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GEISHA's owner/Agencies attitude problem!!!!!


Dec 21, 2008
Voyager said:
I know that most think that Merlot was clever enough with what he said, but everyone knows what he meant. Since when does the accuser determine whether the accused is offended? Would you walk away if you were accused?


for me i cannot make any other interpretation of the statement: "But to kevin to include everyone, and that include you too" than a way of saying that since you are a member you're part of the targeted group, as well as any and every other member, and by no means a way to single you out. " unless you recieved some direct absolution from him" is just to enforce his point that this would be the only way where you wouldn't be included in the generalisation. and i can't see it as an accusation.

i'm not trying to defend or justify anyone here, i just think there's a lot of misinterpretation going around...

edit: ooops, i see i posted a very similar statement as RG at about the same time... i guess that enforce the point...
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Apr 16, 2005
benxxx said:
for me i cannot make any other interpretation of the statement: "But to kevin to include everyone, and that include you too" than a way of saying that since you are a member you're part of the targeted group, as well as any and every other member, and by no means a way to single you out. " unless you recieved some direct absolution from him" is just to enforce his point that this would be the only way where you wouldn't be included in the generalisation. and i can't see it as an accusation.

i'm not trying to defend or justify anyone here, i just think there's a lot of misinterpretation going around...
Exactly! See? benxxx gets it!
Apr 16, 2005
thebitchelor said:
i dont know what kevin said exactly..but im wondering what kind of business man would talk against MERB in itself and all the MERB members...:rolleyes:

Loll he even copy/past his advertising (including Mod 8`s warn)
I am just guessing here but I think that the following is what happened:
It all began with instituting the policy of allowing his girls to set their own rates. One of his girls set hers at $500/hr.
That engendered a storm of comments from merb members as to the wisdom of her choice and being the owner Kevin took the lion`s share of the flack. In a face saving gesture Kevin took the high ground that he was supporting an entirely new policy among providers which involved improved service as well as a whole raft of intangibles including integrity etc. That whole schpiel he made on merb (and I tried to find that thread again but no luck) also involved denigrating the efforts of some of the most reputable agencies here on merb. He got a few comments back including one from me suggesting that, that might not be a wise or even justified course of action. But having started this all, pride or whatever entailed him saving face by not only perpetuating this line but expanding upon it as we have seen. The sad part is that it was so unnecessary because he really was making an effort to raise the standards of his agency and give the others a run for their money. Sometimes we just dig the hole too deep.
Apr 16, 2005
Whew! That was close!

benxxx said:
what are you implying by it:mad: do you mean i'm slow... just kidding:D

Thank God I remembered to leave out the "even" before benxxx!:)


Oct 23, 2005
thebitchelor said:
i dont know what kevin said exactly..but im wondering what kind of business man would talk against MERB in itself and all the MERB members...:rolleyes:

Loll he even copy/past his advertising (including Mod 8`s warn)


This is what he says on his daily "MERB ADVERTISING" which is now banned by the mods..

He`s basically bashing merb members and agencies and is also quoted saying "What`s the point of advertising on merb if it`s CORRUPTED TO THE BONE" but yet KEVIN continues to do his daily advertising here on the merbsite..kinda hipocrytical if you ask me...

And... If an AGENCY takes advantage of their private website to offer you FREE HOURS either on the form of a phony contest or directly for publishing (I`d say more CREATING, INVENTING) wonderful reviews here on merb on their girls or trashing other agencies and girls, communicate with us on private and tell us about the whole thing. Now it`s the time we assemble all the info. It`s a racket, and the only winner at the end is not the girl, neither you. There is a limit one cannot cross when trying to fuck with the system... Ever wondered why some really good agencies never get any reviews here? Or ever wondered why some agencies ALWAYS GET REVIEWS even with girls that were absolute nullity elsewhere before?

What`s the point of advertising on merb if it`s CORRUPTED TO THE BONE by some sneaky and money hungry nobodies who have to hide behind close doors to do there shitty and dishonnest business based on false representation? What`s the point if being an old member having a lot of post here means you can be bought and then abuse the credibility of naïve new members? Think about it... You are hungry for sex and don`t have big money reservoirs, you have a lot of posts here on merb, you become a CORRUPTED merb member... You don`t have to pay anymore for the girls that come to your place, you just write reviews to generate business to chummy... Scratch my back, I`ll scratch yours...

Who wants to support dishonnest people? If they were to succeed in their project of grabing all the market, which will not happen ( ) They would then be dishonnest with you, don`t you think so? A MF remains a MF wherever and whenever he breathes.
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Apr 16, 2005
Apr 16, 2005
thebitchelor said:
ok..there is some stuff i didnt understand there...but ill shut up and read..i dont feel like read in big letter i should read the the thread (not that i didnt..but i am just confused about some contradictions:rolleyes: ..(but RG, you looked like you were confused too in this link)., actually it isnt my english who is that bad then:))
Actually it wasn't that I was confused (No, scratch that. I was confused). Kevin's line of reasoning was all over the place and I felt a number of statements needed to be challenged for clarification. The arguments were so "political" that I had trouble making sense out of a lot of it.
Apr 16, 2005
My Take on it!

