themed fantasy, unless he gives credible explanation for the delousing. I assume that his housekeepers have not gotten so shoddy with cleaning his beddings that the delousing was actually necessary.

However, in a Court of law he may actually have a good case for invasion of privacy against The News of the World. I have not heard how they came into possession of the videotape, but it could make for an interesting trial. You would think after the Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Colin Ferrell sex tape fiascoes that celebrities would start getting the message that it is a very bad idea to tape their sexual activities.

I think the case is interesting because it has possible ramifications legally and politically that go beyond Mosley and his career. I personally think what Mosley does in private is and should be his own business, but now that he has admitted the authenticity of the tape but publicly denied that the orgy is or was intended to be nazi themed, the credibility of his statements are entitled to be scrutinized by the press.

Also, I will be interested to hear the testimony of those German SPs that whipped his butt. If they don't support Mosley's version of the orgy, he will end up with major egg on his face.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Court of Law


You raise interesting points but the standards for proving criminal or civil liability in European courts is quite different then in the USA or Canada for that matter.

Questions of jurisdiction also have to be resolved.

Much of this speculation may be premature.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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eastender said:
Questions of jurisdiction also have to be resolved.


Mosley has already filed a lawsuit, I believe in London. This article suggest lawsuits in other jurisdictions may follow:

He is in fact proceeding on an invasion of privacy theory. And it is a valid cause of action in most jurisdictions.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

EagerBeaver said:

Mosley has already filed a lawsuit, I believe in London. This article suggest lawsuits in other jurisdictions may follow:

He is in fact proceeding on an invasion of privacy theory. And it is a valid cause of action in most jurisdictions.



Questions remain about the origins of the video and where exactly did the taping take place.

Was consent given for the taping? Was the "event" held in a "public" place?
Have not seen a clear answer to these questions in the various media reports.
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