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Girl gets raped in Dubai, calls Police and gets sent to jail!...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Seriously, cant wait till we get rid of all these damn low class francos in Quebec; all high and mighty about their culture... but when it comes to others.. they better run, right HM? :p

Getting rid of us, the low class francos? LOL sorry buddy, we where here first and we will stay as long as we want. And yes, native american where there first before us, and they also have the right to remain here as long as they want too. I don't hate english canadian, but i hate the mentality of some of them, like you, who think we are a lower class or whatever because we speak a different language. Even in american movies, they keep insulting the french again and again... of course when you watch the VF, it dosen't show, they make themitalian or another language, but i was very disapointed to see one of the movies i really love, RUSH HOUR 3, has some cheap jokes about french being lower. Like when Tucker's character say to one guy, your asian, don't lower yourself by speaking french.

And we just defend our heritage, our tradition of SPEAKING FRENCH(wich is not wrong, even if you may think so) and asking for stores in a FRENCH province where FRENCH is the ONLY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE to make BILINGUAL signs because the population speak... you know... FRENCH !!! is not what i call oppresive.

Now on topic, like i said, how can somebody can defend and just pull out the joker card of "its there tradition" on something as terrible and monstruous as what they do is just beyond me. Im not blaming the "i don't care attitude" of both quebecois, canadians or americans on this, as most people will think "im never gonna go there, i don't care what happen to them" but at least don't defend them.

And as GrosBaton put it, what they do in there country may not affect us until we purposely go there, but they ocasionally bomb us(or more especially the usa) and what can we do? Oh nothing because its just a terrorist cell as they put it... and not the governement of a country. When in fact those guys in charge, they may not bomb any country, but they allow stupid and barbaric laws like its just normal or common sense, more or less like respecting the driving code here... Difference is, when we do something wrong here, we get a ticket to pay of around 200$ at most in many case... There... oh they just cruelly kill the person.... Would you like to be kill because you decided to cross the street on a red light?

Je voulais seulement repondre a touts les affaires que HM rencontre genre ' i consider there whole culture as a bucket of shit, plain and simple,

Direct... Crude... but... TRUE... what can i say? Tell me one good thing linked specifically about the arabian culture.. just one !!! The charia or sharia or whatever is call is just an atrocious, barbaric and offensive code of conduct in every way possible...


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Getting rid of us, the low class francos? LOL sorry buddy, we where here first and we will stay as long as we want. And yes, native american where there first before us, and they also have the right to remain here as long as they want too
HM check this :
Especially this part

  • Around 2030, deaths are expected to start outnumbering births. From that point forward, immigration would be the only growth factor for the Canadian population.
Hum looks like... your neighbours soon might not be ... pure laine :amen:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
i don't really mind it dude... leur depaneur sont toujours pas cher avec plein de sorte de biere cool


Nov 21, 2010
More churches are being torn down in QC and being replaced with mosques. So you can expect some major changes in who will control QC in the future.

Dinosaurs became extinct when they were unable to adapt to the changing times.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Dinosaur where whiped by an asteroid that caused a glacial

And Church are being departed because WE, the quebecois, are kicking out the church from our way of life. I don't have exact numbers but i would say over 80% of the people under 50(franco-quebecois) don't give a rat ass about religion and church in quebec now. In my personal view of it... the catholic church has some really terrible shit too like not letting a little girl go trough abortion after being raped because she would be kick out of the church(excomunier... don't know how to say it in english) and stuff like that. All the case of pedophilia too... preacher teacher in he 1950s that would beat up kids...

No if i learn something in life... RELIGION IS BAD, no matter wich one, and only lead to extremist stuff and wars... We can be good person an do goods aroud us without religion. Hey you can even believe in GOD/Allah/Mohamad/Budha/Dieu or whatever you wan to call it without being in a specific religion...


Nov 21, 2010
I'm not talking so much about religion but about trends. FYI ,what you miss ,is the fact that the Catholic church was the major force in preserving the French language , culture , and the maintaining of the highest birth rate in the country.

Today QC has one of the lowest birth rates in the country but makes up for it with one of the highest corruption rates. QC is so dependant on french speaking immigrants and therefore is experiencing some of the same problems as France in regards to it's Muslim populations. Can you say "Arab Spring" anyone.

As far as you theory about dinosaurs it's just that " a theory".


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
You guys have hit on the problem with these Arab states: a lack of separation of the powers of Church (or Mosque) and State. In the western countries, the Catholic and Protestant Churches for the most part do not dictate our civil and criminal laws. Although some older state laws in New England do have their roots in religion, such as the so called blue laws requiring closure of liquor stores on Sunday, (which has been the law in Connecticut since it became a state and before), for the most part these laws are slowly getting abolished.

In the Arab countries, blue laws are the norm. Both in civil and criminal cases. And this is due to the lack of separation of Mosque and State and religious leaders being vested with too much political power.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
You guys have hit on the problem with these Arab states: a lack of separation of the powers of Church (or Mosque) and State. In the western countries, the Catholic and Protestant Churches for the most part do not dictate our civil and criminal laws. Although some older state laws in New England do have their roots in religion,...