Just a final comment here. I'll repeat what I mentioned to another member by pm that I believe is the way this all played out:

"I understand that you have taken offense to what Kevin has said and so you should. In truth I think this whole thing just escalated to the point where Kevin got so much flack here and by e-mail that he felt he was under siege. He lost control of the ridiculous line of reason he was trying to push on all of us and just kept lashing out until finally he included everyone in merb in his rants. Amazing what stupid pride will do. As I said, sometimes people just dig the hole too deep. I think he may have done irreparable damage to his relationship with the merb membership. That's my take on it anyway."

Now some of you may have your own theories as to how this whole stream of invective against the membership of merb started. This is mine.


Dec 21, 2008
Dee said:
Stay tuned for a genial, intelligent deconstruction of:

" It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is.

as the english would say, i think you're taking the piss... i found it funny all the same:D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
he hasnt done any irreparable damage to THIS merb member, i repeat as i said before, "have you seen his girls?!?!!!" :D ...... and the girls are the one's who your gonna hurt by not using his agencies, the most, and there completely innocent in all this........ its a shame too

Regular Guy said:
Just a final comment here. I'll repeat what I mentioned to another member by pm that I believe is the way this all played out:

"I understand that you have taken offense to what Kevin has said and so you should. In truth I think this whole thing just escalated to the point where Kevin got so much flack here and by e-mail that he felt he was under siege. He lost control of the ridiculous line of reason he was trying to push on all of us and just kept lashing out until finally he included everyone in merb in his rants. Amazing what stupid pride will do. As I said, sometimes people just dig the hole too deep. I think he may have done irreparable damage to his relationship with the merb membership. That's my take on it anyway."

Now some of you may have your own theories as to how this whole stream of invective against the membership of merb started. This is mine.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Voyager said:

I'm not sure how you can say "we saw was in error" since Merlot hasn't explained/refined/re-interpreted or retracted his original statement, or provided proof to back it up, at least in public! (there are PMs from him, but I'd get banned if I made them public)

I know that most think that Merlot was clever enough with what he said, but everyone knows what he meant. Since when does the accuser determine whether the accused is offended? Would you walk away if you were accused?



There are two ways to find out more about anyone's intended meaning if anyone had a question. One was to ask for clarification, the other was to demand. It's your choice of course, but you chose to take the high-handed, arrogant, and hostile route like a bully. Now in the quote above you fail to acknowledge the offer of conciliation, and instead let the readers believe otherwise. The simple fact is there was no offense to you in the original post as others, including Mod 8, assessed. Your manner of posting on this has shown that your own intentions regarding my meaning are purposely hostile by being demanding, and purposely deceptive by failing to acknowledge the conciliatory overtures to you in the second PM. The first only asked why you could think what you did.

No apology was ever owed, and was never going to be given. Since you have been arrogant and deceptive in your posts you won't get any further clarification either, especially since I, and others who have posted so far, don't see how you could have read it the way you did. You had your chance to be more conciliatory also. Now...YOU...are on your own pal.

As for "Misunderstood", it's very regrettable he/she has been banned, especially for so long. But I am not so sure the comment was meant for Voyager.

lgna69xxx said:
he hasnt done any irreparable damage to THIS merb member, i repeat as i said before, "have you seen his girls?!?!!!" :D ...... and the girls are the one's who your gonna hurt by not using his agencies, the most, and there completely innocent in all this........ its a shame too

Hello Igna,

As I said, I knew almost nothing about Geisha or Kevin and had not formed any opinion about the agency or him. But if the owner of an agency can't stay in control enough to protect his top priority, the reputation of his agency, then how can we think positively of him or the agency.

I don't think the damage is irreparable either, and I hope it isn't. But anyone who saw that post has every right to resent it for at least a while. Good luck to Geisha.


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Jul 19, 2008
Kevin and Geisha ... On oublie ca

Merlot said:
Hello Igna,

As I said, I knew almost nothing about Geisha or Kevin and had not formed any opinion about the agency or him. But if the owner of an agency can't stay in control enough to protect his top priority, the reputation of his agency, then how can we think positively of him or the agency.

I don't think the damage is irreparable either, and I hope it isn't. But anyone who saw that post has every right to resent it for at least a while. Good luck to Geisha.


I concure with you Merlot. In short Kevin just burried himself. Good reply. Good job.


EDIT: This post has been edited. Let's keep the flames out of this thread and stay on topic or this thread will be closed.

