I have suggestion for the rules:
Be on time.
- Not too soon (a lady needs time to prepare for her man's arrival... and we don't like to be rushed!)
- Not too late (a lady gets pissed off when her man is late!... and usually he just gets a shorter session)
What does an acceptable delay looks like? Well, no more than 2min early and no more than 5min late.
"Unacceptable!", you say? Well, these days, all the cellphones have a clock that's adjusted with servers on the net. We almost all have the same time give or take 1-2min. So it's totally acceptable. How do we know it's acceptable? Most of our clients respect it without us mentioning it!
Then, why are we mentioning it? Because it's a good thing to know.
Just wait a minute or two in the lobby to make it just perfect for you companion and she will appreciate it.
Mind you, this is what we prefer, so you be the judge.

It's like every other golden rule, you strive for perfection, it doesn't mean you obtain it.