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Going Down on Women


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
First, watch this (from Stargate SG-1):

I thought I had posted this as a new topic, but it didn't show up. Most guys will go down on the ladies that they are with at some point. I'm going to share one negative experience that I had... I went down on a lady whose sexual organs were the size of a quarter (a loonie?), with no labia to speak of, and she had a clitoris that was nothing more than a dot sitting on top of it all. I did my best, but she told me to stop! This is actually the only time a woman has told me to stop giving her oral sex. I said to her, "Just tell me how you want it and I'll do it that way." Still, she just wanted me to knock it off. It's made me wonder how I would have done it differently. I would have taken it more slowly and sensually, I think, so I'll be prepared in case I run into a vagina that small again. I love those meaty vaginas because there's so much more material to work with. Timing can be an issue if you're with an SP for an hour and you'd like to cum twice in that time. You don't WANT to rush, but sometimes you have to. Is introducing fingers okay, or is that cheating? So, this becomes a generic question: Guys, what's your technique? And ladies, how do you like it?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
From your description it sounds like a man made or reconstructed vagina...are you sure you were with a woman?


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
This girl is actually still active with probably the major agency in NYC. I'm not going to say who she is. Are you sure that you're not doing a disservice to women with small vaginas? My major concern when I was with her was that she seemed a lot younger than her stated age (25). I took her to be about 19 or 20. Her agency, a few months later, actually lowered her listed age to 22, so a bunch of other guys must have made the same observation as I did. Young girl, from Poland, thick accent, and, yes, a woman. Sorry, folks, some women just have small vaginas.
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