Seriously, cant wait till we get rid of all these damn low class francos in Quebec; all high and mighty about their culture... but when it comes to others.. they better run, right HM?![]()
Getting rid of us, the low class francos? LOL sorry buddy, we where here first and we will stay as long as we want. And yes, native american where there first before us, and they also have the right to remain here as long as they want too. I don't hate english canadian, but i hate the mentality of some of them, like you, who think we are a lower class or whatever because we speak a different language. Even in american movies, they keep insulting the french again and again... of course when you watch the VF, it dosen't show, they make themitalian or another language, but i was very disapointed to see one of the movies i really love, RUSH HOUR 3, has some cheap jokes about french being lower. Like when Tucker's character say to one guy, your asian, don't lower yourself by speaking french.
And we just defend our heritage, our tradition of SPEAKING FRENCH(wich is not wrong, even if you may think so) and asking for stores in a FRENCH province where FRENCH is the ONLY OFFICIAL LANGUAGE to make BILINGUAL signs because the population speak... you know... FRENCH !!! is not what i call oppresive.
Now on topic, like i said, how can somebody can defend and just pull out the joker card of "its there tradition" on something as terrible and monstruous as what they do is just beyond me. Im not blaming the "i don't care attitude" of both quebecois, canadians or americans on this, as most people will think "im never gonna go there, i don't care what happen to them" but at least don't defend them.
And as GrosBaton put it, what they do in there country may not affect us until we purposely go there, but they ocasionally bomb us(or more especially the usa) and what can we do? Oh nothing because its just a terrorist cell as they put it... and not the governement of a country. When in fact those guys in charge, they may not bomb any country, but they allow stupid and barbaric laws like its just normal or common sense, more or less like respecting the driving code here... Difference is, when we do something wrong here, we get a ticket to pay of around 200$ at most in many case... There... oh they just cruelly kill the person.... Would you like to be kill because you decided to cross the street on a red light?
Je voulais seulement repondre a touts les affaires que HM rencontre genre ' i consider there whole culture as a bucket of shit, plain and simple,
Direct... Crude... but... TRUE... what can i say? Tell me one good thing linked specifically about the arabian culture.. just one !!! The charia or sharia or whatever is call is just an atrocious, barbaric and offensive code of conduct in every way possible...