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Mar 20, 2008
Good read Merlot, (BTW, I just cleaned off a bottle of Merlot an hour ago...great gr

Merlot said:
Hello Igna, As I said, I knew almost nothing about Geisha or Kevin and had not formed any opinion about the agency or him. But if the owner of an agency can't stay in control enough to protect his top priority, the reputation of his agency, then how can we think positively of him or the agency.

Good read Merlot, (BTW, I just cleaned off a bottle of Merlot an hour ago...great favorite)

This agency has taken a terrible plunge since last summer.

It used to be a gold mine of new talent. I saw at least 15 of their girls last year....but never reported most of them...I did not want the secret to get out...but all of a sudden.....their recruiting stopped.

I don't know what happened. I supposed it moves in cycles.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
guys, seriously here, when it comes down to what really sells and what makes an agency successfull, is the SP's...... and from what iv'e seen, experienced, and read, the girls on Kevins sites are mostly highly rated, give a great service and are gorgeous, and thats the bottom line ....... and if a few bash and boycot his agencies, i dont think it will hurt business , as like i said, the girls are the "key" to the success of ANY agency.....

how many people read merb? alot right? but theres only a few who are "upset" about "words said" in his advertisement, whats that say to you? maybe the fact that as long as people see what they like on his site (the Girls) it really doesnt matter about a few words....... this isnt like going to a public restaurant, or a sporting event, or a government party were talking about here, its about what you decide to do behind closed doors..... geesh! is a few words, that the "GIRL" didnt say, gonna stop you from seeing the "GIRL" that catches your eyes?

i like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so maybe Kevin could have done it differently than he did, but we are ALL guilty of saying things we shouldnt have at times in our lives and anyone that claims to be perfect, is in denial...

I have pm'ed and called Geisha about certain girls a couple times and have always been met with kind and polite answers, so as far as customer service goes, its been very very good, and again, what it all comes down to is the girls......(and for the record, theres a certain agency whom iv'e pm'ed about a certain girl, (over 4 times) that never replies back, but does it mean i will boycott there agency? Nope)

i have read on here where other members were not happy with the way some agencies talked down to them or didnt handle certain situations in a professional way and guess what happened? NOTHING, there still in business and still surviving, and the reason why is simply, the "TALENT" aka, the Girls

if "ALL" the hottest SP's in Montreal decided to work for one agency, that you disliked, you wouldnt swallow your pride and call? even tho the service and ladies were reliable and the pricing was consistent with everywhere else in the city? ....... of course you would

What this all boils down to is the saying "you cant please everyone all the time" and thats soooooooooooo TRUE!

bensonnobalia said:
Good read Merlot, (BTW, I just cleaned off a bottle of Merlot an hour ago...great favorite)

This agency has taken a terrible plunge since last summer.

It used to be a gold mine of new talent. I saw at least 15 of their girls last year....but never reported most of them...I did not want the secret to get out...but all of a sudden.....their recruiting stopped.

I don't know what happened. I supposed it moves in cycles.

Apr 16, 2005
lgna69xxx said:
he hasnt done any irreparable damage to THIS merb member, i repeat as i said before, "have you seen his girls?!?!!!" :D ...... and the girls are the one's who your gonna hurt by not using his agencies, the most, and there completely innocent in all this........ its a shame too
Well it could be that you are not offended by the comments he made against the membership. That is your choice. But I believe I did make the point that his comments may have hurt his relationship with the members. I would not expect that the members would blame the girls for his comments. And to that end there are those who will continue to book the girls.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
so you wont book with them anymore even if theres someone your dying to spend some time with because of a few words ? maybe its me, i dont no for sure but then again i have a thick skin and dont let things bother me, especially when it comes to hobbying.....

Regular Guy said:
Well it could be that you are not offended by the comments he made against the membership. That is your choice. But I believe I did make the point that his comments may have hurt his relationship with the members. I would not expect that the members would blame the girls for his comments. And to that end there are those who will continue to book the girls.
Apr 16, 2005
To each his own!

lgna69xxx said:
so you wont book with them anymore even if theres someone your dying to spend some time with because of a few words ? maybe its me, i dont no for sure but then again i have a thick skin and dont let things bother me, especially when it comes to hobbying.....

Well as for myself part of how I judge the reliability of an agency is how the owner conducts him or herself. There is more to dealing with an agency than just looking at a pretty face or hot body, booking, and it's a done deal. Encounters don't always go as planned - the girl is late, has a bad attitude, leaves early, reeks etc. People are often judged by what comes out of their mouths. Now is it a good sign when an agency owner doesn't seem to give a rats ass about customer relations? I don't know. Is it just harmless ranting or will it soon translate into action reflected by this attitude. I guess time will tell. The message I am getting is that the customer is always wrong because he is a dishonest sleaze. But like you said at the beginning of this thread, it's an individual decision as to how to take Kevin's approach. You are more than welcome to yours. Don't begrudge the rest of us ours. I am not saying that I will write him off entirely but his approach lately doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
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