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Girl gets raped in Dubai, calls Police and gets sent to jail!...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
For centuries women in many arabic/islamic countries have been treated as third-rate citizens. In many of these countries, they are looked upon as no better than certain animals they hold sacred. For many of these people, they've grown accustomed to those traditions & firmly believe they are in the right. Who are we, in western culture, to tell these people that they are barbarians & that their 'way' is wrong??

Just because many of us do not share the same beliefs as these people does not give us the right to judge them.


I agree with the idea that one culture should not judge another...until it becomes a matter of universality all cultures agree are wrong like...stealing, murder, rape, torture, slavery, child abuse, etc. You use the example that women have been treated as no better than animals for centuries and people are accustomed to that, so it's right from their point of view.

Based on your principle of long tradition and accepted cultural practice you would say mass child sacrifice by the Carthaginians and pagan cultures, the capture and sacrifice of anyone by the Aztecs, the burning of unbelievers by Romans, Christians, Celts, the mass extermination of peoples by many conquerors, 5000 years of enslavement, imprisonment and execution without trial, the burning of women as witches, the genocides against First Natives, the slaughter of infidels to go to heaven, the theft from, expulsion and murder of the Jews, and so much more evil was all good because it was tradition and accepted cultural practice people got used to for thousands of years.

Let's be less extreme. For hundreds of years royalty tied people to their land without pay, education, rights, and were traded like cheap trinkets for bargaining.

In Islam some still claim the right to marry children as young as 7 or 8 years old because the Prophet Mohammed proposed to 6 or 7 year old Aisha and married her at 9 creating a tradition and accepted cultural practice 1400 years ago.

You say because of tradition all of the above are right because of tradition and outsiders should not criticize it. Well I don't see how that's acceptable to anyone. There are many things that are wrong/evil and tradition is no justification. IMHO certain things are barbaric and the one indisputable wrong anywhere is the control and/or abuse of any other person. Just because mankind was in a state of barbarism so long, and still is in some parts, abuse of anyone cannot be justified.

I hope your post was just joking.




New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Apparently she has been given a "Pardon" and allowed to leave the Emirates. The laws there are based on Sharia law. Her attacker was jailed. I guess its a case of when in Rome do as the Romans. We expect people who come here to abide by our law. So if we go to Foreign Countries we have to abide by their laws. Having been in the Emirates to work it has its good and not so good areas. The same as any big metropolis. Certain places you can go to and drink certain places are dry Certain places have "nightclubs" and certain do not. Certain streets are perfectly safe and certain streets are not. As there is a large imigrant population from Asia and East Africa carrying out construction work on a rotating basis in certain parts its unsafe to go.


New Member
May 30, 2013
Her rapist WAS jailed but they set him free when they decided to not pursue charges against her. Its her work colleague.


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
So canadians believe that to avoid problems specific to some country of the world, they just don't have to visit those countries.
Amercicans believe that to avoid problems specific to some country of the world, before they spread abroad, they should intervene and act. Especially after 9-11.
Mind you I am not here to defend american imperialism in the world, but canadian chicken attitude does not impress me either.
We should watch those moslem extremists very closely, no matter where they are before we feel sorry. They have no mercy, so let's not be naive and put aside values they don't respect when we deal with them.
By the way, this is by no way a justification to Guantanamo Bay jail abuses. Just a warning that evil does exist in this world, I saw it as a kid and I have seen it spreading all over through all my life.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
So canadians believe that to avoid problems specific to some country of the world, they just don't have to visit those countries.
Amercicans believe that to avoid problems specific to some country of the world, before they spread abroad, they should intervene and act. Especially after 9-11.
Mind you I am not here to defend american imperialism in the world, but canadian chicken attitude does not impress me either.
We should watch those moslem extremists very closely, no matter where they are before we feel sorry. They have no mercy, so let's not be naive and put aside values they don't respect when we deal with them.
By the way, this is by no way a justification to Guantanamo Bay jail abuses. Just a warning that evil does exist in this world, I saw it as a kid and I have seen it spreading all over through all my life.

Let's not forget the Romans had exactly the same attitudes. They viewed the peoples that they conquered as Barbarians with inferior cultures who needed to have Roman culture thrust upon them. Actually, western civilization as a whole probably benefited, improved and evolved due to Roman imperialism. I think your post is a defense of imperialism and I do not necessarily disagree with it.

What it comes down to is 3 options: (1) ignore the Arabic cultures, (2) respect them, or (3) conquer them through imperialistic policies. If you reject (1) and (2) then logically you are required to embrace (3). There are no other options.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Yes, he got 13 months for 'extramarital sex and alcohol consumption' but now they are just letting them both go.

So what you're saying is that he was never accused, put on trial & convicted of rape.

So basically, everyone seems to be taking her word that he raped her. You all convicted this guy without a trial by believing one party's story. Typical lynching-mob mentality. Nice.


Nov 21, 2010
The days of powerful nations conquering smaller nations has come and gone. The great powerful USA has not been able to conquer Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan.
Obama launched cruise missles at the people of Libya and paid the price when the American ambassador and three others were murdered ,while the US state department watched on live video ,the destruction of the US embassy in Benghazi.