Hello Beav,

Very true...up to a point. There was a very strong Puritan clan in Massachusetts and some Blue Laws lasted until the late 1980s, I think, not sure if it might have been slightly later or earlier. The Puritans were a strong element politically in the beginning but at the earliest time the more secular state government kept a reign on them. They took a huge hit in influence when the witch trials of 1692 spread foolishly to eventually implicate the wife of the then governor and others at the state government level.

People in the U.S. should take a long look at what goes on in these theocratic countries and how they abuse individual rights as well as just trampling on a sense of human decency. It's not just about Islam either. Religious Conservative leaders in the U.S. won't say so, but it's clear that if they had their way strict Protestantism would be the basis of every aspect of law in the U.S., and many of their followers think that's the way it should be.



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Yes Catholic church may have help keep the french and the birth rate, but again as a population we DON'T want to consider our women like baby manufacture and i understand totally to not want to do so... Families have around 2 babies and after that, you will ask a lot of them and they will tell you its enough, they don't want anymore(unless they separate and make a new one) and when you see a women with 7 child, its mostly from 3 different fathers and it kinda give her a bad reputation even if its stupid. People now think a good old family of 2, 3 at most children is well enough... and i understand them.

Also as a society i think we can keep our french by ourself now, we don't need the church for that, and i see no problem of having black people, asian people or hispanic people live here as long as they are willing to become one with the great province... and that is by speaking our language and acting like civilised people, wich most of them actually do fairly well.(at home they can speak whatever they want, i meant in work and such)

Most problems with immigrant seem to come from arabian countries, because they have weird traditions and law(ou en francais des tradition vraiment malsaine) and they want to force them on us, they are not ready to abandon them. What asians do when they come here? They open convenient stores and get well in the community, there friendly and you never see them require anything(at least not where i live) With the arabians... they are the one pushing the "acomodement raisonable" and want us to bend to there traditions... Wich is my bigest problem with this community... Its not about skin color, i couldn't care less about that, its about traditions, religions, fanatism... that i don't like. And yes i think if you immigrate to a country, the least you can do is accept and apply THERE law and traditions...

Au quebec on dit Joyeux Noel, pis sa dois resté de meme... in other things...


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
I'm not talking so much about religion but about trends. FYI ,what you miss ,is the fact that the Catholic church was the major force in preserving the French language , culture , and the maintaining of the highest birth rate in the country.

Today QC has one of the lowest birth rates in the country but makes up for it with one of the highest corruption rates. QC is so dependant on french speaking immigrants and therefore is experiencing some of the same problems as France in regards to it's Muslim populations. Can you say "Arab Spring" anyone.

As far as you theory about dinosaurs it's just that " a theory".

Not only France, UK Sweden Germany Holland and Norway have horrendous problems.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Today QC has one of the lowest birth rates in the country

Not true: Québec fertility rate (1,69) is superior to Canada's (1,61), Ontario's (1,52), BC (1,42). Only in the Prairies and the North are they superior (2011)

QC is so dependant on french speaking immigrants and therefore is experiencing some of the same problems as France in regards to it's Muslim populations.

May I know what those problems are and how they affect you?


Oct 20, 2011
With Islamic extremists, we face a difficult challenge. Today, Islam is the only religion that boasts of a significant number of extremists. There is a strange tendency among the muslims to not question religious teachings. The idea of holding on to the basic tenets of your religion or god while accepting evolving community standards is foreign to many muslims. The evidence is the rising number of honour killings in Canada, mostly performed by Muslim immigrants.

I am sure you all remember this case too

This is where we have to be careful. We heavily rely on immigration. We also believe in respecting people's right to choose their religion. But there really does not seem to be any way to weed out these extremists from the average Muslim immigrant.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Sadly what you say is true... like i said before , all religions have bad side, and i condemn them all personally, but if Catholic want to "excomunier" somebody because of stupid reason, then so be it, and the pedophilia story mostly happened in the past. Its more or less than now we are well aware of it and would not tolerate this here anyway.

On the other hand, the islam/mulsisme or whatever its call, is acting more or less today like our ancestors acted 200 years ago, with the witch hunt and spanish inquisitions and all of these crap... its like they never evolved...

Honor Crime? WTF !!! An honor kill should be a dude killing somebody because his wife was raped and murdered, or his parents kill, or something like that. Killing somebody to avenge a love one is condemned by canadian justice, yet this could be said as honoring your family... by punishing there murderer.

On the other hand, killing your own daughters because they wanted to wear different cloathing and live like a normal person in canada... W-H-A-T DAAAAA FUUUUUUCK (yes extand it as long as you can)


Nov 21, 2010
Some of the folks here ,that live in the sticks ,should venture sometime to visit Outremont. It would be a real eyeopener, for them , to see the large Hasidic families . It is not uncommon for some to have anywhere from 8 to 15 offspring.

So for the bean counters in the group, the average birth rate encompasses the entire population, and not just the gang with the wool over their eyes.
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