The US hasn't been able to control their border with Mexico and is faced with countless millions of illegals.

So the concept of any , so called "Superpower", forcing it's rules and will on the rest of the world is an illusion.

Bottom line: the days of the "ugly American " traveller laughing at the rest of the world is over. There is a price to be paid for once own arrogance.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
So what you're saying is that he was never accused, put on trial & convicted of rape.

So basically, everyone seems to be taking her word that he raped her. You all convicted this guy without a trial by believing one party's story. Typical lynching-mob mentality. Nice.

Taking into consideration the place she's in, if a Woman in an Islamic country has the guts to scream rape you can pretty much bet she's not making it up.
As for rape trials in Muslim lands...they all seem to go so well for the accuser, no?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
This story is terrible. I mean, that the law is like that over there. Of course if i ever visit a country i will never go to these damn arab place, i just can't stand them.. No wonder why the westerner are starting to develope racism toward that culture, when you hear all the shit they do in there own country and the more shit they try to bring here in north america... I justc can't help it. Maybe this sound crude but i consider there whole culture as a bucket of shit, plain and simple, and they need to be civilized... They don't even respect there own womens... so what can we expect from them?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Cloudy is correct. HM, wanna know something? The people over there think the same thing about our culture. That's one of the many reasons why they hate western civilization so much.


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Personally, I really don't mind being hated by barbarians, it actually makes me even more in harmony with my values and convictions.
Talking about the subject of this thread, '' The people over there think the same thing about our culture'' could be questionned two ways.
First by demonstrating that the western society is less tolerant than any other one. Second, to prove that ''The people over there'' do really get an oportunity to think by themselves or are in fact controlled by state (or Church, or and) organised propaganda.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Why, tell why guys? I mean should we just had respect Hitler because he tough the jews where inferior and deserved extermination? Seriously be real 2 seconds. I know sometimes im over talking on stuff and its mostly in "joking way" like when i talk of the boston bruins. But its just a hockey club, i don't like them yet im just talking as a fan of his team and well you know.

But here its not about a hockey team, its about a whole culture that act barbaric and that we just let happen because we are afraid of doing something. Yes there number is also extremely hug and if we would do something we would mostly end up with WW3(and i wouldn't be surprise if one day it comes to that) but PLEASE put your head out of the sand and stop defending those guys..

You think what they do to there women is correct? Normal? Civilised?

Serieux les gars ils coupent les clits des femmes dans certain de ces pays pour qu'elle n'est pas de plaisirs lors de l'acte... Ils empeche le sex hors marriage... et force les femmes a se marier a des hommes qu'elle n'aime pas, voir meme parfois alors que c'est encore des gamines...

Sorry but when i see posts like yours, i loose my english and got to revert back to my french in saying 'WAKE UP TABARNAK"

That you defend this culture is just plainly UN F'N BELIEVABLE ...

They may think the same of ours, but lets face fact for 2 seconds, we are FREE, our culture is based on freedom or everything, as long as its not morally incorect(like pedophilia for exemple) but if we want to fuck 3 different women a day, as long as they are willing, we can... Thats the beauty of the western culture.

Them? They still live by some religious code, like our ancestors did 200 years ago...(talk about being retarded in evolution) that consider the womens like baby manufacture and just there to serve the men. They even go as far as KILLING, YES MURDERING a person for a crime that is not even a crime in any normal culture, like having sex with a stranger, or cheating on your husband... Hey im all against cheating, i said it before, but it should be "punish" by asking for divorce and leaving your partner, not by throwing ROCKS UNTIL DEATH HAPPEN... Yes it may not be as bad as that in Dubai, but it is in some arabian country...

So im sorry guys but i just can't believe your trying to make me pass for the vilain here... If the allied didn't step up in WW2, and just said "oh its there country, they can do whatever they want" imagine what it would had been... Not because its there culture, there tradition, that its good !!!
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New Member
May 30, 2013
... Not because its there culture, there tradition, that its good !!!

Seriously, cant wait till we get rid of all these damn low class francos in Quebec; all high and mighty about their culture... but when it comes to others.. they better run, right HM? :p


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Seriously, cant wait till we get rid of all these damn low class francos in Quebec; all high and mighty about their culture... but when it comes to others.. they better run, right HM? :p

Je pense qu'on ferait mieux de se débarrasser de toi avant toute chose... Ici on s'inquiète des extrêmes d'autres cultures dans le monde, mais en lisant de telles inepties insultantes et racistes, on se rend compte que le danger est aussi présent à l'intérieur...


New Member
May 30, 2013
Je pense qu'on ferait mieux de se débarrasser de toi avant toute chose... Ici on s'inquiète des extrêmes d'autres cultures dans le monde, mais en lisant de telles inepties insultantes et racistes, on se rend compte que le danger est aussi présent à l'intérieur...

Je voulais seulement repondre a touts les affaires que HM rencontre genre ' i consider there whole culture as a bucket of shit, plain and simple, '
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